LilOlMe is
14 years ago
in need of help! debbiespreemiepatterns.w...
latest #7
LilOlMe says
14 years ago
what do i do for the rows after the neck? I know it says to knit first & last 4 stitches for garter, but what do i do in between?
LilOlMe says
14 years ago
Ooops, figured it out! feeling dumb now
LilOlMe says
14 years ago
OMG, this thing is frustrating me!
LilOlMe says
14 years ago
LilOlMe says
14 years ago
i just can't seem to get the increases right
RozinPDX says
14 years ago
I just saw this post. I hope you have figyred it out by now. It appears you increase a stitch on either side of the markers?
14 years ago
just saw this now too (different time zones). You're figuring things out when you're calmer... take a deep breath. It'll come to you (cozy)
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