✌ CyberCzar ☮ says
16 years ago
I get the fact that Sarah Palin has perky breasts and a vagina, but FFS, it's been over 3 weeks! Why are we STILL gawking after her?!
latest #10
₵hris asks
16 years ago
perky? Do they get up in the morning before she does or what? ;-)
✌ CyberCzar ☮
16 years ago
indeed. her breasts are shooting moose while she's fixing breakfast. first dude told me after I blew him.
✌ CyberCzar ☮
16 years ago
don't worry. it was a sympathy bj. he got emasculated during the campaign.
16 years ago
₵hris says
16 years ago
₵hris says
16 years ago
Palin's breasts moose hunting with a shotgun...now there's an image that's gonna stick in my head all day.
✌ CyberCzar ☮
16 years ago
from a helicopter even! ^_^
Kris H.
16 years ago
believes is may be just because people think she seriously might be thinking to run in 2012 despite interpretations of what she's said.
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