13 years ago
wakes up a day later with a terrible headache. And...apparently in Gilbert's room in the basement. But with no Gilbert present...
latest #103
13 years ago
...what the hell happened?
13 years ago
would tell him if he felt comfortable talking to him. He's busy staring at his trashed bedroom right now, anyway.
13 years ago
...but maybe what he thinks he remembers is just a dream or something. He doesn't know. But either way he's not thrilled about it.
13 years ago
hasn't been up long enough to remember anything beyond going to Francis' about that...that issue. But he doesn't remember getting back here,
13 years ago
just nodding off on his couch. ...and Jesus, all that embarrassing shit he spouted off about. Bed may be the best place for him just yet.
13 years ago
remembers more than he'd like, so he doesn't mind...ignoring most, if not all of it. He's decidedly not going over there for a while -
13 years ago
anyway. Way too awkward. He'll just pick up this mess, and maybe later ask for his photos back, if he can't find soft copies.
13 years ago
's internal alarms won't let him get back to sleep if it's past eight. There's sunlight coming through the small basement window too. It'll
13 years ago
take him awhile to get up and even longer to climb the stairs and discover that he's been locked in the basement.
Francis will
13 years ago
just focus on cleaning up and trying to pretend all of that didn't happen. He is concerned about Ludwig's condition now, though. But he -
13 years ago
might call Gilbert to find out about that, rather than having to talk to Ludwig, whether on the phone or in person.
13 years ago
would be concerned about Francis if he weren't busy trying to get out. Gilbert's sitting right in the kitchen listening to all that, too, so
13 years ago
he gets quite the show when Ludwig finally slams his shoulder into the door hard enough to snap the lock. Give it half an hour of trying to
13 years ago
calm him down and explain, and Gilbert will save Francis the effort and call him instead.
13 years ago
gets the bedroom straightened in that time. After that, he moves onto downstairs to pick up there. It's when he gets to the couch that he-
13 years ago
sees his old uniform. That just makes everything much more real. It's harder to pretend this all didn't happen when he's got physical-
13 years ago
proof in front of him. Well, proof apart from a slightly bruised face. When Gilbert calls, Francis is in the backyard burning it. -
13 years ago
His phone's on him, though, so he answers after a moment. It's more of a grunt than an actual word.
13 years ago
Gilbert snorts. That's promising. "You okay?" He's not dead, so that's a start.
13 years ago
(too lazy to log out)
13 years ago
takes a moment to think about his answer. "Considering all the possibilities, I suppose I'm fine. is Ludwig?" (s'all good)
13 years ago
glances towards the living room, where Ludwig's trying to clean up the mess he and Gilbert made the night before. He blamed that on them
13 years ago
fighting. Ludwig didn't need to know Gilbert still harboured a deep fetish for his brother seventy years ago and took full advantage once he
13 years ago
got Ludwig sedated and sloppy drunk. "Angry. But uh...normal. He didn't fuck you up, did he?"
13 years ago
pokes at the burning cloth with a stick. He'll reburn it again and again until it's completely reduced to ashes. "I'm nothing more than -
13 years ago
bruised, really. He was...rather docile, in comparison to what he's capable of." He pauses briefly. "I'm sorry about what I said."
13 years ago
sighs, eyes closing as he rubs his forehead. "I'm sorry, man. I shouldn't have told him what was going on with you. That was stupid of me."-
13 years ago
clears his throat, then forces a laugh. "Don't worry about it. That was old you talkin'. You remember that shit though? West...I guess he-
13 years ago
doesn't. He just remembers fallin' asleep at your place."
13 years ago
continues poking at the uniform. It's not burning as quickly as he'd like. "I wish I didn't remember. It's probably best he doesn't, -
13 years ago
though. He...uh. Said some things, too. When he was normal. But it was probably just an effort to stop me. I remember I kind of-
13 years ago
snapped." Maybe he shouldn't bring that up, but he's actively trying to be completely open with both of them.
13 years ago
glances toward the living room again. "Goddamn you two are some vague bastards. Look, whatever he said, he ain't tellin' me either, so he-
13 years ago
probably feels bad about it. He'll suck it up and apologize." Of course, he has no idea how far off track this is.
13 years ago
shifts a bit uncomfortably, not that Gilbert can see that. "Well...if he feels bad about it, I would have rather he not have said-
13 years ago
it at all. Had I been myself...I really wouldn't have minded hearing that."
13 years ago
flops back in his chair and smacks the phone against his forehead in frustration. These two are so fucking cryptic it's starting to drive-
13 years ago
him crazy. "Uh huh yeah. D'you wanna talk to him or no?"
13 years ago
adds more lighter fluid to the clothes and watches it flare up before he answers. "I don't mind, if he wants to talk."
13 years ago
's silent, then there's a thud and mumbled swearing when he drops the phone. "West! Come talk to your fuckin' girlfriend!" More noises-
13 years ago
then Ludwig's voice as he gets to the phone. "Gilbert, I've asked you a thousand times... Good morning-
13 years ago
Chancellor. I apologize for my brother. How may I be of assistance?"
13 years ago
actually manages to feel a little amused, hearing all of that. He doesn't sound it, though, whenever he speaks up. "...Perhaps-
13 years ago
you could start by taking a few days off and relaxing." Had he been in a better mood, he would've attempted a German accent.
13 years ago
hesitates and glances at his brother. But Gilbert's already marched off, leaving him alone in the kitchen. "I beg your pardon?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "Je sais pas. I just think itmd do you good." He pauses for a long moment. "Um, how are you?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
very slowly realizes who he's got on the other line and manages a small 'oh'. Oh, awkward. Gilbert couldn't fill him in on all the details,
13 years ago
only that he'd gone over there and come back...wrong. " fine. Are are you? Are you hurt? Was anything destroyed?" ...cough.
Francis is
13 years ago
quiet for a moment, unsure of how to answer that. He doesn't want to sugarcoat it, but he doesn't want to be too blunt about it,-
13 years ago
either. "I'm...I'm okay. I've got a few bruises, but that's it. And...nothing's really broken."
13 years ago
's stomach twists, much to his own surprise. "...I'm sorry."
13 years ago
bites his lip. He appreciates hearing that, but 'it's okay' isn't an appropriate response. "It's not like you meant to become -
13 years ago
like that again..." This is his way of accepting that apology, even if it's maybe not the best thing to say.
13 years ago
doesn't understand why he did in the first place. Even Gilbert, who seems to have an answer for everything or at least pretends to,-
13 years ago
couldn't help him there. He picks something up off the table, plays with it, rolls it around in his hand. "I should have been in better-
13 years ago
control..." He isn't going to mention laying back for it when Francis decided to light into him. He earned that much at least. "I will-
13 years ago
help you repair whatever is damaged."
13 years ago
continues staring at the fire. It's amazing how that just watching it burn somewhat improves his mood. Only a little, though. "That's...-
13 years ago
that's not necessary. It's all minimal, really." Perhaps it isn't, but he's not going to say that. He can at least tell in his tone that -
13 years ago
Ludwig is sincere. He almost feels inclined to tell him to come over, to try to offer some physical reassurance, but at the same time, the-
13 years ago
idea makes him feel even more awkward, simply because of everything. "I can take care of it."
Ludwig will
13 years ago
have to make it up to him somehow. He has no idea how yet, but something... And if Francis only remembers certain parts of all that,-
13 years ago
there's a good chance he won't remember what Ludwig's sure would make continuing this impossible. Once again, he should have been in-
13 years ago
better control. "Ah. Well. If you're sure..." Not that he blames Francis for wanting to keep distance between them right now.
Francis is
13 years ago
thinking that for now, it's best not to mention that. He's not even sure if Ludwig meant it or not due to the situation, so he's just going-
13 years ago
to disregard it and not think into it. The best he can, at least. "I'm sure. You should focus on resting. I'm sure you need it."
13 years ago
tosses whatever he was toying with back to the table, watching it slide halfway across the immaculate surface. "...I was not the one under-
13 years ago
attack, Francis. And I remember nothing of it, nothing beyond you going to sleep that night."
13 years ago
"I wish I could say the same, really. But I'll tell you comparison to what could've happened, it didn't end too badly." It's-
13 years ago
difficult to admit this, but he thinks it's something that Ludwig needs to know.
13 years ago
knows exactly what could have happened. So much could have gone wrong with the two of them alone in confined spaces. That nothing-
13 years ago
life-threatening happened was really something of a miracle. "....that's good then, I suppose."
13 years ago
nods, forgetting for a moment that he's talking on a phone. He doesn't really know what else to say, though. He's not sure what he can say-
13 years ago
to make it any less awkward between them now. "Ah,...if you're busy, I can let you go."
13 years ago
isn't expecting to have a normal conversation with him right now anyway. Too much happened for Francis to be comfortable with him, and in-
13 years ago
truth, Ludwig's pretty ashamed of himself as well. He's quiet, then starts toward the living room with the phone. "That's fine. Would you-
13 years ago
like to speak to Gilbert again?"
Francis wishes
13 years ago
it was otherwise; it feels like it's been a long time since he's really talked to him, and it's probably going to be a while-
13 years ago
before they can interact normally. "Yes, please."
Ludwig says
13 years ago
goodbye, hands the phone over and leaves silently while Gilbert grunts into the receiver. He's found a decent show on; good luck.
Francis thinks
13 years ago
perhaps it's best if he just hangs up all together, so he'll start to say goodbye to Gilbert too, without even attempting conversation.
13 years ago
snorts. "Fuck, I feel like a little kid with divorced parents now."
Francis is
13 years ago
quiet for a moment. "It's a little odd that you'd feel that way, when you sleep with us."
13 years ago
squirms back into the cushions and stretches his legs out on the couch. "Mn, well, maybe you had a thing for my brother when he was-
13 years ago
little too. You could be a pedo parent. But no, just so y'know, I'm not gonna be relaying messages back and forth. You two got a problem,
13 years ago
you better be workin' it out in person. No pussy shit."
13 years ago
makes no comment on the first part; the latter is more important. He agrees with it, but... "I don't really think now it an appropriate time
13 years ago
for that. It'll have to wait until...when things aren't so awkward." He's not taking into consideration that's it's possible that'll it-
13 years ago
just stay awkward until he goes over there, or vice versa.
13 years ago
actually agrees with that. It would be weird seeing them trying to get along after rehashing the worst times in their long histories. He-
13 years ago
just isn't known for saying anything intelligent though, so he'll keep that to himself. "No shit. But try to do it before the holidays.-
13 years ago
I don't wanna have to figure out whose house I get to go to this year, even if two Christmas' would be awesome.
13 years ago
13 years ago
finishes up with what he's doing outside and heads in for coffee. He really hadn't put in much consideration over the holidays. He didn't -
13 years ago
want to assume that this year would be any different than any other year. "All right. I'll be sure to do it well before then."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. It's hard to joke around and find entertainment from somebody when they're just in a bad mood. "Fine, fine. You can go-
13 years ago
and finishing baking your cakes or whatever it is you're doing."
13 years ago
stands at his counter and watches his coffee brew. He's more blunt than he meant to be, really. "I was burning an old uniform."
13 years ago
isn't going to ask which one it was. He doesn't need to. "Well, that sorta counts as cooking. if you're English."
13 years ago
grunts in response. He's not in the mood to even crack a joke about les rosbifs. "Mn. I'll talk to you some other time."
13 years ago
sucks the back of his teeth, mutters something offhand and hangs up. Fine. He'll sit there and enjoy the television.
13 years ago
simply can't hold a conversation right now. He'll drink his coffee and deal with all the turmoil attached to having to relive back then.
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