13 years ago
I've extended my family legally today! Appreciate all whom supported us both. =D
latest #11
Will says
13 years ago
Will says
13 years ago
congrats to you and MY
ShinyiScribbles says
13 years ago
(woot) i thought my eyes tricked me...LynxLee is back @-@
Will says
13 years ago
(LOL) i think he just hops in to say hi
MC2/Y2B says
13 years ago
Congrats! Lynxlee is advertising on all channels?
ShinyiScribbles says
13 years ago
bcoz he's a jolly happy fella..
LynxLee says
13 years ago
Yeah, HTC has Plurk too. So broadcast. ;P Thanks, all! :-D
MC2/Y2B says
13 years ago
Eh! Got ur HTC edi! Wah! Can molest on Sat?
ShinyiScribbles says
13 years ago
aye Gaean...mind yr English ---since when u so choh lor wan .. "molest" ?!?!
MC2/Y2B says
13 years ago
OK! Can do exploratory investigation without any collaterial damage?
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