13 years ago
rather doubts she fell asleep at the table with her Halloween dressup for one whole week. She vaguely remembers some things but... Eh, no.
latest #506
13 years ago
wouldn't be bothered by it if he was her. He also has a mild case of amnesia. And a warrant for his arrest, but he doesn't know that. Anyway
13 years ago
time for a nice visit. well, if she recognizes him in his guy clothes, though honestly he likes them more then his dress.
13 years ago
is just confused, really; there is something very wrong with waking up after a few days with no memory. Usually it means she reverted back_
Eva a
13 years ago
few centuries, which isn't very nice. And well, she will open the door for... him? Give her a second here, she's confused. Yep.
13 years ago
will not have it dawn on him that she may not recognize him or be confused. Yeah he's way taller and his clothes are different but-
13 years ago
hey. "Trick or treat. Have a good halloween?" He doesn't remember his, but he probably didn't get into too much trouble.
13 years ago
's just standing there and staring for a moment. She doesn't really get who that is but ah... "I think so...?" She blinks. "*Who* are you?"
13 years ago
thinks her amnesia must be pretty bad not to recognize him. He frowns and places a hand on her forehead. "Are you okay? It's me. Hungary."
13 years ago
reaches a hand up to bat his away from her forehead but stops. "... Hongarije?!" She furrows her brow. "Well aren't you... Different?"
13 years ago
grins, flashing his teeth. "Ja. At first I was pissed, but now it actually looks like a good thing. I'm tall for once." along with more-
13 years ago
obvious differences. He plays with his hair.
13 years ago
just blinks, but soon steps to the side so he can step in if he wants. "Ah, that was my first reaction when that happened to me, to..."
13 years ago
too* even. )
13 years ago
thanks her and steps inside, glancing around. "Nice house. Ya know it also helps, because apparently there's a warrant out for female-
13 years ago
Eliza. I don't even remember setting anything on fire."
13 years ago
thanks him for that, making sure to close the door. She glances at him from over her shoulder. "Setting things on fire..?" She might have_
13 years ago
had a dream about something as strange as that, but she's not sure. "Make yourself at home, ja? I'm going to change out of this old thing."
13 years ago
lounges on her couch, long legs comfortably just sprawled. he'll just rest his eyes while she's changing. being in fear of going to jail-
13 years ago
puts a horrible stress on a body.
13 years ago
flees upstairs for a moment to change into something more comfortable; a simple brown dress with sleeves, knee-length, like she usually_
13 years ago
wears them nowadays. And a pair of socks. She comes back after a while and flops down on an armchair. "So what brings you here?"
13 years ago
starts, then yawns and rubs his eye. "Well I seem to have lost my frying pan. I mean, I woke up with a shovel. I could get another but.."-
13 years ago
would rather not. That pan was a gift to him, and it has all of his favorite memories attached to it. He'll also add it was not fun waking-
13 years ago
up as a man in a short red mini dress. Not fun.
13 years ago
curls up a bit in her place on the armchair and just nods. "I'm sure it's somewhere around your house." She blinks. A shovel? That's odd. _
13 years ago
hums softly, however deciding to change the subject; she doesn't want to make him feel awkward about being a guy all of a sudden or -
13 years ago
something. "Did you have a nice Halloween?"
13 years ago
sighs and ruffles his hair. "I hope so. My house was trashed. hell, I even had to kick people out of it." That was compliments of the party-
13 years ago
Eli had no idea was thrown. "I have no clue. Beyond the warrant, and some belongings of Ludwig's, I have no memory of what happened."
13 years ago
was playing with her hair while she- well, he spoke, but that's right about when she stops. "Ludwig's stuff?" She slumps back on the _
13 years ago
armchair, pulling a nearby pillow to hug. "And all that... Ah, well I believe we're on a similar boat here. I have no idea what I might have
13 years ago
done this Halloween. I woke up a little over an hour ago, actually. Oddly enough."
13 years ago
shakes his head and bends over to pick up his flower when it falls out of his hair. "Yeah I have a bag full of his stuff. I'd give it back-
13 years ago
there's no way I'm going near him right now, or Francis." He's not stupid.
13 years ago
seems kind of distracted when he mentions France. Like she's trying to remember something but.. No. "Why not?"
13 years ago
tilts his head, leaning on his fist. "The one thing I do remember is a regressive Francis. mostly cause we got into a fight. But Gilbert-
13 years ago
told me Ludwig's gone back too. Yeah I'm sticking clear this time." He learned his lesson in allying with him. What'd he get? nothing but-
Eliza a
13 years ago
bunch of frozen dead bodies scattered in Russia's land. And he "invited" himself to stay at his place. That was fun. Not.
13 years ago
just kind of looks at him for a moment before burying her face in her pillow. She... Vaguely remembers something about France and. Oh dear,-
13 years ago
that seems a bit too much to be a coincidence. She sighs softly, hugging her pillow close. "It would be best to leave them alone until _
13 years ago
things go back to normal..." Though really? She doesn't want to leave France alone if she's aware he might get hurt.
13 years ago
scratches his face before leaning back with his arms behind his head. He tilts his face and looks at nothing really, thinking. "Well yeah.-
13 years ago
I tried talking to Francis and got insulted." Course, he insulted back but still. "I wonder if we should leave him alone with Ludwig-
13 years ago
though." He gets a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He had a closer to tie with Ludwig, but still what happened to Francis...
13 years ago
had a closer tie to France, so to say. But she doesn't want to think about that; she gets the feeling she has had the chance to discuss this
Eva a
13 years ago
bit too much lately - and while she does not condone the act of pretending things didn't happen, it doesn't mean she doesn't want to stay_
13 years ago
quiet about the more painful memories. "I say we leave them alone for now. Gilbert will... Help. If anything bad happens." She *hopes*.
13 years ago
will hope so too. He sighs and threads his fingers together. "And here I was hoping we avoid another world war catastrophe." He doubts it'll
13 years ago
reach *that* level, but it brings back rather troubling memories. he nods and gives into her advice. "Fine. But I swear to God if a nazi-
13 years ago
shows up at my place demanding I let him stay, I'm shooting him."
13 years ago
just buries her face in her pillow again, blocking out that kind of thoughts. "*Mon Dieu*, it won't happen. Don't jinx it."
13 years ago
's heartbeat picks up at the thought of battle, but he's remembering the good old days of horses and swords. "Don't worry. Now we have-
13 years ago
nuclear weapons to take care of a power hungry Ludwig."
13 years ago
"*Don't* say that." She doesn't look up. "He's been good. His people don't deserve that." And this is coming from someone with a not very _
13 years ago
happy history, concerning German occupation.
13 years ago
knows this, he's just looking at it in the cold hearted practical way. It was actually an attempt to cheer her but he's never been good-
13 years ago
at comforting full grown people. Italy was easy, just toss a ball with him. He looks away. "I'm looking at the extreme solution. For all-
13 years ago
we know he'll hit his head and turn back quickly. He may be good but his old self..." He scratches his head. "I'm worried if he does try-
13 years ago
something. I was his ally for a while and he still treated me like crap. That alone shows how he'll treat everyone else.
13 years ago
I'm just glad we have a fail safe." He's an ass, but he has the better of intentions.
13 years ago
sighs, hugging her pillow closer. "He won't... I *hope* he won't try anything." She doesn't exactly want to talk about that; it always _
13 years ago
leaves her thinking about a lot of things that happened before and well... She's happier now. And her eyes are set on the future, now. "Can_
13 years ago
we.. Talk about something else? Please?"
13 years ago
closes one eye in thought. "Well, while I was out in costume for a while, one of my horses gave birth." Yup. horses. How exciting.
13 years ago
finally looks up, blinking a couple of times; she wasn't crying or anything, but she might have, if they kept talking about that. "That's_
13 years ago
rather cute." She pauses. "I haven't seen my cat in a while.. He likes to sneak out sometimes."
13 years ago
snorts, then rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Heracles probably stole it. Yup, it's gonna make a handsome stallion, it will." He turns-
13 years ago
more towards her. "You've been riding before, ja?"
13 years ago
snorts; well, she wouldn't say that much. For all she knows, her cat will be back late at night. She nods. "A long time ago, yes."
13 years ago
smiles and stands. "good. Then let's go."
13 years ago
blinks. "What? Where?"
13 years ago
shrugs and offers her a hand. "Who knows? Gives a sense of adventure."
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow and just stares at him for a good while. She gets the feeling she heard this one somewhere. "You sure about that?"
13 years ago
beckons with his hand. Its deja vu for him too. "What do you have to lose?"
13 years ago
eyes it with a curious look for a moment, looking as if she's pondering that. She eventually sets the pillow aside and takes his hand, _
13 years ago
standing up in the process. "Alright then. I'll give that a try."
13 years ago
snorts and starts walking her to the door. He doesn't know where they'll go, but he'll figure it out once they see something-
13 years ago
interesting. "Today's a good day just to walk. Take the mind off of things."
13 years ago
had the vague impression, for a moment there, that she's been through this. But she just shrugs it off and leads him out the door. "Yes, I _
13 years ago
guess you're right."
13 years ago
thinks it's a good start to pick the mood up again. "Ya know what we should do? Find me more mens clothes. These are the only ones I have."
13 years ago
would rather not wear the same clothes until he changes back, if he does. He's definetly not wearing a dress and apron.
13 years ago
glances over at him, nodding. "Ah, I guess that is a good idea." She figures it's best to find something he's more comfortable with than a_
13 years ago
dress. "Last time I borrowed brother's clothes."
13 years ago
snorts and gives her a sidelong glance. "Unfortunetly I don't have a bruder to barrow from. I mean I could wear a dress but I'm not Poland."
13 years ago
shrugs. "Well, I let him use mine so..." She hums softly. "Anyhow, ja. Let's find you some nice clothes."
13 years ago
flicks his hair out of his face, cursing when the flower falls out again. "Hang on." He kneels down to scoop it up. "Know of any great-
13 years ago
places round here? and damnit, this flower keeps falling out."
13 years ago
shrugs. "I just... Window shop, first. Here," She pauses, holding out her hand so he'll give her the flower; she'll try to get it to stay in
13 years ago
place or something.
13 years ago
guesses that works out well enough. He pauses before handing it to her. He bends down a little so she can reach up to place it back-
13 years ago
in his hair. "Maybe you'll have more luck with it."
13 years ago
shrugs; she's not sure she can do a much better job, but she still tries to brush his hair a little better and set the flower in place. _
13 years ago
"We'll see how it goes."
13 years ago
shakes his head, grinning when the flower actually stays in place. "Danke. Maybe it just took a woman's touch."
13 years ago
snorts, going back to the previous task of walking in.. The general direction of some store, basically. "You're a woman too, deep down."
13 years ago
laughs and pulls her in, spinning her in a dance. "Ja, but it was fun saying that." It feels nice to be out of the house and with someone-
13 years ago
else besides his dogs and horses.
13 years ago
is caught off-guard, so excuse her squeaking in surprise. "Ah, I suppose it was." She laughs softly. "You'll be back to normal soon."
13 years ago
twirls her, but not too fast. "Aw...I kinda like being a man. But all things must come to pass.
13 years ago
". He'll have fun as man as he can though, before he changes back.
13 years ago
had to hold on for support right then, or she might have tripped on her own feet. She's getting that odd feeling again though, like she's_
13 years ago
been through this before... Huh. "I liked being a man; it was a strange experience, but an amusing one."
13 years ago
does sort of feel like they've done this before. Her grips her lightly around her arms to keep her from falling, dipping her down. "I think-
13 years ago
we've done this before."
13 years ago
lets out a 'whoa!' of surprise, but stares at him, a bit surprised. "You think so?" She does; sort of. It's weird.
13 years ago
shrugs and spins her again, ending it in another dip. "Seems that way. At least we weren't bored during the holiday." He glances-
13 years ago
up, just noticing how close they're getting to the shops. "We danced our way here."
13 years ago
"I can't say I remember." She pauses, however, blinking and glancing away, in the same direction as him. "Apparently so.."
13 years ago
grins down at her and lets her back up. "These clothes look nice." He lets go of her to wander over to a window.
13 years ago
brushes some imaginary dust off her clothes and follows him along. "Hmm, I suppose... You think they're your style?"
13 years ago
tilts his head to the side. They look sort of like his style. "They're nice, but I like these jeans I'm sporting. Know of a place with any?"
13 years ago
looks down and thinks for a moment. "Hm... Maybe down the street." She points in a specific direction. "Bought some stuff for broer there."
13 years ago
grabs her by the hand and starts dragging her down the street. "Let's go get me some then!" He's way too excited for pants. He laughs and-
13 years ago
flicks his hair again. Being a guy was fun. People gave him odd looks, but he didn't give a shit.
13 years ago
tries to keep up with his pace, doing her best not to really pay attention to anyone - especially not anyone who might know her. "Relax, -
13 years ago
the shop won't run away-- ah!" She stops. "Here we are."
13 years ago
almost trips over his own feet in, wait screw that, he did. He lets go of her hand and sprawls on the ground. He doesn't mind though, but-
13 years ago
looks deranged laughing laying face down on the ground.
13 years ago
doesn't know how to react at first, but soon crouches down, looking somewhat concerned. "Ungarn! A-are you alright?"
13 years ago
pushes himself up and blows the hair in his eyes. "I'm still not used to being so tall and having to deal with these long ass legs." He-
13 years ago
laughs and swats at her. "I must come off as insane."
13 years ago
sort of shrugs and tilts her head to the side. "Ah, just a little bit?" She laughs, holding out her hand. "Come on, let's get you some
13 years ago
13 years ago
grabs her hand and yanks her down with a grin. He's feeling sort of mischievous himself. Must be the whole guy genes.
13 years ago
sort of shrieks in surprise, effectively losing her balance and falling over. She's not hurt or anything, but caught off-guard. "H-hey!"
13 years ago
laughs at her and ruffles her hair. "Nice to see you down here."
13 years ago
huffs, batting his hand away gently. "My dress is going to get dirty, you know?" She doesn't mean to sound shallow; but it's true.
13 years ago
shrugs and laughs at her, going for her hair. "Guess you'll have to clean it."
13 years ago
huffs again, scrambling to a sitting position, at least; that's slightly less embarrassing, which is exactly how she feels right now. _
13 years ago
"D-d'you want to go get those jeans or not?!"
13 years ago
laughs and lounges on the ground, smirk growing."yeah yeah jeans." He fingers the bottom of her dress.
13 years ago
briefly considers shoving a heel in his face, but she couldn't possibly hit a g- no, she could. But she won't notyetanyway. "You're in the-
13 years ago
middle of the street, Ungarn."
13 years ago
yawns at her and pulls his knees up. "Ja I am." God his attention span waas shit. When did he get so flighty?
13 years ago
just sighs and shakes her head. "Get up, silly; you'll end up getting stains on your clothes and stuff."
13 years ago
sighs and pushes himself up. He offers her his hand. "No tricks this time."
13 years ago
eyes his hand suspiciously for a moment there - hey, can't blame her for that - before eventually sighing and holding it. "Good."
13 years ago
yanks her hard, so she'll collide with his chest. "They better have some kicking jeans in there."
13 years ago
all but screams, maybe more out of frustration than actual surprise, though; she is considering really kicking now, or something. "That's_
13 years ago
not funny!"
13 years ago
laughs, getting how guys pick on girls now. "I'm sorry. I got carried away picking on you."
13 years ago
grumbles a bit under her breath, resisting the sudden, unhealthy urge to slap herself in the face. "Riight. Just get up; I don't have all_
13 years ago
13 years ago
drags himself up towards the door. "yeah yeah. Come on gorgeous." He heads his way to the door, propping it open with his foot.
13 years ago
drags himself up towards the door. "yeah yeah. Come on gorgeous." He heads his way to the door, propping it open with his foot.
13 years ago
huffs, taking her time to wipe the not-so-imaginary dust off her clothes this time before following him along. "Honestly..."
13 years ago
smirks at her and opens the door, motioning for her to go first. "Ladies first."
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "You're a lady." Well, not right now; so she will humour him and step into the shop. Hopefully people will not throw many _
13 years ago
odd glances their way.
13 years ago
claps his back pockets, glad theres a wallet still there. "Nope, Im a dude. Cant you tell?" Now where were the jeans...
13 years ago
claps his back pockets, glad theres a wallet still there. "Nope, Im a dude. Cant you tell?" Now where were the jeans...
13 years ago
shakes her head and leads him in the general direction of men's clothes and what not. "Have fun picking out stuff."
13 years ago
stock piles jeans until they block his sight. "Hey eva come tell me my pants size!"
13 years ago
snorts. "You don't know *that*, yet?" Sighh. Well, she will help him with that, at least.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I got lucky with these pants. Check the tag in my pants, please."
13 years ago
gives him a light push on the back. "Snorts. Not in the middle of the shop."
13 years ago
stumbles a little, but keeps himself on his feet. "Just stick your hand down the back and look at the tag. It'll take two seconds."
13 years ago
kind of deadpans, but just shakes her head and twists the fabric a bit, enough to get a hold of the tag; after she's told him the size, she_
13 years ago
lets go completely. "Now you know; go on, then."
13 years ago
guessed about right then on his size, most of the jeans fall under that size or are like a size bigger. Now he needed shirts. "Shirts?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "You can find some here, I guess... That's up to you though, really."
13 years ago
blows his hair out of his face. His arms are already burdened with this pile. "Fuck it, I'll just figure something else out. Drag me-
13 years ago
to the checkout so I can pay and get out of here."
13 years ago
shakes her head, but grabs his arm anyway and drags him along with her to the checkout. "I do hope you can afford all that."
13 years ago
scoffs. "My economy is fine. In fact, it's better then fine. I have money to spend on jeans." Better then other nations he knows. "Gaw-
13 years ago
I feel like you're my mom dragging me around like this." He laughs.
13 years ago
just shrugs and pulls him along so he can pay for the stuff. "I can pretend to be your sister." Though, she acts like such a mother hen.
13 years ago
throws the jeans all over the counter, ignoring the cashier's glare as she restraightens them and starts ringing them up. "Well lucky me-
13 years ago
then. Too bad we look absolutely nothing alike."
13 years ago
gives him an odd look; she does not go about straightening the pieces of clothing, though she does throw the lady an apologetic look. _
13 years ago
"That's ok. I don't think anyone would ask for a birth certificate, anyway."
13 years ago
doesn't help the process at all, but he does lean on the counter and wink at her. This is fun. He taps his foot and bumps her with his-
13 years ago
hip. "You don't have to get so logical about it."
13 years ago
slaps her own forehead, feeling a bit like a mother right now; or a very stressed young lady. Whichever. "I was just saying."
13 years ago
digs his wallet out. He's being a very stressful companion right now. "Hey you wanna grab something to eat? i'll treat."
13 years ago
can sort of sense that; he needs to calm down a bit, instead of running around doing lots of things. But eating does sound good, right _
13 years ago
about now. "Sure thing.."
13 years ago
doesn't really want to slow down. He was always impulsive, but as a guy it's ten fold. He grabs the bag of his clothes. "Lead the way."
13 years ago
throws the lady another apologetic look and soon turns to lead him out the door and down a street. "Try not to get lost, *please*."
13 years ago
scoffs. "I'm not that bad, ya know." Almost. His stomach grumbles and he pulls a face.
13 years ago
shakes her head and drags him along until they're close to some café of some sort. "I'm not so sure."
13 years ago
isnt so sure himself so he'll justy settle for making another face from hunger noises. "That place smells good."
13 years ago
"Let's go, then." She drags him along, and into the café. She didn't realise she was this hungry until a while ago, really.
13 years ago
doesn't know whats good. He looks to Eva. "What are you getting? Ill just order the same."
13 years ago
shrugs. "Coffee, I guess." Now that she's back to drinking it. "They have some tasty cake, too."
13 years ago
will just order a bunch of cake and coffee then, moving to a table. God he's hungry.
13 years ago
just orders a cup of coffee and a piece of cake for herself; she won't really question him on eating habits though. It's not in her nature_
13 years ago
to do so. "... So."
13 years ago
drums his fingers on the table and looks back at her, giving her a dreamy grin. "Yes?" He inches a foot towards hers.
13 years ago
coughs, more to clear away any awkwardness than actually to clear her throat. "Any news... Besides uh, the obvious." Good job.
13 years ago
laughs and flicks his hair, setting his hand near hers. "Well I'm taller then Gil. That should make beating him easier." Good priority.
13 years ago
discretely draws her hand back to play with her hair a bit. She snorts. "Isn't that a wonderful plan?" Okay, she'll tell Gilbert she'll _
13 years ago
punch him or something, but she kindasorta likes his company, deep down. But she's not getting in the way of Hungary, no way.
13 years ago
chuckles, stretching his legs out, but making sure they don't touch Eva. "Yup. I'm going to grab him, put him in a headlock, andddd give-
13 years ago
him the worst noogie of his life." He doesn't know what to make of his frenemy with Gil. He will try to be nicer, but it's too fun beating-
13 years ago
on him.
13 years ago
rests an elbow on the table, using the palm of her hand as support for her tilted head. She snorts. "Aren't you quite the lovely one?"
13 years ago
beams, proud of his evil plot decision. "Yup. Hey, I've been nicer to him." He winces. Okay, not really. "Well I've been trying." Sort of.
13 years ago
"I gotta shake the moderate niceness with meaness."
13 years ago
"Pfft." She rolls her eyes, but doesn't say much about it; it's not like she's prying into their lives, after all. "He's not so bad."
13 years ago
gleefully welcomes the delivery of their food with a grin, sitting up and gabbing a fork. "Whatever, he didn't fuck your husband. As if-
13 years ago
that's not bad enough, he brings it up. constantly. Vital regions my ass." He starts digging into it, loving the taste.
13 years ago
thanks the person delivering their food; she opts for taking a sip from her coffee first, just staring over at him. She blinks. "Well, it's_
13 years ago
not as if I've been married, anyhow."
13 years ago
snorts and ignores the awkward stare thrown at him by Eva and by the waiter. Oh yeah. He's still a guy. Whatever, not like he cares. He-
13 years ago
swallows. "Well ever have a boyfriend?"
13 years ago
watches the waiter go and sighs. "Well yes, I have." She's not even lying; it's just, most of it is in the past.
13 years ago
chews on the fork then taps his plate with it. "Well, imagine coming home and someone's fucking him in the ass. Kinda pissed me off. But-
13 years ago
still, I have known him for forever, so it's not like I entirely hate him." Just mostly.
13 years ago
decidedly chokes on her coffee this time; or nearly. Breathe, breathe; okay there, all good. "I'd rather not have to witness that, thank _
13 years ago
13 years ago
cocks an eyebrow at her. "Because itd be two men and thats gross, or cause it's two men and that's hot?" He's teasing.
13 years ago
was enraged, but damn was it hot.
13 years ago
goes slightly red in the face at that. "Because it would be the person I love and *someone* else?" She really doesn't mind the gender part;_
13 years ago
is, after all, a woman of various tastes.
13 years ago
play swats her hand. "I know that." He tilts his head. "Im teasing." He laughs. "Though if they wanted to, all they had to do was ask."
13 years ago
sort of coughs, batting his hand away gently. "You really are one of a kind, you know?" She feels like she's said that. She's not sure.
13 years ago
scoffs, swiping all the crumbs together to eat in one bite. "I'm an acquired taste. Enough about me, spill something about you."
13 years ago
takes her time to speak, first eating a piece of cake and drinking some more coffee. "Um... I don't know what?"
13 years ago
takes a sip of his coffee, hoping it's not Turkish. He shrugs, then leans on his elbow, gazing at her. "Anything. I don't think we've ever-
13 years ago
really gotten to hang out like this. Tell me anything."
13 years ago
thinks about it for a second, eyes fixed on her coffee. "Ah..." She pauses. "I like knitting?"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, and snorts. "I could gather that much. Any recent news with you? Besides the halloween we can't remember."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Not really... Broer has been busy, and I have had some work, so that's about it, really.."
13 years ago
scoots his plate over so he has room for his arms to be all over his side of the table. 'I know how that goes. Roderich has also been-
13 years ago
busy." He yawns and ruffles his hair. "I've been doing nature disaster clean up too. humans can be so careless."
13 years ago
is still eating; slowly, but she's getting there. She takes a sip of her coffee. "That is quite true. I like them so much, but some should_
13 years ago
be more concerned with the environment..." She hums softly. "Maybe some day."
13 years ago
ate fast cause he was starving. Now he's wishing he hadn't as he thinks he ate way too much. "I doubt it. Look at all the trouble they drag-
13 years ago
us into." He sets his foot up against hers. "Tino's going to give me a puppy."
13 years ago
just likes to eat slowly; she usually hoards chocolate and other sweets. She does look up this time, though. "Really? That's very sweet of_
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods and yawns again. "Ja it is. He's got too many of them. I'm gonna train it to be a guard dog. He's got some fire in him."
13 years ago
could always use more of them, being out in the countryside.
13 years ago
tilts her head, smiling softly. "I guess that's a good idea, eh? I already have a cat so..." She shrugs. "I'm good."
13 years ago
nods again. "I'm more of a dog person myself. Well, that and horses. I have a kitten somewhere, but he comes and goes. He also-
13 years ago
acts like a jerk. A cute jerk but a jerk. The other day, he bit me because I didn't share my sandwhich." He feels kinda stupid talking about
Eliza a
13 years ago
cat, but hey, it's small talk.
13 years ago
laughs softly at that. "I know the feeling." She nods. "Cats can be like that. Mine likes to disappear sometimes." Now that she thinks about
13 years ago
it, she hasn't seen her cat in a while. But she doesn't remember much from this past week, anyway..
13 years ago
snorts. "I'm telling you, Heracles stole it. Probably when he was a weird king of the cats for halloween. I saw him wandering with them-
13 years ago
following him like the pied piper of cats." He plucks something off of her sleeve. Even if it's hard to see.
13 years ago
glances at him curiously, but doesn't make much sense of that, instead focusing on his words. "I see.. I hope my cat comes back soon, _
13 years ago
though." She hums softly. "You saw him, during Halloween? I don't really remember much of anything..." She probably just had a bad dream.
13 years ago
shrugs, blowing at his bangs. "Ja for a little bit." There's something else on the fringe of his memory, but he just can't get it yet. Like-
13 years ago
it's on the tip of his tongue. "I dreamed I danced with someone."
13 years ago
could sort of relate to that feeling; she has the vague impression that there's something she just can't quite grasp. "... Oh? Who was it?"
13 years ago
frowns, brows furrowed. "I don't know. It's like there's a fog there. Like how a memory gets distrorted after time." He does remember the-
13 years ago
pale color, but that's it. It kinda hurts his head to try harder, but it's bugging him majorly. He can't stand to forget things.
13 years ago
nods, reaching for her mug of coffee, to take another sip of the warm drink. "I... Had cracked make-up when I woke up." She frowns. "Heavens
13 years ago
knows why." She pauses. "I wish I could remember my dreams clearly."
13 years ago
probably doesn't want to. "I remember smoke and dancing. I fucking hate this." He chews his lip, and scrubs at his face with a hand.
13 years ago
wouldn't want to at all, if she knew all that happened the past week; but she doesn't know that. "Smoke?" She blinks. "There was something,_
13 years ago
about..." She hums. "I think I once felt like I was being burnt."
13 years ago
snaps his fingers, eyes lighting up. "Ice! I felt ice! Gahhh who are we kidding? Even if we do remember it'll probably take forever to-
13 years ago
get back the memories. Like those people with amnesia." Beyond flashes of ice and pale, he wasn't getting anything. "Wouldn't it be funny=
13 years ago
if you were involved with my arrest warrant? The warrant!" He digs something out of his pocket. "Says here for vandalism involving fire. I-
13 years ago
think that's the smoke from my dreams!"
13 years ago
blinks; ice? That's the exact opposite, eh..? She takes another sip of the coffee, momentarily feeling as if she should scold him for _
13 years ago
somehow ending up with a warrant; it might not be so bad for them, who can get away with some things but... "Vandalism?" Fire? She blinks_
13 years ago
again. "I don't think I would... Set something on fire." She glances down at her hands for a moment, frowning. "I could get hurt."
13 years ago
wouldn't listen to the scolding. He's great at giving it out, but sucks at taking it. He raises an eyebrow and touches her hand-
13 years ago
lightly. "Well you said you remembered feeling like being burnt. Must have been near the heat, so you had to have been there. And you-
13 years ago
wouldn't get hurt. I'd take care of you." How very reassuring. "At least we know what we did." well, not really.
13 years ago
could still scold him, anyway; she sort of does that, you know? Comes with the job description, etc etc. She glances back at him, frowning._
13 years ago
"I think... It was like my skin was being burnt." She pauses, reaching up to touch her neck. But she stops herself, and instead snorts. "I _
13 years ago
still can't reach a conclusion about that. I do hope I didn't do anything illegal, however."
13 years ago
would take it without too much fuss, but don't think he'll actually pay attention to it. He grins. "Maybe it was a fire of a different sort-
13 years ago
then, hmmmm?" He raises his eyebrow and purses his lips. He himself woke up with nude people on him, around him, and in his house. He knows
13 years ago
he must have been off his ass drunk and done something. no way he would other wise. Well he was a devil for halloween...
13 years ago
could still give it a try. Her face becomes a bright shade of red at that, however. "I-if you're implying--" She cuts herself off with an_
13 years ago
awkward cough. "I-it was just a silly dream, I'm sure. I don't even remember dressing up. Well..." She pauses. "I was trying out costumes,
13 years ago
last I remember..."
13 years ago
bursts out in laughter, leaning back dangerously in his chair. "I have no clue what you're thinking, but I'm implying you went and found-0
13 years ago
some strange." He thinks. "Well, found you anyway. Hard to see you chasing after anything, really. I probably had to drag you out of the-
13 years ago
house to go have fun." Fun. Fun with matches and a warrant.
13 years ago
puffs one cheek out for a moment, seeming slightly embarrassed. "I could chase after something, if I had to!" She huffs. "I was going to_
13 years ago
go out for walks and stuff, anyway... Maybe I'm the one who had to drag you out of trouble~" Well, no; she would be surprised.
13 years ago
{ sleep now~ c: }
13 years ago
(night <:-)
13 years ago
's lips drawl into a smirk. He winks at her and crosses his arms, foregoing the safety net of them in case he fell back in his chair. "I-
13 years ago
dont know about the chasing, but if you wanted to drag me into trouble you can."
13 years ago
snorts and rolls her eyes, finishing the last of her coffee. "I wouldn't drag you *into* trouble; I would drag you *out* of it."
13 years ago
probably should finish his, as not to waste it, but ehhh. It's probably cold. He's not moving anywhere though, it feels nice to sit. He-
13 years ago
ate way too much. He snorts. "Spoilsport. There's no fun if there's no trouble involved. Be more adventurous." This sounds familiar.
13 years ago
sets the cup down; well, she's finished her food and what not, but sitting does feel better. She rolls her eyes. "I'm a wallflower, dear. I_
13 years ago
don't go along with adventure." ... Huh, odd; she might have said this already..
13 years ago
doesn't listen that well if she has said it. "Good thing you have people like me to get you into it." Interesting perspective.
13 years ago
just snorts. "Right. You're like Jiminy Cricket, eh?" Well, no; between the two of them, she's closer to being that, probably.
13 years ago
snorts himself, tipping back. "do I look like a good influence?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Not at all. I would hope it was just my impression, however."
13 years ago
chuckles, swearing as he falls, but he catches himself before falling. "That was close!" His heart is hammering. "Nah. i quite being-
13 years ago
motherly when Italy grew up. Squirt's grown on me though." (quit not quite)
13 years ago
looks somewhat concerned when he nearly falls, but soon sighs in relief. "Being motherly isn't so bad." Well; that's what she thinks. Lovi_
13 years ago
might not agree; she doesn't really wonder much about that. "Well." Cough. "Fatherly."
13 years ago
laughs. "I like being free of all that. If it's your cup of tea, that's fine, but it's not cut out for me." Fatherly indeed. "Don't you-
13 years ago
tire of being the conscience?"
13 years ago
nods. "To each his own, I suppose." They're substantially different, but it was only to be expected. She shrugs again. "Not really. Someone_
13 years ago
needs to stay sane, around here."
13 years ago
scoffs. "Well, you're doing a good job at it. I feel perfectly sane just by sitting near you." Even if he doesn't show it too well.
13 years ago
laughs. "I prize myself with doing a good job at that." She pauses. "Usually." Some people are just impossible, really.
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at her. "you should let go once. See how it would turn out. Even if it's something small scale." hell it boggles his mind-
13 years ago
to think of being so sane and calm all the time.
13 years ago
shakes her head calmly. "Like I said; I'm a wallflower." Well no, not all the time; but most of the time, she feels like that. "We don't do_
13 years ago
the whole adventure thing." She shrugs.
13 years ago
shrugs. "And I don't want to think about being one of those. Oh well." He yawns, and stretches. "Agree to disagree. So, I'm guessing you-
13 years ago
don't have night plans, Miss Wallflower?"
13 years ago
hums softly. "I sleep at night, silly." She pauses. "But non. I was going to knit, probably." It's getting cold and she's making socks; not_
13 years ago
even kidding there.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "no you're not."
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow. "I'm not?"
13 years ago
slaps the table. "I've just decided. We're going out."
13 years ago
gives him an odd look. "*We*? Don't you mean you?"
13 years ago
stands. "no, Miss Wallflower. Knitting can wait one more night. Hell, I'll even buy you socks."
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "*Eva*. België. Where are you even *planning* to go?"
13 years ago
shrugs again and sticks his hand out. He's not going to take a no for an answer. "Yeah yea, Eva, Miss Wallflower, just come on."
13 years ago
stares at him for a second, then crosses her arms. "Make me." This sounds oddly familiar; but she doesn't recall being so defying lately.
13 years ago
laughs, liking that flash of spirit. He cocks a hip. "Look at you, Miss Wallflower with some spirit. If you don't want to I can always-
13 years ago
just pick you up and take you myself."
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "You wouldn't. I'd kick you or something." She's not even kidding; yeah, so much for being a doll.
13 years ago
shrugs and moves to sit down, before moving with surprising speed and swinging her up on his shoulder. "Bring on the pain." he's used to it.
13 years ago
nearly shrieks in surprise, but manages to control herself in that sense; they are still in a public place, after all. "Put me down!"
13 years ago
makes sure she doesn't flash anyone as he grabs his bag with the other hand and heads out. "I dont really want to."
13 years ago
... That doesn't stop her from trying to kick at him to let go, really. "Well, I do!" Flustered? Yeah, who wouldn't be?
13 years ago
means he's making sure no one sees under her dress. "you drink? or do you prefer a movie?" Ja, he's not listening.
13 years ago
knows that - she's just stubborn about getting him to let her go; you know, complete antithesis of that Halloween time and all. "Are you _
13 years ago
even paying attention?" Huff huff.
13 years ago
would laugh at the parallels if he could remember. "Are you even paying attention? I asked a question." No, no he's not.
13 years ago
would probably be far too embarrassed to leave the house, really. She kicks him again, once, for good measure. "You're making a scene!"
13 years ago
... Ahem.
13 years ago
wheezes, and almost drops her, but he's never been one to give in easily. "I think you are, actually. Have you made your mind yet?"
13 years ago
isn't so sure it would be a bad thing, provided she could get back up on her feet afterwards. "I'm not going out drinking! Or watching_
13 years ago
13 years ago
would drop her on her head to make a point. "A movie it is! Ja, you're not sitting somwhere alone and *knitting*."
13 years ago
guarantees he'd have another warrant over his head, no joke there. And possibly an angry Dutchman along the way. "But I *like* it."
13 years ago
would be more worried about the angry Dutchman part rather than the warrant. "That's because you haven't been out at night for so long-
13 years ago
Miss Wallflower." That name is sticking. "You complain a lot."
13 years ago
would be more worried about that, too; good choice of priorities there. And; well, damn. "*Eva*!" Huff. "You give me reason to complain."
13 years ago
laughs and shifts her so she's not digging into his shoulder. "You didn't deny not being out in so long. When's the last time you went-
13 years ago
out on the town at night?" He thinks he spots a theater in the distance. Well, man with muscles and known rage is scary.
13 years ago
just gives up completely now; reverse psychology and all that. Maybe he'll let go and she'll get to kick him or something. She covers_
13 years ago
her face, sighing out of frustration. "I go out sometimes! I'm not *that* boring, mon dieu."
13 years ago
scoffs. "I have a problem believing that." He's not that stupid, by the way. He's dealt with Gil and his nasty tricks most of his life."So-
13 years ago
we can either watch a horror movie, or an adventure one. I don't mind comedy, but I'm not watching a chick flick."
13 years ago
can feel that slight tinge of irritation, right about when her right eye starts twitching slightly. "*You* can watch whatever you want._
13 years ago
But I'm not obligated to stay."
13 years ago
swings her down but doesn't let go of her. "Eva come on. What can it really hurt from just walking inside and watching a movie with me?" He-
13 years ago
tries a more pleading look.
13 years ago
squints a bit. "It wouldn't be so bad if you hadn't practically dragged me all the way here." Well, he didn't; that's kind of called_
13 years ago
overreacting. Perfectly understandable but *still*.
13 years ago
sighs and taps his foot. "It's called being impulsive. You said make me. So I did." Next time maybe she shouldn't offer a challenge.
13 years ago
huffs. "I expected you to give up." In retrospect, it wasn't such a bright plan, was it. "Do you always answer a challenge like that?"
13 years ago
grins, tucking some of his hair behind his ear and crossing his arms. "More or less in that fashion. Expected me to give up?" He raises-
13 years ago
an eyebrow at her. "Nein. I would lose a pretty girl to watch a movie with me."
13 years ago
rolls her eyes, keeping her arms crossed. "You're taking this guy thing too seriously, you know."
13 years ago
nods. "Probably, but who knows when the next time I'll get to do this again? So you gonna watch with me or not?" Though he'll fight if she-
13 years ago
says no.
13 years ago
is very much aware of this fact. It doesn't stop her from shaking her head somewhat dismissively, though. "Non. It will probably happen_
13 years ago
again sooner than you expect." Heavens knows, that's what happened with her.
13 years ago
rolls his shoulders back. He puts his bag of jeans down and threads his fingers in his hair. "That's great and all. But are you going with-
13 years ago
me or not? Cause if not I'll just follow you home and bug you. All night. all you have to do is watch one movie with me."
13 years ago
narrows her eyes, not quite sure if she believes him; well, she should. She really should. "You wouldn't."
13 years ago
cocks his hip, placing his hand there like a very gay man or a woman. "I would. I have nothing better to do and no one else to annoy."
13 years ago
is telling the truth, wether she wants to hear it or not.
13 years ago
just assumes it's a habit he - well, she, deep down - might normally have. "... You're awful." And yet, she hasn't said yes; hasn't said no,
13 years ago
either, but, you know.
13 years ago
nods, sticking his hands in his back pockets. "You haven't said no." He won't pout, but he will try for a more begging expression.
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Non." Well, there. "Really, I would be quite happy just going back to my knitting." She was at least more open to the _
13 years ago
whole adventure thing the week prior.
13 years ago
stares at her, hard and cracks his neck, letting a breath out and stretching his arms. "Alright." Shaking his leg he scoops her up again.
13 years ago
"Horror movie it is."
13 years ago
{ ... dnjskgfs /lol'd }
13 years ago
is quick to protest; which is kind of silly, when she's realised by now that she's in no position to kick him in the face. As in, literally.
13 years ago
"Did you even listen to what I had to say?!"
13 years ago
is quick to realize this also. Shoving his bag with his foot into an alleyway where it hopefully won't be stolen, he now has both hands-
13 years ago
to hold her on his shoulder, and keep her feet away from his face. That's his meal ticket. "Course I did. you said Eli, I would love to see
Eliza a
13 years ago
horror movie with you and not go back to my lame knitting."
13 years ago
thinks he might not get so lucky about keeping his jeans after this; if no person gets to them, then rats might do it instead. But she's_
13 years ago
not particularly worried with that. She sighs in frustration. "I should just scream for help, then see what you'd do."
13 years ago
doesn't really care, he can always buy more. He laughs and slides his hands to her lower back so he's not groping her ass. "Well if we're-
13 years ago
lucky, they'd offer to join us since obviously you want to be a grumpy flower. Cheer up." He pulls his wallet out with one hand and hands-
13 years ago
the window person money, giving him a grin in exchange for tickets and an odd stare, mouthing something bout her feet killing her.
13 years ago
would seriously punch him in the face if she knew what he was saying, no joke. Though, yes, hands moving away were some sort of progress_
13 years ago
to get her to be somewhat less flustered. "You know I can just *leave*, right?"
13 years ago
sweeps her inside, eyes flicking around until he sees the sign to where their movie is playing. They're actually kind of early but it's-
13 years ago
kind of better this way anyway, in case things turn violent. He pushes open the door, ducking so she doesn't hit her head on the-
13 years ago
ceiling. "Ja, if I let you go you can. Which I won't." He'll march all the way in the back and plop down, manuvering her so his-
13 years ago
arms trap her, but are lose enough she can sit without feeling crushed to him. "This isn't so bad so far."
13 years ago
feels like she could just scream at him, but. She won't, if only for the sake of all the other people in the room. It doesn't make her any_
13 years ago
less flustered though, especially when he's so insistent about her staying, that he managed to block her one way out. "For you, maybe." She_
13 years ago
tries to get him to let go; no such luck. "Verdomme."
13 years ago
hooks his feet around her's as well. He chuckles, a deep rumble in his chest. His fingers tickle her ribs lightly. "You need to relax."
13 years ago
wishes she could properly cross her arms. Well, she wishes she could kick him. She wishes a lot of things, really. But no such luck. "You_
13 years ago
(*And you) need to respect my personal space."
13 years ago
tilts his head, part to see the movie, part because of her words. "Maybe if you weren't being so stubborn, I wouldn't have to be-
13 years ago
so outrageous. You ever think of that?" One leg bounces out of nerves.
13 years ago
narrows her eyes, only half-paying attention to the atrocities soon to be on the screen. "You could have given up." She huffs. "Stop that."
13 years ago
slows his leg, but can't quite stop it. He huffs as the two seats on either side of him and Eva are taken up by assholes. He hates sharing-
13 years ago
space with people. It makes him feel trapped. "I don't give up. Only pansies give up." He's not letting her go. Not with all this work.
13 years ago
isn't as concerned with the people around them as much as she's concerned with the fact that she can't leave, period. "I hate you, I really_
13 years ago
do." Well, no, she doesn't. But she's definitely not in high spirits.
13 years ago
{ sleep~ night \o }
13 years ago
( night :-) )
13 years ago
shrugs. "A lot of people hate me. You're just being a sour puss." His leg slows the jittering. Great, they still have like five minutes-
13 years ago
of premovie crap. "By the way, you smell good."
13 years ago
snorts. "Right. Huh." She blinks, however. "Thanks. Had to wash of all that strange-looking make-up."
13 years ago
13 years ago
smirks. "You are. Hey, if you get scared I'll keep you safe." There goes that macho attitude he didn't even know he had. "My dress almost-
13 years ago
ripped in half. I guess it wasn't made for guys. I looked like a damn transvestite."
13 years ago
rolls her eyes; yeah seriously macho - and that would sound more thoughtful if he hadn't been such an ass. "Wow. But I won't get scared,
13 years ago
believe me." really; believe her.
13 years ago
is an ass, so he doesn't pick up on her eye roll and the sarcasm in her voice. "Whatever Miss Wallflower. I beat in ten minutes of killing-
13 years ago
you're gonna act like any other girl." He must have forgot what he is then. And he'l try, but the macho is winning out.
13 years ago
deadpans at the screen. "Oh hush." She's not a scaredy cat, really. He really is taking this guy thing too seriously for his own good.
13 years ago
laughs. "I'm just joking around. I'm a girl, er, was, is...I have no clue anymore. I know you're not a scaredy cat." He'll back down a notch
13 years ago
then, not wanting to annoy her anymore really. "Did you happen to catch what we're watching?" Like she would the way he was carrying her.
13 years ago
mumbles a 'huh', but doesn't say much else; she quiets down a bit, since it might seem rude to speak so loudly. "No idea.."
13 years ago
shuts up when the movie starts, the first scene being a gory decpitation. His eyes are glued to the screen.
13 years ago
's legs rub up on her, but he doesn't notice it.
13 years ago
scrunches up her nose, but doesn't look away from the screen. She doesn't seem to notice that, either.
13 years ago
jumps slightly at a random screech an tightens his arms around her, fingers grazing her ribs.
13 years ago
"Godamn that did shit to my nerves." He breathes in heavy, heart racing from the rush.
13 years ago
doesn't jump, though she is visibly taken aback; had she been eating, she might have choked. "I-it wasn't so bad.." She glances down for a_
13 years ago
moment. "Scaredy cat." Yeah, just wait if there's anything reminiscent of a screamer.
13 years ago
blows a breath to the back of her neck, shifting his legs. "Hush you." There's the other screamer, going down in gallons of obviously-
13 years ago
fake blood and organs. He jumps slightly again.
13 years ago
bites her lip, going back to watching the film... But that one scene makes her jump. Thank heavens she wasn't the only person in the room to
13 years ago
react to it, though covering her face for a while there was maybe a bit too much. "Verdomme..."
13 years ago
nudges her, then leans in to whisper in her ear to be polite to the other goers, "Knew it. You're a scaredy cat Miss Wallflower"
13 years ago
sort of kicks him with her heel, going back to staring at the screen; she's suddenly reminded of her brother's words. "Humanity is scarier_
13 years ago
than the things they come up with." She mumbles.
13 years ago
sets his head on her shoulder to watch the movie and hear her. "What was that?" He sniffs. Her hair smells good.
13 years ago
shakes her head lightly, trying her best to cross her arms. "Nothing. Hush." Yes, tell him to shut up during a horror film; good one.
13 years ago
waits until the right moment to spook her. "Boo!"
13 years ago
is far too focused on the film to even expect that, so don't be too surprised with her jumping or squeaking. "Jerk!" Shh, shh.
13 years ago
chuckles, glad to know his prank worked. "Don't name call Miss Wallflower. It's not nice." Hypocrite. "But if you want to keep squirming-
13 years ago
around you can." That's him being gross.
13 years ago
makes a face at the screen, but rest assure it has nothing to do with the blood and gore and much as his words. Well, maybe it does; just a_
13 years ago
little bit. "I can punch you once I'm out of here if you want, too."
13 years ago
chuckles again, blowing a breath at her ear. "I bet. Eh as long as it doesn't hit below the belt I'm fine."
13 years ago
tilts her head to the side a bit, kind of like a grumpy person trying to focus on something else; in this case, the film. "I can't promise_
13 years ago
13 years ago
is half paying attention to the film, the other half on her. "Well then if you have to, do I at least get a kiss to make it feel better?" He
13 years ago
is just trying to mess with her now. The movie's great, but this is almost worth the assbeating later.
13 years ago
puffs on cheek out, giving him another light kick. "Non. Don't even think about it." She purses her lips. Yeah, she'll maybe give up on_
13 years ago
beating him to hell and back, but maybe not.
13 years ago
's shins are going to be black and blue from her light kicks. "Gah, you're going to leave bruises with all this kicking. Think about-
13 years ago
what?" He's feigning naive.
13 years ago
shrugs. "Thank heavens you don't have to wear a dress, then." She's trying to keep quiet out of respect for other people in the room. "You _
13 years ago
know what."
13 years ago
snorts. "Babe, while I might look hot in a dress right now, it would look *weird*" He's at the stage of not caring about the other people-
13 years ago
watching the movie. a flash from the screen points something out to him and he frowns. "did you fall or something? You have a bruise."
13 years ago
just rolls her eyes, mumbling something about not calling her that, and taking the whole guy thing too seriously or something. She blinks,_
13 years ago
however, and glances over at him. "I do?" She wasn't even aware.
13 years ago
pokes it, thinking maybe it was a shadow but it looks like a bruise. "Yeah. Weird place for one too." It's almost near her nape of her-
13 years ago
neck, but not really. If he wasn't behind her, he'd miss it.
13 years ago
shrugs her shoulders, wincing a bit. "Hurts." Not too much, really; it's just a little bit of pain, but you know how bruises tend to be.
13 years ago
can't see it better, it's too dark. "What the hell have you been doing? Or should I say who?" He's expecting a kick for that and moves-
13 years ago
his legs away possible retaliation.
13 years ago
evidently does try to kick him, though she ends up not kicking anything but thin air. A sigh of frustration. "I've not been with him for_
Eva a
13 years ago
while." So now she does wonder. "Now I'm worried. I don't remember getting this."
13 years ago
shifts again, slightly confused himself. "You don't seem like the type to sleep around. You were with me, I know that." Maybe...? No way.
13 years ago
frowns. "I don't." Doesn't sleep around, she means. Though really, she doesn't *remember* being with him, so it works both ways. "Odd."
13 years ago
shrugs, then grins. "Well you surprise me Miss Wallflower. Went and got laid. Guess you're not so much a wallflower." He yawns, swearing-
13 years ago
as a gunshot rings out from on screen.
13 years ago
kind of tuned out the film for a moment, so she turns back to stare at the screen with a look of surprise. It takes her a moment, but she_
13 years ago
huffs and turns back to him, looking a bit flustered. "I did *not* do such a thing, now let go of me so I can leave."
13 years ago
cocks an eyebrow but doesn't let go. He traps her legs with hers then smirks. "Don't get angry at *me* Miss Wallflower. No. I don't think-
13 years ago
I will. Not unless you make me." There's a bit of a growl in his voice, offering a challenge.
13 years ago
is just upset with the fact that they are in a public place where causing a commotion would be troublesome for several reasons. That and _
13 years ago
the fact that the other people sitting next to them must be finding this whole thing quite amusing. "I'll bite your damn fingers off one by_
13 years ago
one, rukker."
13 years ago
sort of forgot there were other people, more wrapped up in her. "Really?" He pretends to let her go, then pins her arms. "What does rukker-
13 years ago
mean?" He's less worried about the death threats and pain. At least not from her. They must be giving the others a show indeed. "Movie's not
13 years ago
over yet, Flowergirl." He'd hardly call it a commotion. She's the one freaking out.
13 years ago
's face is surely beet red, the moment she realises he's not letting her go anywhere. "Wanker." Simple, but quite accurate explanation. She_
13 years ago
narrows her eyes and looks back at the screen. "You're an ass. You really are." And she'll eventually get even; eventually.
13 years ago
's face is a hundred percent smug surely when he realizes she can't get away. "Ah. Actually, I'm not really a wanker since I haven't
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really done that yet in this body." Hell, normally he wouldn't say that out loud and in front of people, but still. "You're sweet to call-
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me that. Thank you."
13 years ago
sighs in an evidently frustrated manner, trying once again to get the hell out of his hold; no such luck, and while she has yet to give up,_
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she will relax for just a while before trying again. "Just. Hush." She huffs. "Film. You wanted to watch it, so do it."
13 years ago
puts his head back on her shoulder and huffs. "I'm watching it. I'm waiting for the slut to die. She always dies." True. He swallows, and-
13 years ago
his arms tighten, fingers rubbing slowly across her skin. His gaze doesn't move from the screen.
13 years ago
's stomach clenches, but she's not quite sure if it's the anticipation from the film or the remaining awkwardness. "Right." Hush, hush. She
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is going to remain quiet, for the most part.
13 years ago
's face flushes, for the first time realizing how close she was. He coughs. "Hey can you like scoot a little to your left?" Good lord he-
13 years ago
felt like he, she, was a teenager again.
13 years ago
doesn't even notice that, already focusing her attention on the film again. "Huh?" She blinks. "Why?"
13 years ago
gulps, really hoping nothing happens, but with his luck anything could happen. "Just...do it." Her squirming on his lap is not helping.
13 years ago
rolls her eyes but does as he asks, anyway; she'll stay real quiet and still now, really; film. It's getting to a really interesting part.
13 years ago
swears mentally and tries to watch the movie. He accidentally told her to move the wrong way. Great. Well, it'll be a surprise. At least-
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he has something to try and distract himself. Nope, it's not working.
13 years ago
... Yeah, a surprise, alright. If she's aware of his momentary awkwardness or if she's too distracted with the film, that's something _
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difficult to figure out. Yay, high point of the film, making her wince and cover her eyes.
13 years ago
{ bed now~ }
13 years ago
can't really hide his crotch now so he counts to ten in his head and waits for the screaming to happen. "Don't make a fuss but..." Yeah.
13 years ago
(night. almost 500 :> )
13 years ago
isn't distracted by the flashing lights and ever swiching viewpoints in the film for as long as she'd hoped. She glances at him, tiny twitch
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already present under her eye. "Oh, hell *no*."
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coughs, face entirely red. Think nasty old women. Nope, it's not working. "Well scoot up then. don't get mad at me, I didn't do *this*-
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on purpose." Who would really? At least the movie's almost over.
13 years ago
narrows her eyes at him, tuning out most of the movie for now. "Well it would be easier if you'd just let me *go*."
13 years ago
thinks this is probably the safer thing to do, blushing and looking away but he shakes his head. "Ja, I would but then everyone would-
13 years ago
see." He's murmuring this in her ear. "Just scoot forward till it goes away. If you move, people will think you did *this* on purpose."
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