Andrea010 was
13 years ago
latest #19
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
i feel stress baby
about what?
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
about my work baby..
I think if you ask anyone around here, we are all stressed by work... That's why we mess around here so much.
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
oh i see...
if you're here to make money trying to get people to watch you on cam, it's probably not going to work, but if not, there are a ton of
really cool people around here to get to know.
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
oh i think u misunderstood my words baby (woot)
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
im not luring people here
I think a lot of people have.. you don't have many friends or fans yet.
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
then help me to find a friends and fans :-P
Just join in on conversations.
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
ok baby i will do that for u
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
Wby for me?
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
Not gonna work...
Andrea010 says
13 years ago
work for what?? im kinda confuse :-o
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