Oh man.... YOUR GONE??
Yay for Twilight! Hooray for your wife!
Have fun! We'll have a discussion thread on here tomorrow...or later as I'll be packing and moving tomorrow...
Dustyn is so sick of hearing about it... doesn't help that he hasn't seen it yet... so that will be nice!
When are you guys going to it?
Hopefully tomorrow, but I found out earlier that I have to tend until 5... so I don't think we'll get the chance to go to Provo.
He has read the first one.
We are still looking for the second on tape... that way he can listen to and from work everyday.
I know they have the quadrilogy box set of books
the thing about book on tape (cd) is that if they get someone stupid to read it, it ruins it.
That's why I won't get the Twilight series on cd....the girl who reads is retarded.
We have looked at three costcos. They had them ALL last time we went but now we can not find them anywhere.
Yeah... and the lady is kinda stupid.
(for the first one) so she could hear Edward say "Bella". It KILLS me.
How does Edward say "Bella" on your cd read by a stupid girl?
Or does it kill you because she's stupid and it so ruins it?
It's gotta be hard to be all macho
I just tried saying it...didn't work out so well
ha ha ha! *Hav* "Bella... Bella... " *low voice Hav* "Bella...."*
I know...I sounded..into her, and it just creeped me out!
thanks but i didn't get to go last night

we are going to the 4 pm showing tonight with all the little kids
hehe you guys are killing me
Bummer.... I think we are going tonight as well.
you get to provo no matter what and see it
We might go to Ephriam....
so that isn't as far away, but then we don't get to shop or go out to eat.
But there is always Fat Jacks. I *love* Fat Jacks. YUM!!
SHUT UP! That is my FAVORITE place in the whole world.
their cheese sticks are to DIE FOR!
that people share in her joy of the Fat Jacks.
Exactly! I LOVE their Cheese Sticks. Although it's called "Roy's Pizza" now.
You pretty much have to be my friend for that.

Just kidding.. I just feel like we might as well since we plurk with similar people!
Jacks you are totally missing out.
Road Trip to Ephriam... for a real date!
spamula: ya we're pretty much friends for that one. for life. Even the boyfriend didn't understand the greatness that was Cheese Sticks
until i took him there. now he knows.

They seriously are the best.
The Pizza is nothing to write home about. But the Cheese Sticks - that is a totally different story. That is all we order.
Did you go to Snow, or are you from Sanpete? Or do you just like Fat Jacks?
me? I'm from provo, still live there. I just LOVE fat jacks. Mom can make their cheesy sticks. best thing ever.
give you the recipe if you want. they're really easy.
I would *love* the recipe.
ok i'll find it and email it to you. very delish.
sounds good! Mmm... dustynkamieATgmailDOTcom
Man, I am struggling... and have no idea what I am doing wrong. Weird.
Oh.. it won't let me space after the address. Dumb plruk.
haha no prob. Just don't let me forget

yea i have a hard time plurking peoples names too. I finally gave up.
you'll like the recipe. do you have a bread maker? it'll work without one.
Yep! I have one!! I am so excited! Thanks!
oh goodie. they make it a lot more convenient. i'll get the recipe this weekend and send it to ya. it turns out better than Fat Jacks, but
Mmm... sounds good! I have been looking for a good breadstick recipe for quite some time.
You are my official hero for the day,
don't thank me. Mom found the recipe, then tweaked it over the years to perfect it. She even just discovered a new way to
make the bottom the perfect crispness. I'll give you all the secrets...just don't start a Fat Jacks without me! what would we call ours
Ha ha! Umm... that is a good question.
I am seriously excited though.
Jacks must really be working!)
if you have access to a Sams Club, there is a certain brand of cheese that can't be beat...but we've used the cheapest ingredients before
yea poor
jacks. we took over his plurk.
its okay i don't mine it jelps my plurk responses go up
ok good. sorry to go off on a Fat Sticks Cheese Sticks tangent. you really should try them sometime.

I always highjack
Jacks plurks.
I do too. He'll be talking about school and I'll be like, "OOOH Look at your icon. cute horse" totally unrelated.
Ha ha! I remember that one!
that was a fun one, i love when you guys highjack me it makes for interesting reading
jacks: do yourself a favor and get some ranch to dip them in.
Mmm.... ranch! I love ranch with Fat sticks!
I'm going to need Fat Sticks sometime soon.
wow..this conversation went from Twilight to cheesy sticks...
very interesting don't ya think