I see they haven't made Plurk any easier to use since I've been gone
latest #21
what's difficult about typing in a lil box and hitting enter?
You just have to get accustomed to it. The sense of strangeness / awkwardness goes away pretty fast
Why should I have to keep clicking on separate fields just to read why my friends are saying?
because they're different threads, allows you to skip thread that don't interest you right off
There are many reasons not to stay with Plurk, and just one reason TO stay: my friends. But I really hate this interface
mmmm... because it's easier to follow a thread with 100 responses this way
But look: I see at least 4 other threads going at the same time that I want to read. Why do I have to individually click on each one?
And I can't see what people are saying unless I click
Click here for this convo with one person, click over there for a different one with the SAME PERSON
It must just be me and my lateral brain; I can't multitask like this
Can I get audio notifications on responses just to MY messages?
bacon flavored milk bones to my sweet pup ^^
Hiya Codieeeeeeee *snorgs*
Okay, I'm outta here, y'awl. Have a great weekend
you could click on the person's name, see their page and follow their threads person by person if that's easier.
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