13 years ago
I'm confused, are fairies not a common race in some worlds?
latest #20
Cube says
13 years ago
Roma said he has Trolls where he is from...
Cube says
13 years ago
I can't find any photos of the type of fairies that lived in the mountains.
Cube says
13 years ago
Ah, yes! They're pixies that live in the woods.
Cube says
13 years ago
That makes sense. Roma has a different name for trolls too.
Cube says
13 years ago
Perhaps I should look up Shen instead to see if I'll find pictures
Rue Ryuzaki
13 years ago
the only 'fairies' I'm familiar with are homosexuals. sorry.
Cube says
13 years ago
Cube says
13 years ago
That's a strange thing to say...
Cube says
13 years ago
Are all fairies in your world homosexual?
Rue Ryuzaki
13 years ago
fairy is a derogatory term for homosexual.
Cube says
13 years ago
Oh. That's strange.
Rue Ryuzaki
13 years ago
it is.
Cube says
13 years ago
That make sme wonder a few things
Rue Ryuzaki
13 years ago
such as?
Cube says
13 years ago
Where the term Fairy came from in your world and also...
Cube says
13 years ago
What would everyone in Vegas be considered by your language, under these circumstances?
Rue Ryuzaki
13 years ago
hmm. that is a good question. it's quite bold, if I might say so.
Cube says
13 years ago
Is it? Should I ask it in a separate box?
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