welcome back jim!!!
its been so long!you guys now ard wanna have your big exam right?
Ya,you are right.Glad to see you here agian.Here is the only place that we can chat together.How's life?
oh,same old same old....having short semester now,life has been laid back a bit.what bout yours?
Preparing my exams since it has just 17 days left.Currently stay at penang.Our hometown was flooded.Somemore no water supply.So,I fled aways
hahahaha.yeah too bad AS got hit bad,luckily my house still survive the flood...
Oh,it has no more a nice kampung filled with greeny paddy fields.So sad lah.Did you come back to take a look?
nah,no time.i wanna go back also i dont think the bus will be able to drive into the city LOL
ED,ya,perhaps,remember show your concern to your family ya.They are suffering.
Hey jae,long time no chat.'
ya... it's been a long time
hui bin dou kam luei mou plurk geh?