Welcome~ too late. I can't walk you through this plurk.
/talked to nii-san in private
/goes off now, state of mind relxed
my bloody internet refuses to let me answer sooner ^^''
my internet just can't handle my awesomseness T^T
it can't handle everybody's awesomeness sometimes
actually, Prussia is an American ^^
yay then, more americans~
unfortunately not, close though
well, we can never have enough Americans, can we? XD
at least you're not from california
Fff that is true. ;u; GMT-5~<3
because, I can hardly talk to anybody from california, because it's already past the time I have to go to bed. ;w;
yeah, but gmt-5 is... okay still. better than cali. ^^;;
XD funny you mentioned cali since I was supposed to move there September
damn American recession T^T
I see... my consolations.
eh, didn't really wanna move anyway, all my anime freaks are here ^^
What state? o3o New York?
well, I know for a fact that there are MANY anime freaks in cali too. SOME of them are online here. xD but they're younger than you are.
pfft, denny was in NYC this summer for some course.
Called it. /Knows New Yorkers :'>
we're the the worst j-walkers in the country
gror, my studies steal me from the internet. Until tomorrow, bye everyone~
Lovino, from the way you were talking, I thought you were Austria rightn ow. OTL
;w;" It's okay Luddie, I've likely done that before. Especially in Pirate theme, when all the names looked so similar. And me and Aus have
..Dang. I missed em.;A; /Blames m!plurk
Stop creeping them out Liet!
That face up there says you were
Now see, that's less creepy.
Of course. Does someone want a hug?
*embraces female physical contact*
Stope making creeper faces!;u;
toris is not creepy *cough* -I AM- LOL
....Nah. You aren't creeapy.ouo
*SADFACE* im not either OTL
Aww, but you are./Hugs Liet
..... *feels her right eye twitch*
Did someone mention Californians~?
/Nearly gets runover everytime she visits
/j-walked a lot when she visited New York fff
/J-walks everyday to get to school. Us Berklians are amazing J-walkers and J-walk everything.
can somebody explain to me what j-walking means?
jay walking is like walking across the street without looking at the lights that indicates the walking or not.
believe me. JAYWALKERS dont walk on these yellow pedestrian walkways.
.... =.= so jaywalkers are technically suicidal rulebreakers.
the reason why the lights on oxford circle will never turn green
/sigh Why do we never get southerners?
/is sometimes an accidental j-walker. i remember this specific time when I was eating an ice cream and decided to cross the street
I was already half way through when an uncle screams "CRISTINA!" and I turn around and I see a bus just 1 or 2 metres away from me. When I
reacted the bus driver was already insulting me and I ran to the other side.
/was 10 years old, tended to daydream badly /still gets distracted easily + really clumsy. orz I'm an accident waiting to happen.
and you got along without one for so long? that'S quite awesome
Me and my sister locked ourselves in a trunk one time. o3o
/never walked on busy streets and stuff, mainly cause there aren't any busy streets here at all XD
Ooo I used to love riding in the trunk with my bro. 8D
/never walked on busy streets and stuff, mainly cause there aren't any busy streets here at all XD
No one knew about it, though, and it was a wicked hot day out and we were trapped. We would've suffocated if no one found us.
why would somebody go into a trunk?
... b-but our trunk's like, in a van. ouo /just climbs into the trunk and enjoys the bumpy ride
We always had vans, so my 'n my sis were amazed by a small car trunk, constantly closing ourselves in it and having the other pop the trunk.
Aaaand one day we decided we wanted to try it together. -w-;
/rolled down the stairs, fell down the stairs, twisted ankle a certain amount of times, gets cuts the most ridiculous ways
once I was bending down to get a pencil and I fell.
the most memorable cut was yesterday, I was frantically looking for a towel in my bedroom and there was one in my closet, unfortunately
I forgot i had left stylet just above it, and as I pulled the towel from the closet I slightly stabbed my thigh.
Hi~ GIlbert~ >W< wave wave wave and tackle hug [btw, N. italy here]
my little pranks are boring.
/finds it fitting btw. that you appeared on november 9th. pfft.
hm? you know fall of berlin wall 1989, november 9th?
and he disappears with new prussia hahaha
yeah... *crosses fingers for better luck with nii-san*