13 years ago
is working on his costume! ...and making a mess in the process.
latest #116
13 years ago
laughs. Of course he is. If he asks nicely she might forget how much she dislikes him to help him fix it.
13 years ago
squints at her. It isn't broken...he's totally doing an awesome job.
13 years ago
's eye twitches. It looks horrible. Like his face.
Gilbert thinks
13 years ago
it looks pretty cool. Unlike her boobs. Those look like bad backalley jobs.
13 years ago
grinds her teeth and decides not to hit him. at least she didnt waste money on a baby dick like he did.
13 years ago
snorts. She's never seen his dick. He was blesse with that big thing. Naturally. He should base her ideas about dick on Roddy's junk.
13 years ago
She shouldn't* fail )
13 years ago
's face flames and she punches him in the chest. Austrias dick is fine. Its Gilbert over compensating by bragging how awesome he is.
13 years ago
might wheeze a little, but that wasn't all that bad. She hits like a sissy.
Eliza will
13 years ago
take her fist and aim at his face then, channeling her anger into energy. She's aiming to break something or at least bruise.
13 years ago
[ /stalks you two .... /totally doesn't ship pruhun, nope .. <v<b]
13 years ago
(pffft, off! -shales fist-)
13 years ago
howls, grabbing for his face as he rocks back. "What the hell?!"
13 years ago
snarls and raises her fist again. "Sissy nothing, you asshole! I may not have my frying pan but I can still beat the shit out of-
13 years ago
a pussy like you!"
13 years ago
doesn't always pick on weaker peop-- oh wait. Yes he does. Too bad she's still a girl and he still has a little lingering chivalry. She'll
13 years ago
just get a rough shove for that. "Bullshit! You might have a bigger set of balls on ya than most men, but you're still a sissy!" (lol sorry.
13 years ago
Had a con all weekend )
13 years ago
stumbles then shoves back, snarling back at him. "Why did I even bother trying to be moderately nice? You dick sucker I am not a sissy!"
13 years ago
(pft no prob. have fun?)
13 years ago
grabs for her wrist to stop her, though not as hard as he could, and snickers. "Like you know how to be nice. Dick sucker? Nice language for
13 years ago
a lady. That's real fuckin' attractive."
13 years ago
Yeah, it was pretty awesome )
13 years ago
flushes and yanks at her caught wrist. She scowls at him. "Fuck you asshole." Nice comeback.
13 years ago
also stomps her foot, debating on kicking him on the shin. "You wouldn't know attractive if it came up and bit you on the dick."
13 years ago
flicks her right on the nose, and none too gently. "Sure I do. I'm real familiar with attractive. I see it in the mirror every-
13 years ago
morning, actually."
13 years ago
wrinkles her face and smacks his hand away, none too gently. "Is that mirror broken? Cause you're ugly as fuck." She always gets so-
13 years ago
testy around him, she swears.
13 years ago
lets go of her wrist to pinch both her cheeks. "Nope, it works just fine. Just like the one above my bed!"
13 years ago
growls and slaps him. "Let go of my face you dick. You're acting like a grandma. And I dont give a shit about your mirror. the only person-
13 years ago
who sees it is you while you jack your tiny dick." she steps on his foot.
13 years ago
can't really decide which part to shout about first. The slap stung, but those tennis shoes aren't exactly steel-toed. "OW! Shit, watch-
13 years ago
where you're steppin', woman! That's a lot of weight coming down on my fuckin' foot all at once." Oh...whoops, the forbidden weight-
13 years ago
territory. Excuse him while he backs away real slowly, hands held up to ward off whatever blunt object she might hurl at him.
13 years ago
's eye twitches as she stalks towards him, shoving her sleeve up and cracking her neck. "What did you just say to me? I know you didn't-
13 years ago
just bring up my weight. Cause you're a dead man if you did." Her hand curls into a fist.
13 years ago
snickers. Manly, Eliza, manly. "Psht, 'course not. You're a graceful and elegant ballerina."
13 years ago
punches him dead on in the shoulder as hard as she can, then kicks him in the shin. "You sleazy bastard yes you did!" Oh the mention-
13 years ago
of her weight went as well as a ton of bricks. She doesn't buy that line. Especially not when he snickers. "Dick."
13 years ago
hasn't learned much over the years, so he's still going to pick at her even when she's swinging at him. He'll wear the bruises proudly.-
13 years ago
Just another successful round of bothering Hungary. "Dick? Yes, I have one and it's very nice. It's bulky, but I consider it carry-on.-
13 years ago
I can prove it, too."
13 years ago
half shrieks in disgust and pushes him, pushing a foot behind his leg so she can trip him. "Shut up! I don't want to see that nasty-
13 years ago
dick!" Her face flushes and she glares at him with the wrath of God himself.
13 years ago
stumbles back and trips over her foot, landing hard on his ass. That's not going to stop him from laughing though. "It's not about-
13 years ago
seeing it, princess! It's what ya do with it that counts."
13 years ago
lashes out with her foot, pining him to the ground. She breathes angrily out of her nose, face slowly turning red. "You can't do shit-
13 years ago
with that tiny thing. I bet you can't even last two minutes inside whatever the hell it is that decides to let *you* fuck it."
13 years ago
winces slightly and grabs for her leg, but high up, right around her knee. "Try two hours, Queen PMS. Two hours and I'd wear it out." Yeah,
13 years ago
that's his hand creeping up her thigh too, by the way.
13 years ago
keeps her foot there, not yet not noticing where his hand is going in her anger at him. She growls, and presses down on him. "Stop-
13 years ago
bullshitting me King Babydick. The way you drink you have the stamina of a virgin." She hopes no one else hears how crass she is.
13 years ago
tightens the hand at her knee to hopefully distract from the one on her thigh and maybe stop her from pressing down. That's starting to-
13 years ago
hurt a good bit. "The way I drink doesn't have shit to do with anything. I never had a problem with whiskey-dick, woman. Ask Roddy."
Eliza will
13 years ago
let off the pressure but there's no way in hell she's removing her foot and letting this fool up. Not after that comment. She feels-
13 years ago
something on her thigh, but figures it's just her dress or apron. She swallows a lump and glares at him, other hand curled in a fist. "Don't
13 years ago
you dare try and remind me of *that*." She still could spit fire at the thought of him touching Austria that way. Of course, it raises-
13 years ago
a flush for an entirely different reason but he doesn't have to know that. Ever. Or how she watched. "The thought of you raping him-
13 years ago
still haunts me. He had to wash several times to get the stink off."
13 years ago
could grab onto the band of whatever she's wearing under her dress and give her a really horrible front-wedgie, if he wanted. He might-
13 years ago
do that if she doesn't get off him soon. He's got his hand right in position to do it, too, the backs of his knuckles barely brushing up-
13 years ago
against her. He tilts his head and smirks. "Yeah? You sure he was washing, not going to the shower to jack off every time he thought about-
13 years ago
13 years ago
would not advise that. Gilbert would be spitting up blood for a good ten minutes with how hard she would crush his dick with her foot. She-
13 years ago
doubted he did, Austria was a prude in that aspect, too polite to try and have the scandal of her over hearing. She might have cough. She-
Eliza is
13 years ago
pretty clueless today, otherwise she would have noticed said knuckles. Must be cause she's so riled up. "As if. Why would he need to when-
13 years ago
he had this to service him at any given time?" She gestures to her own good looking body. Not that Austria asked for it. He was too damn-
13 years ago
wrapped up in that damn piano half the time and the other half slightly stand offish.
13 years ago
skips right on up, grabs the top of her undergarments and jerks them downward. He isn't sure if her dress is all once piece, otherwise he'd
13 years ago
have tried pulling her skirt down instead. "*Service him*? Woman, that man doesn't wanna be *serviced*. No fuckin' decent lover services-
13 years ago
anybody. 'specially not with those bony-ass legs."
13 years ago
freezes and bites her lip, one hand going up to stop the twitching of her eye. It's the calm of the storm. He did not just do that. It's-
13 years ago
almost unthinkable. Just bypass the last insult out of his mouth and skip straight to what he just did. "Gilbert. You have two seconds-
13 years ago
to explain to me what you just did. Or fix it. If you don't, I'LL KILL YOU." Not that it would be that hard with her foot right near his-
13 years ago
13 years ago
...just pinches both inner thighs. Hard.
13 years ago
forsakes crushing his windpipe with her foot for crushing it with her hands, a female demon enraged. "YOU SON OF A BITCH I'LL FUCKING-
13 years ago
KILL YOU." she compromises the height advantage to just try and choke the shit out of him.
13 years ago
's laughter gets cut short when he can't draw a deep enough breath to continue. It's just really wheezy laughter. "',-
13 years ago
crazy lady." There's no reasoning with her, so he just jerks his knee up and attempts to flip her off him.
13 years ago
"YOU BETTER-ack!" She wheezes at the feel of his knee and scrambles, not wanting to fall and flash, hands sliding all over him.
13 years ago
could almost die as one of her hands grazes his inner thigh and OH NO SHE DIDN'T. She flails and now tries to scramble away from him, eyes-
13 years ago
wide with shock.
Gilbert is
13 years ago
just thankful she didn't accidentally knee him in the dick. She can put her hands wherever she wants as long as she doesn't sink her-
13 years ago
nails in too. He rolls onto his stomach and rubs his neck, coughing once. "Your foreplay sorta sucks."
13 years ago
looks around for her undergarments, still pissed about that incident. "Just shut the hell up. Has it gone through your thick head that maybe
13 years ago
if you hadn't yanked my underwear down I WOULDN'T WANT TO CHOKE YOU." She needs to work on her volume control. She lashes out with her-
13 years ago
foot, kicking him right in the ass.
13 years ago
lives with Ludwig, who has absolutely no volume control. He can take her shouting a little. The humor's gone pretty fast when she kicks-
13 years ago
him, though. He yelps and sits up on his knees. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You ever think maybe I wouldn't be such a dick to you if
13 years ago
you weren't such a crazy bitch all the time?" Not likely. But it's fun to say.
13 years ago
stands up, hands on her hips. Now where...ha! She brushes her hair out of her face and bends over to get them, quick as a flash. What-
13 years ago
now? Oh. Well...that kinda makes sense. She snorts and turns her back to them, sliding her under back on. She chews her lip. "Maybe."
13 years ago
(him not them fail)
13 years ago
watches, of course, just in case she isn't careful enough with all that readjusting. Damn spoil-sport. "Try it sometimes, see where-
13 years ago
it gets you."
13 years ago
turns back around and walks back to him. She chews her lip then plays with her hair, letting the strands slide through her fingers. "Fine."-
13 years ago
sticks a hand out to help him out. She's too careful around gilbert to let anything flash.
13 years ago
*help him up god the errors today
13 years ago
snorts and gets up on his own. He's seen way too many of her tricks to trust that one. She'd pull him up and throw him on his face or-
13 years ago
something. He brushes the seat of his pants off, straightens his shirt, and smirks. "So. No thong today, huh?"
13 years ago
can't blame him, that is her favorite trick to pull on him. She crosses her arms with a scowl, but it's less scary and more pouty. "What's-
13 years ago
the point in wearing a thong today when I'm not trying to impress anyone?" She doesn't like them too much. not with a dress. Too breezy.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "So what, you just knew exactly how the day was gonna turn out? Oh. Yeah, that's right. Roddy hides from you these-
13 years ago
days, doesn't he?"
13 years ago
smacks him in the chest, but it's not hard enough to hurt. "Watch it. And no, I didn't know but I generally don't dress like I'm trying-
13 years ago
to get laid for no reason. It's more comfortable this way." She may wear a dress now, but she likes the practicality of modest clothes.
13 years ago
lifts his hand to smack her right back, but redirects it to scratch the back of his neck. She's got those *things* on her chest. "Boring.-
13 years ago
Dress like you're tryin' to get laid and you *will*."
Eliza gives
13 years ago
him a bland stare. "and how should I dress then?" She already knows his answer.
Eliza will
13 years ago
also add a smack to her chest earns a kick to his dick.
13 years ago
snorts. "Like you don't know. You've had tits for centuries. Don't tell me you never parade around with 'em hangin' out. You didn't bag-
13 years ago
Roddy with *charm*." Politics, maybe. Charm, fuck no.
13 years ago
shoves her hands into her apron pockets so she doesn't strangle him again. She rolls her eyes. "Gilbert, not all of us are whores-
13 years ago
like you." Well, Heracles might be. No he is. "It is possible that he and I get along. he's not a dick like you."
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