Greece has
13 years ago
set up a 'DO NOT CROSS' patch as he excavates, using breadsticks sticking up from the ground arranged into a circle.
latest #129
13 years ago
notices what the Greek has done with their bread supply and has half a mind to throttle him. "So this is where the bread ran off too." He
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frowns. His arms crossed infront of his chest in agitation.
Turkey was
13 years ago
realizing how much of a fool his tentmate was.
13 years ago
barely glances up to him. 'There's plently of bread back at the tent. This,' He waves to the breadsticks, 'is all extra. Now, if you don't
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mind, I'm doing something important here. I could be two brushstrokes away from a ruin or ancient artifact!' He insists.
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can't believe he heard something so retarded! "There are *no* ancient artifacts in this forest!" He explains still furious about the missing
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bread sticks. "Are you drunk or something?!"
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looks offended and flicks some dirt from his brush onto Turkey. 'No, I am certainly *not* drunk. And you don't know what is buried beneath
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your feet, so don't try to discourage me-I bet you're just annoyed I used the breadsticks.'
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wipes the dirt off and continuous to glare. "I *am* annoyed you used the breadsticks." He reassures. "Bread is for eating not using for a
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makeshift fence."
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grins behind his hair. 'It's working pretty well.' He replies in a smug tone. 'There's plenty of food back at the tent, and another box of
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breadsticks back in the tent. Stop complaining.' He crawls over and pushes the Turk back away from his precious fence. 'And be careful
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where you stand.'
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does not take lightly to being bossed around. "You waste food like you spend money." He spits before side stepping the Greek and stepping
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everywhere he can just to spite him.
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gasps sharply, his eyes widening in horror. 'St-stop!' He stands and jumps on Turkey's back, 'Get away from my special area!' On his back,
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he wraps his arms around the Turk's neck, trying to pull him away.
Turkey is
13 years ago
being choked!! He grips onto the Greek's arms trying to unwrap them from his neck. "Let go!" He manages to wheeze as he tries desperatly to
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rip the arms away from his neck. And just for extra measure he lifted his right leg and slammed down on the ground.
13 years ago
(( Wow, we're horrible to each other. xD ))
13 years ago
((yeah, but that's what makes it so fun and exciting ;-)))
13 years ago
tries hard to keep a hold on his neck, figuring if he could just pull him away far enough the rest of the excravation would be safe! But-
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'Hey-no!' As the Turk slams to the ground, all Greece can do is let out a silent gasp of pain. His arms immediately let go of him and
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instead move to grab onto his shoulders. 'O-ow...'
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can't believe the Greek hasn't let go yet but is glad that he can breath again. "Ow? I didn't even hurt you." He says through deep breaths.
13 years ago
winces, 'You got my foot...' He manages out. As he hops on one foot, he pulls the Turk away from his circle, 'It...freaking hurt!'
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let's the other pull him away as he glances down at the foot. Well, that did explain why the earth felt so uneven when he stomped down. "How
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unfortunate." He says sarcasm dripping all over that statement.
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flicks him on the forehead. 'You know, one day when you're least expecting it I'm going to bring you down. And I'll make sure you fall hard'
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reels back from the flick and gently rubs at his forehead. "That day will never happen." Well, he hopes it will never happen.
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folds his arms and raises a brow. 'It's closer than you think. We're forced to be out here together-I'll get you eventually and you'll
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regret crossing me.' Or at least, that's how he views it.
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laughs. "I would really like to see you try. You have nothing on me." He scoffs as he smiles smugly down at Greece. "How many times have you
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tried? Loads and each time was a failure and as they say history has a funny habit of repeating itself."
13 years ago
bristles. 'Ever heard the phrase 'what goes around, comes around'? You just be on your guard, because nature prefers me to you-it'll be on
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my side.' He picks up a fallen tree branch. 'And I won't leave on inch of you unscathed.' He gives an evil smile.
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rolls his eyes. He wasn't worried or perturbed by this at all. "Bring it on." He shoots back. "I live on challenges!"
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swipes at him with the branch. 'Well, ain't it fortunate I'm you're tent-mate!' He doesn't care if he doesn't hit him- he really only cares
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about worrying him into moving. He wanted to make his point.
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takes a step back dodging the branch. "Fortunate indeed." He answers glaring at the stick.
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grins, glad to see he unnerved him a little. He pulls back slightly and leans on the stick. 'I bet I'm a better swimmer than you...' He says
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a his mind is thinking of many ideas to get back at him. Stranding him out in the middle of the lake sounded fun.
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snorts. "Doubtful. I could out swim you any day. It would be like taking candy from a baby." He smirks as he basks in his confidence.
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sniggers. 'Well, I guess you'd know *all* about taking candy from babies. Make a habit out of it, do you?' He tosses the stick over his
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shoulder. 'And I'm a natural athlete-you wouldn't stand a chance.'
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smirks. "Well of course. It lets me see you cry every time." He scoffs at the Greeks next statement. "Your definition of athleticism
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encompasses everyone with two legs and a pair of lungs so I'm not too worried."
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looks offended and wishes he had thrown the branch at him now. 'I'm no baby, damn Turk, and if you think I'm nothing great, then test me!I
Greece will
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runs circles round you. My mother taught me *very* well,' He pushes back his sleeves to show he means business.
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laughs. "Another reason why I'm not to worried. Your mother taught you. Women are clearly inferior to men." He smirks. "And I'll be nice if
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you really want me to test you. I'll let you pick the athletic event. To give you the advantage." He winks mockingly.
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blushes a little, and growls, 'My mother could kick your butt in her sleep. And I don't need any stupid advantage, so,' He smirks, 'I'll
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choose my worst event. Short distance running.' He was always better over long distances because of his endurance. However he took a while
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to gather speed and had to rely on others tiring out-which doesn't often happen in short distance running. 'It's my worst, but I'll still
13 years ago
13 years ago
smirks. He was just as much of an athlete as Greece and whatever he chose would be fine with him. "It's your own demise." He comments as he
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listens to the event that is choosen. Short distance running. Not a bad choice. He wasn't bad at it but he was by no means great at it
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either. "Fine, pick the route we need to run so I can beat you and get this over with."
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laughs and then thinks about it. 'To the lake. That way.' He points. 'First one to touch water wins. And tears from your impending loss
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does not count as water,' He smirks.
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's grin does not disappear not even at the Greek's comment. "Sounds good to me." He would win. He lines up beside Greece and crouches down
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taking on a starting running pose. "I'm ready to win and watch you lose when you are."
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matches his pose. 'Get ready to eat your words. Get ready. On your marks, get set...Go!' He shouts the last part, and immediately takes
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off through the trees. He *had* to win this, he *had* to...
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takes off after the Greek taking his time as he watches the other take the lead. He wouldn't worry too much because if things turned out
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right. Greece would slip up and he'd take the win for himself. And if it looked as if the Greek wasn't about to make a mistake any time soon
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he would just speed up and again take the win.
Greece is
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the first to admit he is clumsy, but he hoped his focus on winning would keep him concentrat-where did that tree root come from?! He
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stumbles over the root but tries hard to get back on track. He had lost a lot of ground, though, and could hear the Turk coming up quickly.
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thanked that root. That was the gift he had been waiting for. In the other's moment of panic, he sped up gaining ground very quickly as he
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easily caught up to the Greek. He smirked and casually waved before taking off at an incredible pace. He could see the waters age already.
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only had a bit to go and he would be crowned winner!
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's jaw drops as he's overtaken.'No. No. No!' He could just about see the water and he uses a surge of energy to catch up to the Turks heels.
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hears the Greek speed up but that only urges him to speed up as well. Now that he was in the lead there was no way he was going to be
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overtaken. He doesn't look back as he pushes forward and into the water for either a victory or a lose. Hopefully a victory.
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falls again, but his hand land in the water, the rest of his body lying on the shore. Panting, he groans. He's pretty certain Turkey got
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there half a second before him. He turns away from him to not watch his upcoming boasting.
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turns around a grin clearly plaster on his lips as he crouches over the Greek. "What were you saying again?" He chortles. "Were you saying
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you were going to beat me?" This was just too perfect! "I do remember hearing you say that. I guess you're all talk no action." He laughs.
Greece hates
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that stupid root! In anger and embarrassment, he lunges at him and tackles him into the water. 'I would've won! I'm better than you!'
Turkey is
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tackled into the water. His clothes quickly soak up and he manages to grab the Greek by the shoulders and push him to the side. "You only
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wish you're better than me." He has no time to be angry about the fall although he isn't pleased about the wet clothes. "Is this your way of
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proving to me even more that your a loser." He smirks. If he showed no anger it would just cause Greece to become even more infuriated.
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plays into his hands. Growing even more angry, he smacks water to him, soaking his hair. 'You know *fine* well I'd have won if that root
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hadn't tripped me! You won with an unfair advantage.'
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raises his hands to block the water from getting in his hands and just laughs the Greek's immaturity off. "I guess you should have been
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paying more attention at where you were running. It's your own fault." He jeers as he runs his fingers through his hair pushing it back as
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if her were slicking it back with gel. This was wayyyy too funny. Greece was acting like a huge baby!
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didn't care how he was acting-he felt cheated out of a victory. He storms away into the water-maybe trying to drown himself would make him
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feel better. 'I'm better-dammit! Leave me alone!'
Turkey has
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to contain his laughter at the tantrum being thrown by the Greek. This was priceless. He would have loved to film this so he could watch it
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over and over again and bask in his victory. The turk finally picks himself up. Ugh, he hated wet clothes and so he pulls off his shirt and
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unbuttons and unzips his pants shrugging them off too. He lazily makes his way over to a tree where he hands his clothes, sits down against
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it and watches the Greek tantrum away.
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spends some time thrashing about in the water but eventually he decides to just swim. After calming down a bit, he turns back to the
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shore. He blushes at the mostly naked Turk. 'Hey, Adonis. There could be children around. Look half decent!' He can't stop his eyes
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wandering, though...
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smirks. "My clothes are wet and you were putting on a good show. I couldn't bother leaving to get clothes with such a performance." And in
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plus it was great weather to just lay in the sun and enjoy the heat. "And last time I checked we were in the middle of the forest no where
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near civilization. So the only children around is you."
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sniffs in response, annoyed. 'Fine. I'm a child.' He walks out of the water and onto the shore. 'You're
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acting like a pervert, taking off clothes in front of me.' He feels awkward in his clinging clothes now, and resists taking his off too. He
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didn't want to be hypocritical.
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snorts. "Last time I checked it was the one staring that's a pervert not the one trying to dry off." He points out, "And yes you are a
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child." He adds for good measure.
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scowls and turns away. 'I was not staring. There's nothing pleasent to look at anyway. And better a child than a pervert, moron....'
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lays himself down using as he crosses his hands behind his head to enjoy the sun. "Have fun in your wet clothes." He smirks as he closes his
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eyes and basks the sun's rays. He won, that's all that mattered.
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growls again, and gives in. He takes off his shirt and sits under the tree next to Turkey. 'If we get into trouble for indecent exposure,
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it's your fault.'
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shrugs or does the best he can at shrugging in the position he's in. "Actually it's your fault for pushing me in the water and going for a
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swim fully clothed." He corrects.
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'You were being an asshole, what else was I to do?' He asks, like it was obvious. 'I'm only human.'
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chuckles. "Well, next time try being a mature adult maybe that'll pay off."
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snorts. 'As if you could...Tell you what. You ever act like a mature adult, I'll admit I'm a child, pervert, idiot-whatever you want.'
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stretches and yawns. "Then be prepared to eat your words." He grins. "This will be easy."
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looks over and gives him an amused look. 'Oh yeah? And how will you make me do that?'
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grins. "Easy, I'll just act like a mature adult all the time and see how you take to it." He rolls onto his stomach and rests his head down
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in his arms lazily. "Are you sure you want to lose again?"
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rolls his eyes. 'I know you. You won't be civil to me for long. It's not in your blood.' He lifts his leg into the air and plays with a
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low-hanging branch. 'I won't lose again.'
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felt like this was a challenge. "Wanna bet on that? I bet I can be civil to you for the next two days easily."
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laughs at his suggestion, and turns to him. 'You're on. I won't make it easy on you. You'll resort back to insults in no time.'
Turkey gives
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him a strained smile. "I won't break under your pressure." He gets up, gathers his clothes and begins to make his way back to the tent. "It
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starts in the next thirty mintues." He declares as he all but disappears behind some trees.
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chuckles to himself, figuring he'll head back after half an hour-he didn't want to give Turkey the chance to get a bunch of nasty things out
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right before the start. No, he was going to make it impossible for Turkey to hold his tongue. As he clothes his eye he wonders what he'll
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*closes his eyes he wonders what he'll make Turkey do when he wins...ooooh.
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