AverageClo says
13 years ago
hi again plurk!! i'm getting bad at this!!
latest #12
Settle.Down says
13 years ago
Hello :-)!
Settle.Down says
13 years ago
You were up early!
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
we weep in your absence :-P how've you been?
Max says
13 years ago
AverageClo says
13 years ago
yehhh i'm only allowed on the internet between 12-8am because it's free and we've exceeded our limit for the month in a week haha
AverageClo says
13 years ago
i'm grand thankyou but miss you guys!!
Settle.Down says
13 years ago
Oooooo bad times :-(
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
Geez, I didn't think limited internet still existed :-P
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
Soon it'll be christmas my dear, we shall be joined together again. I mean socially not physically, that would just create an unholy super
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
creature I'm rambline aren't I.
AverageClo says
13 years ago
ahhh i am looking forward to it
Captain Jonny says
13 years ago
Fantastic :-)
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