Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
Wow some flu medicine + vitamin C cost me ard RM90. But the Doctor said is herbal type medicine wor~ @_@
latest #9
gilBear says
13 years ago
wahhhhhhhhh - chinese meds?
Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
no lar I'm just go to that Poliklinik & Dispensari Solaris
Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
next to CIMB there
Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
6types of medicine and partially is herbal type
Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
+ consultation total RM86.00
Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
not cheap hor
Мюнстер0606 says
13 years ago
woahhh! @.@ exp..
gilBear says
13 years ago
WOOOOHHHH!!! solaris total cut throat!
Big Fat Panda says
13 years ago
haha now me whole neck is blood "yat keng huet"
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