13 years ago
latest #12
13 years ago
XD cool
13 years ago
I like her drawing style. I'm very fond of that French sort of school of comics.
13 years ago
I guess I don't get it. (thinking)
Sara Smile
13 years ago
Oooo.... nice
Stereo Nacht says
13 years ago
Tanarian says
13 years ago
Miss Genie, the protagonist found a copy of himself at the bottom of his "brother's" hole.
13 years ago
OH. I didn't realize that was -him-.
13 years ago
I think it was meant to be the brother at the bottom of the hole, implying that the new one walking around was the beast they killed.
13 years ago
But it's meant to be open ended.
Tanarian says
13 years ago
The edge of the frame is the blondish brother holding his lantern, and the figure in the bedroll is lighter-haired. Red-faced = murder.
13 years ago
I'm not seeing lighter hair on the one on the ground.
Tanarian says
13 years ago
Looks lighter to me, but yeah, a little hard to tell with the style.
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