why all W47K people are back to plurk?
latest #22
we are here eversince w47k
you ditch plurk eversince after w47k
LOL.. no lorx.. where got i ditch it after w47k??
ya lor! me aishah and Diana active one... exp u, cy, fizah, Aaron, Jerome panseh here lor!
cy left le mahz.. working. aaron ask him come back le eh.
i thought you were planning in aaron coming back here after making a big hoo-ha on diana's ex husband?
ya, i told him already leh
he like dont bother me eh, think need diana go ask herself
she try alrdy. he said plurk died
LOL.. ask him create or use back lah
why dont you go and ask him
eyer, excuses haha! u missed so many fun pls!
where got excuses lorx. its true mahz.
u all left plurk right after leaving w47k! so no wad work or lor...
u say cy left plurk cus work? then I saying is u all left plurk after w47k nt cus those reason...
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