ShelbyRoasting says
13 years ago
ok I have a it just me or are the internets full of dead links?? I've been scanning clothing tutorials and I'd say half of them
latest #8
ShelbyRoasting says
13 years ago
link to old forums (that don't have usable links)..peoples sites that no longer link....and the SLEX which doesn't link either...
ShelbyRoasting says
13 years ago
a lot of these are on the sl clothing wiki....
ShelbyRoasting says
13 years ago
or the links are so old that the information is no longer current.. I'm only using sl as an example...
13 years ago
yes, the entire internet is obsolete.
13 years ago
Not just you. I have been looking for links on getting skin tone to look the same in SL as it does in PS.
13 years ago
If you stumble across one let me know!
ShelbyRoasting says
13 years ago
it would be like my inventory if it still showed everything I ever deleted...
ShelbyRoasting says
13 years ago
everytime I get a clothing making link which seems promising...its dead
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