Minou says
13 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/29265_79bbe55a9e23fe2ea5bdcfd759a0e66c.jpg Hi! My name is Chocolate. I've just come home after a mini makeover. :-)
latest #14
Stanster™ says
13 years ago
urm, she're really pretty...
Stanster™ says
13 years ago
but i'm so sorry, dolls just give me the creeps... :'-(
Aerlinniel says
13 years ago
at least she doesn't go "mama" when u press her chest. i hate those kind of dolls
Minou says
13 years ago
er why are u sorry? lol
Stanster™ says
13 years ago
bcos...i'm going to mute this plurk ><
EmperorMorte says
13 years ago
duh she so cute
retardedly_cute says
13 years ago
hawo choco! how's ur play mate sophie?!
Minou says
13 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/29265_74182a248ff0278fefd89d889e86221a.jpg very well!
Aerlinniel says
13 years ago
I like Sophie's dress!
13 years ago
looks at morte....
13 years ago
looks at morte....
EmperorMorte shares
13 years ago
looks back at tgf's seductive eyes ... ** sparks fly **
Shawnigami says
13 years ago
tvbaddict says
13 years ago
chocolate n sophie..
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