13 years ago
i feel like shit man
latest #15
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
second person to say that
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
and don't you think it's been a while since you were here last?
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
no, i left for ages haha ;D
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
one long nap :-P
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
haha how are you?
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
oh not too bad at present, early stages of sleep deprivation but who doesnt get that right? XD
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
what have you been doing with yourself?
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
nm, just i go college now and stuff, i needed ome time away, things where becomming to much (:
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
spring term is hard
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
second year is much better
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
more stress, but better stuff
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
yuo probably havn't seen any of my plurks about my soon to be fnished poetry book
RosieRiott says
13 years ago
no ;o thats cool!
Realmskipper says
13 years ago
hich means you've not heard of my fb page for it :-P
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