Joislighter wonders
13 years ago
rutile quartz, black spinal and ....
latest #18
Joislighter says
13 years ago
more quartz and some garnet?? or
Joislighter says
13 years ago
or vesuvisite??
Kit says
13 years ago
garnet, the answer is ALWAYS garnet (LOL)
Joislighter says
13 years ago
(LOL) Kit (girlkiss)
皖 wan says
13 years ago
red garnet will add some colour
13 years ago
depends on what kind of "mood" you're trying to make Jo... Vesuvianite should be rather interesting.. ;-)
皖 wan says
13 years ago
clear quartz to keep it pure black and white
Joislighter says
13 years ago
(thinking) its for another pair of woodland nymph
皖 wan says
13 years ago
vesuvisite would give it a very nice spring+autumn feel...
皖 wan says
13 years ago
smth like death and rebirth?
皖 wan says
13 years ago
just my thoughts (LOL)
Joislighter says
13 years ago
thank you !!!
13 years ago
vesuvisite?? (thinking)
Joislighter says
13 years ago
*coughs* Vesuvianite
13 years ago
(LOL) ok... I thought it was something new... (rofl)
皖 wan says
13 years ago
(LOL) i was lazy to spell so i copied and paste
13 years ago
people.. I am disappointed in you! (nottalking)
Lotta says
13 years ago
(woot) whichever you choose, I'm sure it'll be goood!
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