Charissa feels
15 years ago
latest #88
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
thats good to hear :-)
Rage says
15 years ago
why so great?
Charissa says
15 years ago
:-) i got to go on my dream holiday~ haha :-P
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
oh really..where to?
Charissa says
15 years ago
europe? haha :-P
sebo says
15 years ago
oi! since when ya'll got plurk?
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
hmm amsterdam, paris and er one more would be?
Rage says
15 years ago
I want amsterdam...LOLX...Certified whores...Lmao
Charissa says
15 years ago
sebo>u la.. never investigate ma. Dave>antwerp/brugge haha
Charissa says
15 years ago
rage>they sell drugs in the form of lollipops too. :-o I never dared to go to the Red light District. :S
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
ah okay?never heard of it or maybe its just me..hahhaa
Rage says
15 years ago
LOLX...arggg...should have taken me there=/ I would love to give it a try..hahah...sometime when u just gotta try different country cultures
Charissa says
15 years ago
david>haha! u should go there~ its very calm..:-D
Charissa says
15 years ago
rage>yea......see a whole line of bikini girls displayed on windows ready for u to buy themm... hmm.. ill go see next time. HaHa!!! :-P
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
haha well maybe...say 10 years time also.. :-(
Rage says
15 years ago
Lolx...take me with uT.T
Charissa says
15 years ago
david> :-o? why so long? rage>ahah,ney...later u go "wild" and ruin the whole trip. hahaha! :-P
Rage says
15 years ago a that say meT.T sob* Evilll~~ just like ur sister...Lolx..
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
no one to go with, no time etc.
Charissa says
15 years ago
rage>I learned that from her ma. blame her! ahahhahaah David>go with me,sheri,gowri and the rest la~! :-)
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
hmm Charissa i would love to, but are you sure you know me?
shericherie says
15 years ago
next time when u go to europe, take me along XD
Charissa says
15 years ago
david>duh! sheri>yeah, i'll have to travel by the busload the next time i go there.. hahahaha
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
but Charissa, I don't think I'm the david whom you think I am?
shericherie says
15 years ago
Rage says
15 years ago
Lolx..GG charissa..prefer to go with strangers also dun want to go with me..Sob*
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
*pounces on Charissa* HI! XD
Rage says
15 years ago
shericherie says
15 years ago
Charissa says
15 years ago
david>omg, am i talking to the wrong david? ahh! confusing..LoL. rage>eh! im being confused now?? @.@ blackflamerz>HI!!
Charissa says
15 years ago
sheri>omg blur here!
shericherie says
15 years ago
yeah i kinda noticed..
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
well honestly yea i think
Rage says
15 years ago
Lolx...Dumb Dumb larh u...just like ur sister...LOLX
15 years ago
to Rage>> hey! That's MY word!! YOU USED MY WORD?!? I copyrighted it! What's the use of copyrighting a word if people are using it freely??
shericherie says
15 years ago
jiaway.. CHILL!
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
to sheri: btw, im actually chilling. :-))
Charissa says
15 years ago
i have such..perky..perky friends.... LOL
Charissa says
15 years ago
rage> i less dumb than her, mahahah. david>omg, sorry. =S bf>i'll go be perky in your plurk later, hahahaa sheri>ahahahhahahahhahaa :-D
shericherie says
15 years ago
DavidNightwing says
15 years ago
no harm done :-)
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
*blinks* uh... okay.
shericherie says
15 years ago
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
ehh! Cool emoticon!!
shericherie says
15 years ago
hahaha!! i noe!! its so awesome!
Rage says
15 years ago
Lolx...Copyright@@ swt..No such word in my dictionary..rofl..Char charIssa i think u n ur sister both also same lo...
Rage says
15 years ago
see ur sister married d..=x hahahaha
Rage says
15 years ago
When is ur turn? Lolx!!!
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
>> Rage: that's because there's only the words, "Lame and desperate" in your dictionary. Must be a cheap dictionary. *shrugs*
shericherie says
15 years ago
Rage says
15 years ago
=.=' Lame n desperate? Lmao..i wonder who r u to her to judge that?
Rage says
15 years ago
Owh..I get ur nickname.."flamerz" anyway i'm just spaming For fun and i have no need to be desperate for anyone..
Rage says
15 years ago
and the word lame? well that is because i'm her friend and just having fun being lame online..u got a problem with that? lol..
Rage says
15 years ago
or r u too serious because u got no one to lame with? get a life^^ i'm plurking just for fun..if u feel flamed,u can find me anytime^^v
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
number one; my nickname is for fun okay? hu are YOU to judge me for my name?
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
but i shouldn't be surprised, you probably don't understand the meaning of FUN but only FBL (fun being lame) which is just desperate.
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
hah. you think im offended? I'm very hard to be insulted so don't bother trying.
Rage says
15 years ago
Oic..u also know how to say don't judge u for ur name...then u shouldn't be judging others as well..
Rage says
15 years ago
since u said i am FBL?...why r u bothering to reply? Lame n desperate is two different word,u noe?
Rage says
15 years ago
wat i'm trying to get into ur thick skull is..make sure u know wat u r talking before u type it out..because lame does not lead to desperate
Rage says
15 years ago
anyway..i dun wanna argue with u since there is no point argue-ing with a little girl^^ u r just plain LOA like my friend said..Rofl^^
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
(annoyed) yeah wow. what a speech. woo~ I'm soooooo insulted. im replying because honestly, you're a really annoying person.
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
if there's no point in argue-ING with a little girl, might as well don't reply to my msg. so, why DID you reply to my previous msg?
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
and wow, you HAVE a friend? That's news. anyway, you're making me sleepy. (: so don't bother replying this msg.
Charissa says
15 years ago
CHILL!!! -..-
Charissa says
15 years ago
play play insult only. =.=
shericherie says
15 years ago
what the... O.O
Rage says
15 years ago
Hahaha...u r a little kid that is Lack of attention..well..i understand^^ if u r feeling sleepy..go sleep..dun have to tell everyone=X lolx.
Rage says
15 years ago
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
mek mek mek~ all i hear is mmeeekkk... im having so much fun here~~~
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
no really, i'm having fun.
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
Rage says
15 years ago
u Must be a i understand why u don't get wat human is talking=X lol
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
Rage says
15 years ago
(angry) lol
shericherie says
15 years ago
okay.. what on earth is going on?
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
but charissa is getting almost 80 responses for her plurk XD
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
awesome wei! (LOL)
Charissa says
15 years ago
but my karma is still zero. zzz. rage>when are youuu getting married? hahaha i pulak, i still young mar!! :-D
Charissa says
15 years ago
guys..chill -.-
shericherie says
15 years ago
tse ying!! update ur plurk more often lahh.. XD
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
im chilaxing~ yo man. XP
Charissa says
15 years ago
haha. xD soon i will. but currently i have nooo idea what to plurk about. XD
Black_Flamerz says
15 years ago
you have to take random lessons! XD
sebo says
15 years ago
holy crap, these spammings gave you alot of karma man
Charissa says
15 years ago
it aint spamming! XD haha ps my karma is 0.00 so you've nocticed. LOL only got 4 karma's in my whole life in plurk. =.= bf>AHA.random yess
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