Sevenstar Amat asks
14 years ago
just out of interesst: how many social networking plattforms do you use and what is the benefit of it?
latest #10
14 years ago
this for my SL friends and FB which I am more selective as to who I will add. The benefit is keep in touch/share interests/support each othr
14 years ago
vent, share stuff you find,experience, etc
Blue Story Elf says
14 years ago
LinkedIn for business networking and promotion, Facebook (and a neglected Hyves account) to stay in touch with friends and family, and plurk
Blue Story Elf
14 years ago
well... Plurk... originally to stay in touch with SL friends, but quite often RL takes over and some plurkbuddies have become rl friends
14 years ago
yeah, same here, what zip said bout SL/RL friends :-D
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
times change and we do: my SL became more and more boring for me, I´m back to RL
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
also I have Twitter I like for some reason, FB and Mayspace
14 years ago
Xing/LinkedIn for professional networking - benefit huge. Twitter for PR - benefit huge. Plurk for personal enjoyment - benefit huge.
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
I hoped anyone knows plattforms like hoot and such-yet we cannot be everywhere ;-)
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
my benefit from Twitter is suprisingly the best-I use it for PR like FB
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