pingtungdan is
14 years ago
This is a great way to 學中文!
latest #14
黃拉拉☀ is
14 years ago
it like we use English version to learn English?
pingtungdan says
14 years ago
No, it's not because I use the Chinese version. I use the English version but read Chinese plurks - good language input.
pingtungdan says
14 years ago
So, if you follow someone who plurks in English, you get lots of authentic English input.
14 years ago
so we are now get lots of English input!! (LOL)
pingtungdan says
14 years ago
After I get my friend Shawn on here, you'll get lots more. Maybe we can get our students together on plurk. What do you think?
14 years ago
It's another good idea!
Miss Elsa Lin says
14 years ago
woo hoo partay!
糸玄王韋 says
14 years ago
eviloftwolessers hopes
14 years ago
pink is the appropriate color to wear on this word.
eviloftwolessers hopes
14 years ago
What is that little yellow man doing above my name? Is he a crackhead?
pingtungdan says
14 years ago
He's tweaking out.
eviloftwolessers says
14 years ago
I learned to avoid prefab icons for a happy face by typing a colon then a space before the right parentheses.
pingtungdan says
14 years ago
You lost me after the happy and colon their, bro...
eviloftwolessers says
14 years ago
You remember Dick and Colon: Cheney and Powell remember : )
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