quotesnack shares
16 years ago
"I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you...
latest #18
quotesnack says
16 years ago
cannot, I will seek to deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions." Ralph Waldo Emerson images7.cafepress.com/no...
quotesnack says
16 years ago
Here's the group
quotesnack says
16 years ago
My personal take on this relates it to many areas - self respect while dealing with or being a teenager, civil rights for gay/lesbian, etc.
quotesnack says
16 years ago
MissRiss - I did, too!
quotesnack says
16 years ago
one of the best parts of this has been seeing that the ones that feel the most intimately "me" are also those that others relate to...
quotesnack says
16 years ago
...it's been an honor. Love passing around literacy in general, toooo!
halophoenix says
16 years ago
that quote is so absolutely perfect for more occassions and situations than I can count its not even funny. Thank you for this one!
quotesnack thinks
16 years ago
that without what your heart feels in their presence we are all in trouble :-)
quotesnack says
16 years ago
missriss, you made my day :-) (dance)
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