if it is possible to set up Google Docs/Account so that teachers can use their existing school email addresses as their Google account?
latest #10
Yes. At least it used to be possible for that. Sure. They just sign up with their personal address. Several of our teachers have done this.
@ GingerTPLC do you use your district email or a google email. Having some problems with teachers accessing documents at school.
does Google have a way to have students set up accounts where educators can view what they are creating?
I have a google email, but some of my teachers don't.
As for trouble accessing docs, I don't know. User trouble? Filter?
And yes, in regard to the student question. Use teacher email +1, 2, 3, etc when creating the kids' usernames.
Let me get an article that explains it better than I do (we don't use this method).
thanks for sharing. Will give it a try.
our school email is gmail for everyone so we all can access google docs. Not sure how the tech guy set it up..
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