XiaoMao wonders
15 years ago
if we can stay over night at coe lol
latest #22
farnie says
15 years ago
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
lol just joking nah but if can will be great
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
den can slp at air con room
farnie says
15 years ago
your house too hot to sleep right?
momoping says
15 years ago
must be alot of cup noodles
REEVEjiayuan says
15 years ago
steady la.. we ask jason.. going to end soon.. no chance to go coe liao
farnie says
15 years ago
mon dawn till tues..
REEVEjiayuan says
15 years ago
must ask them lorhs
Shanilovekyo says
15 years ago
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
but where can bath?
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
near canteen there?
farnie says
15 years ago
teacher's toilet
Shanilovekyo says
15 years ago
you all bathe cold water
momoping says
15 years ago
i cant bathe with cold water.. i'll =S
momoping says
15 years ago
oh, and theres plans for tuesday.. from peixing de..
XiaoMao says
15 years ago
lol wat?
momoping says
15 years ago
hmm.. go eat bah..
momoping says
15 years ago
maybe the cook ice cream place last time we go de
StandardDess says
15 years ago
i always thought of that ..
farnie says
15 years ago
momoping says
15 years ago
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