XiaoMao feels
15 years ago
happy tat we manage to finish all the editing for huga huga less den a week
latest #17
momoping says
15 years ago
thankyou, editor me :-)
farnie says
15 years ago
congrats. jealous*
momoping says
15 years ago
yea.. ask that black guy come back help lar
REEVEjiayuan says
15 years ago
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
lol ask tat big foot
farnie says
15 years ago
got ask. but he still busy with he's stuff...he say after presentation -_-
momoping says
15 years ago
wtf? i just finish helping him with the linking script which i told him the same mistake.. and now its done still got things? lol
REEVEjiayuan says
15 years ago
i think FYP ??
farnie says
15 years ago
he told me mr jason ask him add few more panels in...
farnie says
15 years ago
i v.sick of doing seriously.
momoping says
15 years ago
StandardDess says
15 years ago
you just do your part .. he can't do much till he has yours too .. although he has stuff to re render
farnie says
15 years ago
i rerender for him le..-_-
StandardDess says
15 years ago
print what time ?
REEVEjiayuan says
15 years ago
StandardDess: LOL..
StandardDess says
15 years ago
obviously i ask so many times cause i donno what time ?! i ask WHAT TIME not when i know its today!
REEVEjiayuan says
15 years ago
euu call dap and ask ..
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