13 years ago
So tired.
latest #18
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
go sleep la...
13 years ago
Cannot, got alot of things to do leh. You finish all your stuffs alrdy?
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
haha... nope... i got no formal report of letter writing... just need to study for the test and do fyp...
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
oh... fyp again... a headache....
13 years ago
What about your cGMP article?? That one like v difficult to do sia.
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
hahaa.. my is tutorial.... and is tutorial 12 if i dint rmb wrongly.... just try your best ba..
13 years ago
Yup, the recent happening thing.
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
that one i tot is single work de..
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
oh.. you mean the LM tutorial.. hahaa... im doing right now.... if you tired just go sleep la tmr then do...
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
shit.. you talking bout GMP here.... ok.. im blur
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
haha... thats why im blur... well.. whatever.. hahaa.. im just doing what i need to do.... hehee
13 years ago
Huhh? Means the recent happening is grp work? REALLY???
JIrvineSXOXO says
13 years ago
well.. NN say it is then maybe it is.. but i rmb is single work... ask the rest tmr bah..
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