13 years ago
would quite like to be bamboozled-whatever that means.
latest #109
Turkey wonders
13 years ago
if that word can be found in an english dictionnary?
Greece has
13 years ago
heard it being said several times today, by english people, but it sounds weird and fun...
Turkey thinks
13 years ago
that it kind of sounds kinky.
Greece thinks
13 years ago
that if it is, he *really* wants it. He thinks they should look it up and find out if they can do it.
13 years ago
agrees and goes off to look for a dictionnary. He has one somewhere. After a bit of rummaging he sets it down in front of them. "Care to do
13 years ago
the honours?"
13 years ago
nods, excited. He turns the pages and finally finds it. 'Bamboole as a verb: To con, defraud,' he gulps, 'trick, to make a fool of, to
13 years ago
humbug or impose on someone...' He winces and shuts the book. 'I, uh, have changed my mind. I don't want to be bamboozled.'
13 years ago
wasn't going to lie. That was a fairly dissapointing but hilarious. Greece wanted to be bamboozled! "You sure you don't want to be
13 years ago
bamboozled." He laughs.
13 years ago
glares at him. 'I am pretty certain I wish never to be bamboozled in my life. So don't get any ideas. If you do anything, I'll come
13 years ago
back at you twice as bad.' ((1 of my favourite quotes: 'What colour does a smurf turn if you choke it? Ha! Consider yourself bamboozled!'))
13 years ago
(( I'm not quite sure if I understand but if it's what I think it is then xD ))
Turkey is
13 years ago
still chuckling. "You've already been bamboozled." He smirks
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's frown deepens. 'I have not!' He pauses, 'H-how have I been? Who's bamboozled me?'
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snickers. "These english people and your own stupidity."
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flicks him on the forehead. 'They didn't bamboozle me! They just...told me about it. And it sounded fun. No trickery was involved,' Or none
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that he was willing to admit to.
Turkey was
13 years ago
sure that Greece just tricked himself into thinking it was something more than it really was. Well, something new added to his vocabulary.
Greece is
13 years ago
still not happy and grumbles for a while. He then gives the Turk a sideways glance and tries his luck. 'Did you know that they took the word
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'naive' out of the dictionary?'
13 years ago
frowns. Why would they do such a stupid thing. "That's stupid. Who's brilliant idea was that?"
13 years ago
jumps up, rather out of character, and points at him triumphantely. 'Bamboozled! Bamboozled-bamboozled-bamboozled-bamboozled!' he sings.
Turkey is
13 years ago
stunned by the outburst. He isn't quite getting the fact he was fooled. "I know that damn word is in the dictionnary! Why the hell would
13 years ago
they take naive out of it?!"
Greece is
13 years ago
now dancing-he tricked him! 'I bamboozle-tricked you! You're so stupid and 'naive' that you believed 'naive' was taken out of the
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dictionary, see?' He laughs.
13 years ago
finally realizes what happened. "Hey stupid! Your fly is done." He snaps.
13 years ago
doesn't look down but feels his zipper. 'No, they are up fine!' He sometimes is a bit of an idiot himself...
13 years ago
((haha actually, you did catch him out. You said his fly is done, which means up and A-OK, but he reacted as if you had said 'undone' so
13 years ago
you caught him out since he checked and made out like you were wrong, which you weren't :-D I thought that's what you were doing haha))
13 years ago
(( Haha, no, it was a spelling mistake on my part. I actually meant undone but that could work. Interesting way of being right but glad
13 years ago
someone here is perceptive. Let's just pretend that was my idea the entire time. xD ))
13 years ago
(( Actuallly, scratch that didn't realize I already replied....ah screw it. I'll just delete them and repost a different reply. ))
13 years ago
shakes his head at the Greek's stupidity. "I said done not undone. I guess I was right about you being stupid."
13 years ago
's smile falters as he replays the conversation. 'I'm not-ah...That was a trick question! I'm not stupid, you just confused me!' He accuses.
13 years ago
smirks. "Or as the english would like to say. You have just been bamboozled."
13 years ago
flushes, hitting the side of his head. 'I really don't like you today, you know that?' He did warn him he didn't want to be bamboozled...
13 years ago
only laughs at that. "That's not that different from any other day." He comments back. "But I can live with that just as long as I can say
13 years ago
that you were...BAMBOOZLED!"
13 years ago
purses his lips together and gives him an almighty shove. 'Damn Turk, stop saying that! You aren't allowed to-that word is banned from your
13 years ago
13 years ago
smirks. "Last time I checked you weren't my boss sooo I can say whatever the hell I want. Like you've been bamboozled."
13 years ago
grabs his front and yanks him forward so he can snarl 'Quieten your loud mouth *right* now or I'll do it for you.'
13 years ago
's brow quirks up in amusment. "....bamboozled?" He snorts.
13 years ago
forces his lips onto Turkey's in a firm, almost crushing kiss. He was mad enough to be the dominant one this time, to show Turkey who's boss
13 years ago
's eyes widen at the kiss....he had been expecting physical violence like a punch to the face or perhaps even choking but this...this had
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caught him offguard. He is actually in shock but he does manage to do one thing and that is try desperatly to push the Greek off of him.
13 years ago
wraps his arms firmly around his neck. He was going no where for a while. His knee forces itself between the Turk's legs and pushes him
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back to a wall before biting down on his bottom lip.
Turkey feels
13 years ago
violated....but is kind of liking it BUT will never admit it. His back hits the wall behind him before his head and groin fight with each
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other for control. To like it or not to like it...that is the question. He slowly...*very* slowly begins to respond as his arms wrap around
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Greece and pull him against him. Maybe he should start saying Bamboozled more often if this was what was going to happen.
13 years ago
huffs inwardly. He could feel the Turk beginning to respond every so slowly which meant he either was fighting back or he was liking
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it. Either way, the Greek wanted to punish him, so he tries harder. He digs his nails into Turkey's thighs and ass, and his hips roll into
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him to make it a little more interesting. 'I won't stop till you promise you won't say that word again,' He manages to say through the harsh
13 years ago
13 years ago
's eyes flare at the challenge. "Fuck that." He growls back as he grabs onto the Greeks wrists, squeezing them, as he tries to pull them
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away from his ass and thighs. But has to release them quickly when he has to choke back a small moan when Greece's hips rolled into him and
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not at all gently.
13 years ago
smirks into the kiss, having won a battle. He forces their mouths open wider and sucks on the Turk's tongue hard. 'Language, Turkey,' He
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chuckles into him. He slides his wrists out of his loosened grip, and pushes Turkey's head back into the wall, hard enough to make him
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wince. 'Enjoying this?'
13 years ago
does wince. He isn't sure if he's liking the fact that the Greek is dominating him. He glares as he tries to come up with a way of getting
13 years ago
out of this humiliating situation. He wouldn't even dignify Greece's question with an answer.
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chuckles at his clear hatred of this situation. He drags his nails up to his stomach and then his chest. 'Because I *really* am, especially
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after out little fall out. Isn't it good to be friends again?' He emphasises his words by biting his lip again.
13 years ago
continues to glare at him. Two could play at this game. He snakes an arm around the Greek's waist as he pulls him roughly against him
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pinning the Greeks arms against his chest. He tightens his hold on him and firmly takes a hold of the Greek's chin. "I'm SO glad we're
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friends again." He says between gritted teeth before crushing his lips against Greece's in a bruising kiss. He forces his tongue into the
13 years ago
Greeks mouth.
13 years ago
cringes as his breathing and movementis restricted a little. He goes to make a snide comment but is silenced by Turkey's mouth, which is
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suddenly slammed onto his lips. He tries to kiss back with as much strength but he's caught out by his tongue. He gasps and unintentionally
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takes a moment to excitedly greet the intruder. He eventually stops himself, thinking 'Stop being friendly, dammit!' and he bites his tongue
13 years ago
13 years ago
hisses in pain as he pulls away. He could taste the small trickle of blood in his mouth. He makes a face before glaring at the Greek. "Very
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naughty." He growls as he turns them around and slams the Greek against the wall. He keeps both his hands clamped on Greece's upper arms
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keeping him in place. "Maybe you're the one that needs to be taught a lesson."
13 years ago
smirks when Turkey pulls away. He's pretty certian he made him bleed. His success, however, is short lived as he is slammed against the wall
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and his breath his knocked out of him. 'A-ah...' he gasps in pain, but then bottles up. He didn't want to show any weakness. 'You can't
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teach, you're a Turk.' he sucks in some air, 'And you don't scare me, so let me go-!'
13 years ago
tightens his grip on the Greek's arms. "I taught you plenty of things." He hisses. "And I'm disappointed that my lesson on manners went
13 years ago
right through you." There was a disgusting metallic taste in his mouth now. He whirls Greece around so that the Greeks front is now pressed
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against the wall and he presses himself as close as possible; chest touching back. "You're always so disrespectful..."He growls into
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Greece's ear nipping harshly against it. "For a nation who is the birthplace of western civilization you are quite barbaric." He continues
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while grinding his hips into the Greeks backside. His hold on Greece's arms never once relinquishing.
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groans against the wall. Why was the Turk never fair on him? 'M-manners? That's rich coming fr-from you.' He struggles out. 'Look at you. If
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I have any traces of barbarity in me it stems directly from you, you...brute in a mask!' He bites his lip as their hips rock
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together. 'Z-Zeus! Turkey, don't start something you won't finish!' He rubs his head back to prevent him biting his ear, so their cheeks
13 years ago
press together. He tries to nudge the mask away-he knows Turkey hates someone messing with it.
Turkey has
13 years ago
to pull his head back to save his mask from being nudged off by the Greek. It was already sitting uncomfortably on his face but he knew if
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he let one of the Greek's arms go he would be able to get away. And so he opted for letting it be...for now. "What makes you think I won't
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finish?" He asks as he pushes his hips forward once again. Finishing could mean many things.
13 years ago
gasps again. He was experiencing surges of pain and pleasure from this harsh shoves into the wall. The warmth from behind him was
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getting harder and harder to ignore. 'I'm suggesting perhaps you don't have it in your *old*, aging self to take me on.' He challenges,
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smirking through the pain. He loved pretending Turkey was old-the other nation seemed to think he was serious most of the time, so it was
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the perfect way tto get under his skin.
13 years ago
's eyes narrow. He wasn't that old and Greece knew he didn't turn down challenges. Especially challenges made by him. "I'll show you
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old." He growls as he finallly does release one of Greece's arms and snakes it down to the Greek's pants. While he was working on the belt,
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button and zipper. He pushed his leg inbetween Greece's and lifted it so it was rubbing the other's crotch.
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groans, and definetely not in pain this time. His hips jerk into his hand but then hovers back to meet his knee. 'You don't play fair,
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you damn Turk! You always aim for my Achilles heel, and that isn't fair!' He snaps. He had to admit, Turkey was stronger than him, and a
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little bigger too. Unfortunately he was also intelligent so outwitting him wasn't going to be easy. 'You wouldn't win if we played on an
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even field.'
13 years ago
finally managed to pull out Greece's erection and gripped it roughly. "First of all, if you knew how to play the game you wouldn't
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constantly be in this situation and secondly there's no rules in war so suck it up." He smirks as he moves his hand up the cock.
13 years ago
's hand idly plays with the Greek's shaft as if it were nothing more than a toy. "You need to step up your game."
13 years ago
((I'll move us onto a private plurk ;-) ))
13 years ago
(( Alright. ))
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