13 years ago
isn't participating in any ridiculous holidays that involve dressing up. Such a waste of time.
latest #62
Tino is
13 years ago
going to show up and attempt to raid his house, however.
Eliza will
13 years ago
be tagging along, with a smirk and a swish of her tail. She cocks her hip and pounds on his door.
13 years ago
...won't be answering the door for either of them.
13 years ago
pouts and looks over at Tino. He won't answer.
Tino will
13 years ago
be letting himself in then! Even if he has to break the door to do so.
13 years ago
watches as he does break the door down. Good thing has Tino to do this.
Ludwig will
13 years ago
ignore the loud noise for right now. He lives with Gilbert and is accustomed to things exploding. He's up in his office anyway.
Eliza thinks
13 years ago
she can find it. The room with him int, good enough. Hurry up Tino! It's time to plunder and raid! Her tail swishes him on.
13 years ago
certainly doesn't need much encouragement! Anything of worth? His. Anything not? Ruined to some degree! He'll start with the living room.\
13 years ago
sneaks behind him, not wanting direct conflict with Ludwig but willing to plunder some things of worth. Hey this looks nice. Into this bag-
13 years ago
along with that. Stairs...better stick with Tino for now. Her shovel accidentally knocks something fragile over, breaking it. Oops.
13 years ago
looks up from his work at the sound of something breaking. Usually that's accompanied by Gilbert shouting for attention. But that seems-
13 years ago
like an awful lot of noise for one person, so he'll get up and come out into the hallway at least to listen. "Gilbert! That had better have-
13 years ago
been you falling down the stairs, or you'd best be prepared to take a flight down them when I get to you!"
13 years ago
pauses in his ransacking, turning to his 'shieldmaiden' beside him. He readies his bow and jerks his head toward the stairs.
13 years ago
nods and shoulders her shovel, a grin already in place. She turns and knocks another item over before racing for the stairs. Oh Germany...
13 years ago
steps back into the office when there's no response. He has to hide almost everything from his brother for the sake of the neighborhood-
13 years ago
animals, but he knows exactly where there's an old Rheinmetall in peak firing condition. He'll just kick the office door shut to give-
13 years ago
himself a little time to load it and crouch down behind the desk, using the top as a prop.
13 years ago
hears footsteps and a door slam shut. She gestures for Tino to follow her silently up the stairs. If she knows Ludwig, the man will not-
13 years ago
be happy and he'll have a gun. Somewhere. They gotta move quietly.
13 years ago
nods and follows behind her, checking a few of the doors to see if there's anything worth taking in the other rooms. Or anyone.
13 years ago
sneaks up the stairs, swallowing a curse at a creak. Damnit. Hey that door looks like the office door. She'll let Tino go first.
Tino will
13 years ago
go first then, twisting the handle and pushing the door open, though staying out of sight, readying an arrow in his bow before peeking
13 years ago
around the edge of the doorframe.
13 years ago
hides on the other side of the door frame, shovel raised high above her head. They're totally ready.
Ludwig is
13 years ago
always uptight, so saying he tensed when the door open is a bit redundant. There's no one in the doorway, but he's still going to draw-
13 years ago
a line of holes up the far wall. It pains him terribly to do so, but a little plaster will fix that. "That's all the warning you will get.
13 years ago
13 years ago
swears and jumps at the line of fire. "Jesus man!" The shovel is dropped.
13 years ago
swear as well, lucky he didn't get shot really. Talk about hostilities ...Though he'd be a piss-poor viking to back out now. Yeah, he's
13 years ago
going to enter the room and try to take on Ludwig.
13 years ago
stands up, shouldering the butt of the gun and centering the barrel sight on...what...looks like Tino in viking garb. The barrel doesn't-
13 years ago
drop an inch, however. "Finland, I would suggest returning whatever you have stolen and making a fast exit if you enjoy your head inits-
13 years ago
in its* proper place on your shoulders."
13 years ago
doesn't know if Tino understands the danger so she'll jump in front of him and wave her arms frantically. "Woah woah now! No need to shoot-
13 years ago
anyone!" Her tail flicks around but she doesn't dare go near Ludwig and the gun. She can only hope he doesn't decide to shoot *her*.
13 years ago
let go of the arrow, it sticking into the floor near Ludwig's feet. "Those are some pretty bold words." He sneers. "You don't seem that
13 years ago
scary to me." Hopefully this doesn't end..really badly.
13 years ago
closes her eyes, tempted to just let him get shot. But she couldn't do that. Well she could, but she doubted Ludwig wouldn't aim for-
13 years ago
anywhere but his head. "Not helping Tino."
13 years ago
doesn't flinch or look away from either of them. "If you would step just slightly to the left, Elizaveta, I can handle both of you with-
13 years ago
one shot."
13 years ago
flinches then glares at him. She had enough of that attitude during *those* times, and she won't take it again.
13 years ago
"You're not helping either. Put the gun down." She moves to the right, circling to the right of him. Of course, there's still the good-
13 years ago
chance he'll just shoot both anyway.
13 years ago
glances between the both of them and cocks the gun again. "Last chance. I will not tolerate intruders."
13 years ago
holds her hands up in an armistice, willing to back off. She keeps slowly moving her way though. "Alright alright! I don't need another-
13 years ago
bullet hole in my leg!" Her tail whips around slowly. All they need is Tino to cooperate.
13 years ago
frowns, looking like he's not going to cooperate. But, getting himself shot would not do him any good... He lowers his bow. "Fine."
13 years ago
makes her way back to Tino and lays a hand on his shoulder. She grins, not being able to resist a parting shot. "While we're here, it's-
13 years ago
been nice seeing you. Especially the with the gun. Like old times."
13 years ago
could spare Tino and have out with Elizabeta no problem, sparing himself as well as Roderich many issues at once. But he's supposed to be-
13 years ago
beyond those trigger-happy years. He just isn't going to lower the weapon until their out, even if he clicks the safety on with one finger.
13 years ago
"Get out."
13 years ago
they're* i can grammar )
Eliza is
13 years ago
amused she could annoy him but decides they're pushing it. She yanks on Tino's arm. "I love it when you order me around. Come on Tino."
13 years ago
shoots Ludwig a glare before turning and following Eliza. "Fine." Well, this wasn't successful at all!
13 years ago
would argue it was. After all, they smashed some of his stuff and annoyed and distracted him from work good in her book. "Well we-
13 years ago
don't need lame ludwig anyway. He just wants to play with his gun." Her tail swishes.
13 years ago
heads for the door, scooping up her shovel.
13 years ago
follows her out with his bag of pillaged goods. Don't worry Ludwig, they'll come back once Tino's in his right mind once again.
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