I wish that same thing!!! You're great
aww thanks
jacks. that was sweet and unexpected.
thanks to you too marci. you guys are great.
i know how sad it is to lose a treasured pet
yea i know. how did you wind up losing that blue roan again?
he coliced on us, actually we got the call he was at the vets on our way back from our anniversary
yeah but his little brother is cute it helps some
aww that is sad. On your anniversary? jeeze. horses really are the most accident prone animals I've ever met.
my boyfriend had a mare he LOVED from the Fort Ranch, she was 9 when he bred her last year, and somehow she got torn open
they are i'm amazed they survive at all so many things go wrong with them
and got infection on the inside and had to be put down, then his brothers horse coliced. its crazy.
yea cats and dogs will go through hell and still live, not so much for horses. they wouldn't be safe in a padded room i'm afraid!
yeah your right i almost lost my mare i raised from birth the mother of my blue roan and paint foals to colic this year
my dad lost his favorite horse her mom a couple years ago
we almost lost our other mare as well...while she was pregnant. its tough. They die from anything and nothing at all.
dales had them flip over and break a shoulder, colic, get Herda, infections, founder, get some weird disease I cant remember...
Wow I better tell my sister about horses being so fragile, she lost a horse this year and had a really hard time with it
our friend lost both a 3 year old and that mares mom this year. the 3 year old had the saddle turn under her belly, freaked out, jumped
yeah they do, and yet some of them seem to be invincible my first horse lived to be 23 andfinal just got too much arthritis to move
into a panel, which cut up her leg so she couldn't walk. glad chaos isn't dying that graphically.
but they are worth it in the end i think
totally and completely. wouldn't trade them for anything.
and they don't tell secrets. Its just neat to be up there, RIDING an animal.
yeah, and training them is one of the most amazing experiences
and frustrating
very frustrating, but when they finally come to trust you and that bond is there where they will go anywhere you ask its unbelievable