ginagabrielle shares
13 years ago
Taylor Swift - Mine
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latest #9
Ling meester says
13 years ago
hey babe...this is my song eh.. :-P
edwin pro says
13 years ago
haha mine
Ling meester says
13 years ago
what yours?? dont be girly here... :-P
edwin pro says
13 years ago
mine is rap and emo
Ling meester says
13 years ago
yea ryte! suits u lah! emo!!!
ginagabrielle says
13 years ago
this is my song la
Ling meester says
13 years ago
hey! i listen to it 1st.. (dance)
ginagabrielle says
13 years ago
this song is mine because i listened to it first when it 1st came out.
Ling meester says
13 years ago
tsk.tsk.tsk.don't copy my script~ :-P
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