mine: **I'd rather die than to stay away from you**, *Bella*
thats cool, haha.
its from twilight
yup, i know {: ums, i dont think i have any? o__o
mine: You snooze, you lose! 8P
how about u try to get it from love story song *haiyah
mine : setiap orang bisa menjadi hebat tapi tak semuanya bisa menjadi terkenal

haha nice one fruity juice
wahahaha klo mo terkenal hrs hebad dlu kn pstiny dee? *haiyah
eniweii,disini twilight baru mao midnight.hiks.
**"apakah ada perbedaan dimana kita berada sekarang?"** -- *partner saya*
**"apakah ada perbedaan dimana kita berada sekarang?"** -- *partner saya*
hah? premire ga dsna tpny ato udah lama?
niessniess ambil kata2 dri guru b.indo kan?
asiik punya ka issa tuh
wakaks rissa puny mu apa riss?
ahahaha iyaa kerenn tu gru kmu mantep
ngak kerja ngak makan
aku punya banyak kak! salah satunya gini *people who disobey the rules are trash. but people who betray their friends are more than trash*
eat for life not life for eat
Ada lg nih **if someone betrays u once, it's his fault, but if someone betrays u twice, it's your fault**
wow rissa's is I cant say a word except AWESOME! sriously
Ada lg nih **if someone betrays u once, it's his fault, but if someone betrays u twice, it's your fault**
wahaa iya jd inget ama mslh aku tuh k aissa
tamam, maap ya double responses gni.. Huhu
Pria Sejati biar tumpah darah tapi jangan tumpah
air mata
stuju ddee rissa
haha gpp ko issa

nice one
haha bnr bgt tuh honel klo nangis maah . . . wakaks
everyone's fave quote is nice!
*stay alive. i will find you* **the last of the mohicans**
tamam itu kata - kata dari Bapak Sun Yat Sen, keren bangett buat cowok i think, and i like it
wahaa the mohicans nm film bukan? *wanna find it in google akh
**cause I was born to tell you I love you** *secondhand serenade*
tgu Sun Yat Sen itu siapa ya? tamam pnah dgr tp lupa!
ada lagi ! 'You can always die. It's living that takes courage' ~rurouni kenshin
ahha, i've got mine.
*life is like a mirror and when you see out there, you must first see inside of you*
tamam: yeap. keren bgt lo
**Even is saving you sends me to heaven**, The Red Jump Apparatus-Your Guardian Angel
wahaa thats rite ddee rissa
deemazz, nyontek dari lagu "It's A Small World" kah? huehehe
yeah ka dimaz its true haiyah
yeah kumiko's truly rite
**it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees**
pas nyanyi itu ama tmn2 aku pd nangis lho pas bagian itu ntr ppisahan mo nyanyi itu juga
wahaa laguny siapa itu dee?
oi iya lupa kasi sumber. Dr ocean's 13 tuh.

sabar ya kakaaaa

takdir tuhan itu ihihi
issa jelaskan yg itu.tamam kurang ngrti *hue [mnding mati skalian drpd?
tamam: bukannya itu even IF saving you, sends me to heaven?
wow kmu juga suka ocean 13 ya? huee mntep abis tu film
Mending mati tp bediri (ada harga diri) drpd idup tp berlutut (nyembah orang gt). Ngerti ga?
Mending mati tp bediri (ada harga diri) drpd idup tp berlutut (nyembah orang gt). Ngerti ga?
the greatest love of all is easy to achieve, learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all
iyaiyaa issa bnr bgt mantep
yeah jie thats true, love me *haha
*mau ikut emotny ddee nissa tp blm bs huekek
cinta sejati adalah ketika kita mencintai dan dicintai oleh orang yang kita cintai - bye me

ternyata byk juga yah yg bagus
**Carry in your memory, for the rest of your life, the good things that came out of difficulties.**
wahaa iya tuh.smoga cinta sjati itu abadi yah ka *mksdnya gaada sikap bosen2 gt*
iyaa tuh pocca dont remember the bad one
**You are not what you seem to be in moments of sadness. You are better than that**
asiik iyaa I should remember this in the time like this
If you keep thinking there's always tomorrow, you'll suffer for it. Those who say they'll do it tomorrow are idiots.
dari punyaqu cm satu...uhm...semua yg ga mungkin itu bisa jadi mungkin...
You have your own wings, you're free to fly
*Man perfected by society is the best of all animals; he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, without justice* - Aristotle
impossible is nothing; adidas
I believe I can fly; Michael Jordan
wow Aristotle mantep *aristoteles bkn tuh?*
**a perfect love isn't loving someone perfect, but loving someone imperfect, perfectly**
hmm smells very yummy this time issa nice nice
ho oh, Aristotle = Aristoteles.
keren tuh org yak
dia polymath di zamannya sih...
"Deutschland uber alles" juga keren.
*padahal bukan wong jerman*
wahaa ellen my friend told me taht too
ka nirleka jepangmulu nih

d film ap tuh ka?
itu yg wktu jmn pnjajahan itu apa tuh yg nyindir org blanda tuh ka?
polymath itu orang yang menguasai beberapa ilmu pengetahuan sekaligus.
kalo "Deutschland uber Alles" itu German above all.
oo quotes?hmm...let me think let me think,i dont love you because u are beautiful,but u are beautiful because i love you..=)
"humans can't make a single worm. but they can make a lot of gods"
the object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastards die for his. -George Patton