13 years ago
knocks on the door of Hong's house. Trini invited him over to try some of her aloo pie, and it's nice to visit his family anyway.
latest #161
13 years ago
opens the door, grinning at him "Hey! Hong's not home right now, but I don't think he'll mind.."
13 years ago
grins back. "Oh, he isn't? We should probably save some pie for him then."
13 years ago
laughs, inviting him in "It isn't actual pie.."
13 years ago
frowns slightly, looking confused. "What is it, then?"
13 years ago
hums "It's like...I dunno how to explain. Come and see, I have some done already"
13 years ago
blinks and follows her. "Okay."
13 years ago
leads him into the kitchen, adding more oil to the pan. "Here, these are the ones that are done"
13 years ago
tries one and finds it's delicious. "You're an excellent cook!"
13 years ago
grins at that "Aw, thanks hun. You can have more if you want, I'm making lots"
13 years ago
happily takes more. "You're very welcome! Um, what's in these?"
Shaliza is
13 years ago
kneading more dough "Potatoes...and lots of spices"
13 years ago
offers to help her knead. "They really are very good."
13 years ago
shakes her head, and hands him another one "Gracias, but you're a guest, you don't have to help"
13 years ago
noms on it happily. "You're sure?"
13 years ago
nods, flipping the aloo pie already on the pan. "Yup"
13 years ago
watches her cook. "Okay."
13 years ago
hums "Do you want something to drink?" She felt like a bad host... "You can take a seat or something"
13 years ago
smiles. He often feels the same way when someone was at his house. "Mm, a glass of water would be nice." He actually wants to learn how to_
13 years ago
make aloo pie, but he's too shy to ask.
13 years ago
would teach him if he asked! But she gets him a glass of water anyways.
13 years ago
takes the glass of water and starts to work up the courage to ask her.
Shaliza is
13 years ago
obliviously humming to herself, flipping another aloo pie in the pan.
13 years ago
frowns and decides to just get it over with. "....Um, Miss Trini? Would you mind... Perhaps teaching me how to make these....?"
13 years ago
glances over to him "Sure! Why not, come over here, I'll show you" >w<
13 years ago
smiles happily. "Thank you~!" He goes over to her and watches intently.
13 years ago
motions to the sink "Wash your hands, I'll show you how to make your own"
13 years ago
washes his hands obediently. "Will you give me a recipe so I can make them at home?"
13 years ago
doesn't think it really needs a recipe "If you want, sure. So the first thing you do is make dough and knead it good, right?"
13 years ago
nods. He wonders if he should do something besides just stand there....
13 years ago
pulls him a little closer, and takes a chunk of dough from the basin. "Now you do the same. We'll knead and roll it out, okay?"
13 years ago
nods again. "Okay." He starts to knead the dough, every once in a while glancing over at her to make sure he's doing it right.
13 years ago
does it quickly, out of practise and rolls it out, waiting for him patiently >w<
13 years ago
finishes. He hasn't cooked anything in a really long time and feels terribly out of practice. ;;
13 years ago
grins "Good. Now see all this potato I have here? I already put all the spices and stuff in it. A little salt and pepper and whatever else _
13 years ago
I felt like at the time. Take that" she took a handful "And put it on on rolled out dough, which should kinda be in a long oval-type _
13 years ago
13 years ago
copies her as best he can, enjoying the feeling of cooking.
13 years ago
((....that was a really lame sentence.))
13 years ago
[XD No it wasn't]
13 years ago
shows him how to fold it over, and seal the edges.
13 years ago
once again copies her.
13 years ago
((....I feel like I should say something more sob))
13 years ago
[XD Dooont, its fine. Say what you can?]
13 years ago
grins at him "careful with this part, cause oil, splashes you know?" She lays her own in the pan, motioning for him to do the same.
13 years ago
lays his down, jumping back quickly like he's afraid of being stung/
13 years ago
grins at him "Don't worry about it too much. Your head will freak the rest of you out." She hovers her hand over the hot pan. _
13 years ago
"I know its hot, but I'm used to it and I don't really care cause I know its there. Same if oil splashes me, you have to get used to it, you
13 years ago
13 years ago
blinks and blushes slightly, embarrassed.
13 years ago
doesn't think he should be. "That's just how my people cook. He make ourselves be used to the pain..as odd as that sounds"
13 years ago
13 years ago
does think that sounds odd, but cultures are cultures, so he doesn't dwell on it.
13 years ago
presses down on each with the spatula "And now we wait. Flip them when the bottom side is nice and brown"
13 years ago
almost feels like he should be taking notes ;; He also feels odd just sitting and watching.
13 years ago
hands him the spatula "Flip them when you think they're good"
13 years ago
takes the spatula and stares at them. He checks them before flipping them carefully.
13 years ago
grins "So, see how they're all brown on that side? When they get like that on the other side, you can flip 'em back and forth a few more _
13 years ago
times, and then set them in that basket. The paper towels are there to suck up all the extra oil"
13 years ago
nods and continues to stare at the pan.
13 years ago
nudges him a little "You're so...concentrated. Relax a little"
13 years ago
blinks. "I... I didn't realize..." He attempts to relax, but all this does is make him self-conscious and he ends up blushing.
13 years ago
hums "Tibet, what relaxes you personally?"
13 years ago
shifts and blushes more. "U-um... Meditating, usually... And making mandalas really relaxes me... And debating- Well, that doesn't really_
13 years ago
relax me... And I like to read, and they're burning!" Flips them.
13 years ago
grins a little "S'fine, being a little overdone never hurt anyone."
13 years ago
giggles. "Yes, you're right." He scoops them out of the pan and sets them in the basket.
13 years ago
starts patting them down "Let them cool off a bit, and you'll have your own aloo pie that you made yourself~!" >w<
13 years ago
beams proudly. "Okay!"
13 years ago
nods, making more just to use up the rest of ingredients. They're different shapes and sizes, but she doesn't much care.
13 years ago
helps her! He thinks this is fun.
Shaliza is
13 years ago
glad he thinks so!
13 years ago
reaches for one and takes a bite. He should visit Trini more often, perhaps...
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
he can visit whenever he wants, she loves visitors. It's even better that he's Hong's brother, that way she'll get to know the family better
13 years ago
Tibet loves
13 years ago
to visit his family and his family's friends! He'll be happy to answer any questions Trini has to ask...
13 years ago
...wonders if he knows she's a little more than a friend to his brother.. >//>;;
13 years ago
took a while to figure that out, but he got it. He thinks it's sweet~
Shaliza is
13 years ago
glad for his support, she's a bit wary of Yao's approval so she can use all the support she can get. >w<
13 years ago
and Yao don't really get along... Who is he kidding; they don't get along at all. But he loves him. He loves all of his family. And he_
Tibet thinks
13 years ago
Trini is a very nice person.
13 years ago
appreciates that, and agrees that despite differences, family always comes first.
13 years ago
eats more aloo pie >w< He tries his best to only have kind and loving thoughts towards everyone, but it's hard, especially when his country_
Tibet is
13 years ago
being bombarded by China. He's still pretty mad about the whole issue of the Tibetan/Chinese languages, but he's always happy to see his_
13 years ago
brother, even if his brother isn't happy to see him. Even though that takes a lot of mental energy.
13 years ago
hugs him tight. China has many issues, and its good that Tibet at least looks on the bright side of things, or at least tries to.
13 years ago
hugs Trini back >w< He loves giving hugs. He's an optimist, but it's hard to find the good things about someone who seems to do only bad_
13 years ago
things to you. Still, he knows that Yao has his own issues that he struggles with, so he always greets his brother with a smile.
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
Tibet is a wonderful brother, and wishes him luck with Yao.
13 years ago
thanks her for the sentiment! Things have been getting better recently. ...But enough about him! If Trini wanted to know anything about his_
13 years ago
family or himself, he'd be happy to tell her!
13 years ago
only wants to know if they're happy.
Tibet thinks
13 years ago
all of them are, except for perhaps the Koreas...
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
that it's horrible that Yong Soo and his twin can't get along, and tries to be there for him when she can.
13 years ago
agrees with her that it's horrible... He hates it when his brothers fight.
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
that must be even more horrible for him since they're related, and wonders if there's anything she can do.
13 years ago
doesn't think there's anything anyone could do right now... Except to calm the two of them down...
Shaliza is
13 years ago
kinda wary about going anywhere near Min, but Yong Soo is her best friend and she'll always be there for him.
Tibet is
13 years ago
actually slightly wary of being around Yong Soo... The last time they were alone together Tibet ended up in a bright pink girls' hanbok and_
13 years ago
a long black wig. B|
13 years ago
would love to see pictures of that, and is sure that Tibet looked adorable~ >w>
Tibet will
13 years ago
find a way to delete those pictures, even if he has to unplug Yong Soo's computer to do it.
13 years ago
doesn't think that will delete them, and can assure him that Yong Soo probably has backup files.
Tibet will
13 years ago
... not do anything then. B| Trini can look at them, he supposes....
13 years ago
grins happily, and thanks him.
13 years ago
blushes and mutters a 'you're welcome'.
13 years ago
hugs him tight. Now she would have something else to ask Korea about~
13 years ago
hugs her back happily~ He hopes she doesn't tell anyone else about them... That would be too embarrassing.
13 years ago
would never tell anyone. She can keep her mouth shut.
13 years ago
won't mind so much, then. He looks back over at the counter, wondering if he used up all the dough...
13 years ago
peeks into the bowl "All done" She takes a bite out of her own aloo pie happily.
13 years ago
takes a bite out of an odd-shaped one he made and is proud of himself.
Shaliza is
13 years ago
happy that he's proud, and thinks its event better he can make them himself now.
Tibet likes
13 years ago
that he can make aloo pie too! Maybe he'll make it the next time someone comes over?
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
that's a great idea!
Tibet is
13 years ago
glad she thinks so!
Shaliza loves
13 years ago
company in general.
Tibet is
13 years ago
very similar to her, then!
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
that's great, and that maybe next time it could be at a family..something.
Tibet thinks
13 years ago
that a family gathering could possibly end badly, but that it could be an interesting thing to plan! He'll suggest it to Yao the next time_
13 years ago
he sees him.
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
that there should be mediation then, if Yao plans on showing up.
Tibet is
13 years ago
an expert at meditating! It's what he does roughly 20% of his time.
13 years ago
meant mediation, as in someone to act as peacekeeper. But Meditation works too.
13 years ago
((I can't read oTL D: ))
Tibet is
13 years ago
a pretty good mediator, if he says so himself. He's had lots of practice...
13 years ago
[XD Sfine~]
Shaliza thinks
13 years ago
that works too!
Tibet will
13 years ago
get started planning right away then!
Shaliza wishes
13 years ago
him luck~!
13 years ago
thanks her. Maybe she'd like to help him plan?
13 years ago
13 years ago
pulls out a piece of paper and a pen. "Let's get started, then!"
13 years ago
hums "Guest list first?"
13 years ago
nods. "That would be the best." He writes down his name, Trini's name, and the names of his brothers.
13 years ago
hums "Let's stick to your family for now, mine will get troublesome."
13 years ago
chuckles. "Okay." He pauses for a moment. "Wh-what about Min Kyu...? I'm worried that he and Yong Soo might get into a fight..."
13 years ago
pauses "Oh..uhm..I dunno. Should we ask Yong Soo's opinion?"
13 years ago
nods. "That would be the best thing to do, I think."
13 years ago
nods "Yea...I really don't think he should come, as mean as that sounds but..I'm wary for Yong Soo"
13 years ago
nods. "I feel the same way. I don't want to shut him out, but with the recent incident between them... I'm worried something more than_
13 years ago
bones could end up breaking if Min Kyu comes. My family is fractured enough. I don't want to have a broken one."
13 years ago
sighs "Maybe...we should wait a little to have this. Until it's less..tense"
13 years ago
hums. "Maybe... But that doesn't mean we can't plan it!"
13 years ago
-"True! What else should we plan then?"
Tibet thinks
13 years ago
for a moment. "Food. And I think everyone's significant other should be invited, too. You'll have to do that; I'm not involved in romance."
13 years ago
grins "That's easy enough. Me and Hong, Kiku and Yong Soo...Vivi's single cause Greg...yea. If Yao comes so will Russia though and he's.._
13 years ago
uhm..scary. Who am I missing?"
13 years ago
((Who's Vivi? D: ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
((Which I figured out right before you said that. Then I felt stupid.))
13 years ago
[XD Don't, its fine hun]
13 years ago
((sorry it took so long, I had to go through ALLLL of the LJ back entries to find the comm masterlist *dies* ))
13 years ago
hums. "What about Taiwan?"
13 years ago
[XD Sfine]
13 years ago
perks up at that "Oh! Uhm...I havn't seen her around lately, I think she's single..."
13 years ago
nods. "Okay." He adds Russia to the guest list.
Shaliza is
13 years ago
thinking "Uhm...rumour has it Min and Uncle Greg are a thing. But we aren't inviting him right?"
13 years ago
nods. "As of now, he's not coming." And he's avoiding Greg. HE has his reasons.
13 years ago
shrugs, that sounds reasonable "Who else..."
Tibet thinks
13 years ago
that's everyone!
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