13 years ago
stayed up very late last night eating junk food. Now he was clutching his stomach in pain, regretting it all.
latest #214
13 years ago
finds himself on the Greeks doorstep and loudly knocks on his door.
13 years ago
groans and crawls to the door. He tries to open it, but falls back when the door swings open. 'Y-es?' He winces, looking up at the Turk.
13 years ago
frowns when he doesn't see the Greek right away but glances down upon hearing Greece's familiar voice. "Wow, you look like shit."
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'Shut-uhh-up!' He moans. He uses the doorknob to pull himself up. 'I must've eaten something bad...My stomach's killing me.'
13 years ago
finds this oddly amusing but does feel a little bad. Stomach pain was never fun. "I see, well I was here to bring you some food but..." He
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peers around the Greek. "By the look of your house you've seemed to have eaten everything already." He steps into the house and gently graps
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Greece by the waist before slinging the Greek's arm around his shoulder and half carrying him to his room. "What the hell possessed you to
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eat such shit food?"
Greece gives
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half-hearted attempts to free himself, making pathetic complaints until a pain in his side makes him give up. 'It wasn't shit food when I
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started! It was good, and then I got ill...and then I was asleep...and then I woke up like this. S'not my fault!' He wriggles around
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, trying to get more comfortable on his shoulder. 'You're making it worse, you mean Turk!'
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ignores the last statement as he brings the Greek to his bed and deposits him on it...gently that is. He begins to undress Greece up until
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he was only in his boxers and pulls the blanket over him. "Where do you keep your medicine?"
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circles his bed like a cat would, and paws at the sheets before settling down. 'In the bathroom cabinet. I hope...' He rubs his face
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into the blanket, eyeing the Turk warily.
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goes off to investigate what's in the cabinet before coming back with a few bottles of medication. "Yeah, they were in that cabinet of
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yours." He says before kneeling down beside the bed and reading the labels. "So what do you feel?" He asks as he glances from the label to
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the Greek.
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's cheeks redden. He was being looked after, like he was when he was ill all of those years ago. He looks away from him, but pulls the
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blankets down to show his bare stomach. 'It really hurts here.' He rubs the area right under his ribcage, 'It's a sharp, throbbing pain.'
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glances at the stomach and then peers back at the bottle before finding an appropraite one. "Alright, so it says." He squints his eyes to
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read it better. "Two pills." He gets up and comes back with a glass of water and hands him both. "Every eight hours."
13 years ago
wraps an arm around his bare stomach as he sits himself up. He takes the glass of water along with the pills. Right before he takes them, he
Greece says
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sarcastically 'I hope you aren't trying to drug me, Turkey. I'd be very disappointed in you.' He chuckles briefly and then takes the
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pills. He pulls a face afterwards.
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chucles back. "I don't think I would have to drug you in the state that you're in now." He takes the glass and places it onhis night stand.
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isn't foolish enough to deny that. He gathers the blankets again and leans forward. 'I refuse to comment on how long til the
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pills kick in?'
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isn't quite sure but make an educated guess. "Probably in the next half an hour. " He presses the back of his palm to the Greeks
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forehead. No fever, that was good." You'll just have to suck it up till tnen."
13 years ago
puffs his chest out. 'I can suck it up forever. I'm a strong, independant nation and I can take any pa-ahh, shit...' He winces again
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as his stomach reminds him he's talking crap. 'Don't let the cats see me like this. They get worried enough already.'
Turkey gives
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him the strangest look, his cats? Deciding to humor him he goes and closes the bedroom door so they can't come in. "Cats are under control,
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no worry for them." He stifles his laughter before making his way back to the Greek's side. "Just take it easy. Being uptight like you
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usually are isn't going to help your situation at all."
13 years ago
strains to see if the door was shut, and then looks around to make sure no little kitties got in unnoticed. 'I'm not uptight! Well...not for
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no good reason.' He lies back against his pillows. 'They know something is wrong with my economy. I don't want to worry them more by letting
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them see me ill like this. They'll think I'm dying or something.' He cringes as another painful twinge hits him. 'Maybe I am,' he mutters
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowns. The thought of the Greek dying was an unpleasant one. "You're not dying." He Rolls His eyes. He stands up and shrugs His shoes and
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sweater as he motions the Greek to move over.
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pouts a little. 'I could be. It could be a food indigestion problem.' He knows he's going to be fine, but the thought still entertains
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him. He shuffles over and lies back, giving Turkey enough room to climb in. 'I bet you'd mourn the most.'
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laughs at Greece's last statement as he climbs in and pats infront of him beckoning the Greek towards him. "Are you sure about that. Maybe
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when you're dead I can take over your lands again." He teases.
Greece thinks
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about it, then laughs quietly with a playful grin fighting it's way onto his face. 'If I died, you'd have no interest in my lands. What you
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wanted would be gone.' He argues teasingly. He takes his time but he soon shuffles closer into the Turk.
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pulls Greece into his embrace and gently caresses the Greeks stomach. "I'd be glad those cats are gone. It's those ruins I'm after." He
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continues to joke.
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gazes down at his stomach and the Turk's hand. He seemed to have magic fingers, soothing the aching a great deal. He looks to him and puts
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on his best serious face. 'Nu-uh. If you want those ruins, you must take the cats. It's a rule. Otherwise, the ruins go to someone else.' He
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gasps in faux horror. "No! Can't you give the cats to someone else and I get the ruins regardless." He plays on, amused. "If you're dead you
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don't get a say anyway. What are you going to do? Haunt me?"
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shakes his head. 'I have better things to do in the afterlife than haunt you.' He smirks. 'Actually, I will involve Honda-san. He'll make
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sure you obey by will, otherwise he's free to take everything. You know he won't mind all the cats.' He winks, teasingly.
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ruffles his hair playfully. "You're such a brat. I'm sure I can convince Kiku to give your lands to me easily." He wiggles his brows
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jokingly. "In my fake sorrow Kiku will feel bad and give them to me as a remembrance of you not knowing my true intentions."
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raises an eyebrow. 'That's so evil of you, and unfortunately I think it possibly could work. Right.' He places a finger on Turkey's
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lips. 'You are not allowed to talk to him. I'll start building a wall around myself, and put my cats on guard since they seem to put
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you off.' He smirks.
13 years ago
's brow quirks up in amusment. "Is that so?" He says. "Well, in that case I should probably leave cause as an independent boy you should be
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able to take care of yourself right?" He pulls his arms away from Greece.
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grabs onto his elbow without thinking. 'No, have to stay to...strengthen inter relations.' He looks convincing. Just.
Turkey is
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highly amused. "Well, if it's to strengthen our inter relations than, you're right, I should stay." He agrees as he re-wraps his arms around
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the Greek. "Wouldn't want to upset the boss, right."
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settles back into him, happy that worked. He hoped he wouldn't have been left anyway, and something in the Turk's voice made him think he
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wouldn't have, which was comforting. 'Agreed. If the bosses thought we weren't playing nicely, I know I'd get an earful.' He takes Turkey's
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hand again and has him rub over his aching side.
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complies and continues to rub at Greece's side. "I've already gotten several earfuls from my boss." He laughs. "He'd find this strange."
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laughs too, thinking if his boss could see them now, he'd have a heart attack in shock. 'You got an earful because you were always mean
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to me,' he teases in a somewhat childish voice.
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nods. "But I'm sure you did as well....for a being a brat that is."
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flicks his nose. 'I was always a good boy. Never a brat.'He manages to hold back his laughter for a few seconds before he can't hold
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a straight face. He knows fine well he would make Turkey's life hard for no reason.
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tries to lean away from the offending fingers but gets flicked none the less. "Your laughter proves that not even you believe that." He
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smirks. "And I'm quite certain you made time to come up with ways to spite me."
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'Never,' he says sarcastically. He begins to play with Turkey's fingers as he chuckles 'You always made it easy for me, too. I could get
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you made quite quickly.'
13 years ago
watches him play with his fingers as he continues to caress Greece's stomach with his free hand. "Hmmm, yes, you are able to piss me off
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quite easily." He agrees. "Not that that's really changed." He teases.
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shuffles pleasently. 'I'd hate to lose my touch at pissing you off. All my fun would be gone, or at least, most of it.' He smiles. He notes
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that the pain in his stomach has subsided a great deal since Turkey started stroking it but he doesn't want him to remove his fingers so
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he keeps quiet.
Turkey has
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also noticed that Greece doesn't look as ill as he did when he had first arrived. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would be impossible for
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you." He says with a roll of his eyes. "I wonder who's the cause for your brattyness."
13 years ago
hums. 'I don't wonder at all. It's very obvious.' He puts on a 'logical' tone. 'My mother was never bratty, and other than her my only
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other 'role model' was you. I must've learned it *all* from you.' He concludes, grinning.
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looks offended and pinches his stomach. "What was that?" He growls in faux anger. "I think you got that all wrong. You're mother was
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definitely bratty. I don't know what kind of a illusion you were under."
13 years ago
jerks inwardly at the pinch but is still grinning. 'My mother was great, and would never lower herself to be bratty. You, however...' He
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strokes under his chin, 'You could never be peaceful. Always jumping about, shouting at little nations like yours truely. Bratty, no doubt.'
13 years ago
- "Bratty or just trying to maintain the peace in my household because of a certain troublemaker?"
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now takes his turn to look offended. 'I sincerly hope you aren't referring to me! I brought light and art into your home,' He smirks, 'I
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saved you from dullness.'
13 years ago
laughs. "You brought art and light into my home. I know for a fact that art was always a part of my home. Do you think my wealth and
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extravagant looking palace was due to you?"
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folds his arms and nods with a stubborn pout. 'Of course. I brought about it all. You just didn't know it. In fact, you should thank me.'
13 years ago
gets an idea. "Fine, I'll thank you. Thank you for making me look like a fool in my own palace by making me chase a naked you around. Thank
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you for eating all the food in the kitchen even though I was pretty sure that was impossible. Thank you for misplacing things I needed for
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diplomatic work and thank you, most all, for hogging my bed when I was extremely exhausted and needed sleep." He jokes.
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waits for a moment, and then... 'You're welcome.' He breaks out into a grin, 'And don't pretend you didn't love it when I danced around
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naked, or when I ate everything just because I loved it all so much, or for doing silly things to get your attention.' He pokes Turkey's
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chest, 'Part of you liked those things about me.'
13 years ago
- "I kept you around didn't I?"
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laughs, 'You could never get rid of me, no matter how hard you tried.'
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sighs dramatically. "And I tried really hard too."
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laughs. 'Should've put me in a box and left me outside someone's house. As long as it isn't Germany's.'
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's brow quirks up curiously. "Why not Germanys'?"
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looks around and then lowers his voice in case someone overheard. 'He shouts louder than you!' He looks truely amazed at this.
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nearly dies of laughter. "That's the only reason!?" He's body is shaking from the laughter. "He's actually a pretty decent guy if you get to
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know him. The only person I really heard him yell at is Italy."
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folds his arms and turns away. He flushes as he admits 'It's only the German's shout's that can wake me up in international meetings.'
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seems surprised by this. "If only Germany was a part of my household during my Ottoman days he would have saved me a lot of energy trying to
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wake you up." He teases.
13 years ago
hides a smile and he says into his pillow. 'I was usually awake, pretending to be asleep. It amused me, listening to you order me awake for
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13 years ago
had not known at first but after a while he had caught on to the Greek's deceptions. "Had me fooled for the first hundred years but I
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figured it out. I had half a mind of throttling you awake. You're lucky I'm so nice."
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bites his lip to stop from laughing. 'Oh yeah, so lucky and so nice. And just so you know, that first hundred years were hilarious.' He
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sticks out his tongue teasingly.
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laughs sarcastically. "Ha, ha, ha, verrryyy funny. I got you good a few times too though. Don't think you were the only mastermind."
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's tongue comes back in. Turkey had him there. He was a trickster too, the Greek couldn't forget that. 'True. What are you remembering?' He
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isn't sure he really wants to be reminded...
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snorts at the memory. "The time I had you thinking that I was dead." IT was a cruel joke but it had been worth it.
Greece is
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visibly upset by the reminder, and light hits his head. 'That wasn't funny! You had me in tears!' He pouts, remembering.
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ducks away from the hit. "Got you behaving." He wasn't sure if he wanted to mention that he had been taken back by the fact that Greece had
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crying. He had actually been expecting a happier reaction. One along the lines of finally being free but the tears...the tears had gotten
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him thinking.
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'Not completely. If I remember right, after I found out it was a joke I gave you a good, firm kick in the privates. I was too young to know
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how bad that would've hurt, but oh well.' He can't help but grin at that part of the memory. At the time, though, even he was surprised at
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how upset he got over it.
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cringes. Yeah, he remembered that part too. It took him a good while to compose himself before he was able to walk properly. "...don't
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remind me of that..." He groans as if the pain were coming back to him. He subconciously cups his crotch. Allah, that had hurt. "That was
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also the last time I ever attempted a joke like that."
13 years ago
nods, proud of his younger self. 'And I don't think I ever kicked you there again, after seeing your reaction. Well...not on purpose
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anyway.' He sniggers and carefully pulls back his protective hand so he can pat his crotch instead.
13 years ago
slaps the Greeks hands away. "Did I say you can touch there." He says with a raise of his brow. "I was thankful for that though. If you got
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in the habit of kicking me there...I'm pretty sure I would have strung you up by your toes."
13 years ago
pretends to look stung at his slap on the hand, and cradles his hand to his chest. 'That sounds painful. But being honest, if you had
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tried, I would've remembered what a kick in the crotch could do and use it on you so I could escape.' He taps his own head. 'I'm clever.'
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scoffs. "So am I and I would make sure that you wouldn't be able to use that knowledge to your advantage." He chuckles very lightly at the
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stung look on Greece's face. "I barely even hit you."
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'You hit me hard!' he argues for fun. 'Almost broke my hand off. I told you you were mean to me.' He slides his leg quickly up to Turkey's
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crotch. 'Oh, and look, I could've got you right there,' he grins.
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pushes the leg away. "Don't even try and I did not!" Wow, this was sounding very childish. "It was more like a swat then a slap!" He
13 years ago
13 years ago
rolls away from him and pretends to cry. He was glad to see he could still wind the Turk up even as an adult. 'You're a brute. What you
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consider a swat, others consider a punch.'
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rolls over and headlocks him. "Wanna a see a real brute?" He chuckles darkly jokingly. "I can show you one."
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lets out a cry of surprise and wrestles with him, trying to get free. 'Le-go!' He half shouts, half laughs, 'Don't make me resort to Greek
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Turkey is
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laughing as well as he keeps a firm hold on him and winds his arm under Greece's arm and lifts it up at an uncomfortable position. "Your
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Greek methods won't help you here."
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cringes and tries to move into a more comfortable position, which proved to be very hard. 'You-you Turkish git!' He goes to thrash about
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but realizes quickly that it only makes his situation worse. So, he really does have to resort to Greek methods... He angles his bare
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foot back and bends his knee so his sole pushes into Turkey's crotch sensuously.
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laughs at Greece's predicament until something unexpected find it's way somewhere it should not have been. His hold wavers and he sucks in a
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breath. "That's cheap." He glowers but doesn't release his hold as he tries to think up of a way to get out of this situation victoriously.
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mutters something like 'As long as it works, I don't care.' His toes curl into him, kneading him as he pushes his body back into him. The
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more physical contact he has the better. 'You asked for it, you know that.' He rubs up and down from his toe to his heel, 'Would you like
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sound effects?'
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groan-growls as he curses the Greeks entire being. He tightens his hold on the Greeks neck. "I'm going to choke you into stopping." Jolts
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were running up and down his spine and he was finding it hard to keep a firm grip on Greece.
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chokes a little at the increased pressure around his neck. He struggles but doesn't stop his work on Turkey. He can only hope that he
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finishes Turkey before Turkey finishes him. He feels Turkey's other hand loosen slightly and he uses the opportunity to reach round and grab
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the Turk by the hair tightly.
13 years ago
could only think of one word to describe this entire scenario and that was CHEAP. He was really hating Greece right now as the foot was
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becoming increasingly distracting. He wasn't using such methodes to win against him although he was starting to think that maybe he
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should. Not wanting this to go any further he releases Greece and smacks his foot away from his crotch finally letting out a sigh of
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relief. "I'll be right back." He murmurs before escaping to the bathroom.
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falls forward onto the bed and his hand goes to his throat as he catches his breath back. He was guessing his face was probably a faint
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blue colour by now, and would turn very red in a minute once he gulped in a few mouthfuls of air. As he hears Turkey rushing to the
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bathroom he can only
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grin in unsure triumph. It wasn't the best way of getting free-but he *was* free. He scrambles to the other side of the bed and hides
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with only his eyes peeking over. He didn't want to be caught in another headlock once the Turk came back.
13 years ago
decided that he would make Greece wait for being a cheapass. Since he was currently with a problem a cold shower would probably do the trick
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and eat up at the time. And so with that decided he turns on the shower shrugs out of his clothes and takes care of his problem in a cordial
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13 years ago
sneaks to the bathroom door, expecting to hear the sound of him taking care of his problem, but instead hears the shower. 'Did I cause
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you a lot of hassle?' he calls through the door, grinning like a mad man now for what he's done.
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pokes his head from out of the shower. His brow quirks up and decides that he won't let the Greek take too much credit for his
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work. "No." He calls back. "Just trying to get rid of disgusting Greek germs thats all." He turns off the shower, grabs a towel, pats
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himself mostly dry before wrapping it around his waist and grabbing another towel to hang around his neck. He pulls the door open to find
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Greece right beside it. "No more Greek germs." He smirks.
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frowns at the 'Greek germs' talk. He leans against the doorframe, unable to stop his eyes from running down Turkey's body before he looks
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aloof. 'Trust me, if they existed you'd have to scrub harder than that to get them all off.' He smirks, 'I'm under your skin.'
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catches the Greeks wandering eyes but doesn't say anything at first. He rolls his eyes. "So essentially what you're implying is that I'd
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have to take a potatoe pealer to my skin." He walks past him and towards the Greeks closet. "Do you still have some of my old clothes?" He
Turkey has
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the closet open and is rummaging around.
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elbows him out the way to guard the left side of the closet. He wasn't very subtle. 'Why would I keep any of your clothes now? They are too
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colourful for my liking,' He lies. He didn't want his collection of the Turk's clothing to be found and taken from him. He worked hard over
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the years to gain so much of Turkey's things without his knowing.
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had already managed to grab something of interest. He holds it up and snorts. "Handcuffs?" He dangles it infront of Greece. "I didn't think
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you actually had some." He's peering over the Greeks shoulder trying to see what else he's hiding. Clearly there were things on that side
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that Heracles did not want him to see. Even more of an intiative to get around him.
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stumbles over the sudden appearence of his handcuffs. Fuck, why did I leave them there?! he scowls himself as his face turns a deep shade
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of red. He knocks them away from in front of them, stuttering. 'Wh-what I use in my own bedroom is not your concern.' His hands fumble
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behind his back, pushing a collection of clothes further into the wall area of the closet. 'And neither is my closet, so get away,'
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doesn't listen as he forcefully pushes the Greek out of the way. "I swear I saw something that looked like my clothing." He comments as he
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continues to dig through the left side of the closet. It didn't take him long to come upon a pile of Ottoman Turkish clothing mixed with his
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modern day clothing. His brow raises at this and he pulls some of his old robes out turning towards Greece. "What is this?"
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isn't sure what to do with himself. He half goes to grab them away, and also goes to back away himself. 'They, uh, they are...stuff I found
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in my attic.' He lies. 'I don't know where they came from. It's a mystery. Weird, huh?' He laughs nervously.
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knows that's not the truth. "Yeah, weird." He agrees staring at him suspicously. He can feel the wonderful texture of the fabric between his
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fingers and he's overcome by a feeling of nostalgia. He pulls the towel from his shoulders off and throws it on. He rummages through the
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pile again and finds some white Ottoman pants and slips them on. This felt nice. "Lucky they were here in any case." He says as he neatly
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folds the mess he made and places them back where he found them. He'd pretend he didn't see them. It was endearing knowing that Greece kept
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his old clothing.
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sits down on the bed and watches him dress. He has a sinking feeling he won't be seeing all of those clothes again-well, at least in
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his closet. So he's very surprised, and grateful, when they are returned peacefully. 'Mmm...yeah. We got lucky finding them. They still fit
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great, too, I see.' He stares at the Ottoman style clothes with mixed feelings, remembering what it was like under someone else's rule.
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grins. It did still fit nicely. "Haven't worn stuff like this in ages. I kind of miss it." He comments as he turns in front of the mirror t
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trying to relieve his past Ottoman glory. These were much more casual clothes but they were still just as nice and just as expensive.
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