13 years ago
Im in the mood for dancing, Romancinggggg
latest #16
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
*hurls self off bridge*
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
felt like it :-P
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
Shut up! omg! ):
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
i like the song btw
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
can i stay if i dance with you???
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
yes (;
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
yayyyy (funkydance)
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
i dance like a daddy XD
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
;D! i cant dance! haha
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
i'm pretty ok wiht a partener
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
alone i just feel a douche so i don't bother
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
haha i prefere standing in corners ;p
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
sitting and drinking for me :-P
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
haha ;p
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