bunkhumbug says
16 years ago
we were at the in-laws 15 mins yesterday and the dog bit aidan on the lip. 3 hours we spent in the er but no stitches, thankfully. never a
latest #9
bunkhumbug says
16 years ago
dull moment there. i will be writing a letter to the er though because that wait was bukkshit
bunkhumbug says
16 years ago
Bullshit even
16 years ago
HOLY SHIT!! What're the in-laws gonna do about that stupid dog?
bunkhumbug says
16 years ago
he's never bit anyone before and he's normally very good, we aren't sure what happened
16 years ago
I'm so glad that aidan's okay! and that is really confusing about the dog. Did he get cornered by aidan or was he being too rough with him?
16 years ago
I hope it was just a fluke kind of thing. (goodluck)
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