16 years ago
New blog post: Sharing in Education- Is it Changing?
latest #8
sharon_elin says
16 years ago
My 1st yr as a teacher, the other science teacher told me he wouldn't share his plans or ideas b/c he worked so hard on them
sharon_elin says
16 years ago
Very territorial! I've always been the opposite -- sharing & spreading the wealth makes us all more effective. It's about the kids.
langwitches says
16 years ago
roswellsgirl It is not about the "name" it is about your thoughts and ideas in your writing And the connections we form
langwitches says
16 years ago
sharon_elin Territorial is a good word to describe the phenomena. Do you think that there is a chance it will change over time?
sharon_elin says
16 years ago
It's changing now, I believe. The digital generation is less territorial & more collaborative. Look at Creative Commons, for example.
sharon_elin says
16 years ago
Educators are forming more prof. learning communities for sharing; team teaching is more the norm than being "islands" in a school
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