larakulpa is
16 years ago
trudging through day two without cigarettes
latest #10
waterfal13 says
16 years ago
way to go! :-)
FreelanceTwins says
15 years ago
Ohh stopping smoking. I'm about to do the same thing hopefully
lyndonwatkins says
15 years ago
best of luck - took me many attempts but smoke free (almost) for 9 months now - You can do it! :-D
jill380 says
15 years ago
you've got a few hard days ahead and then clear sailing. You're doing it. Way to go.
km111111 says
15 years ago
good luck! i also quit smoking 3 weeks ago and seems that this time I made it :-) I highly suggest this:
KarenLynch hopes
15 years ago
tomorrow is another good day for you!
weiliang says
15 years ago
Have some sweets to curb that :-)
larakulpa says
15 years ago
sweets? oh no... no way. not me. nope.
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