Really tired the day before, or just relaxing?
Must have forgotten to set an alarm.
Alarm clocks are sometimes tricky themselves.
Mine are...unless I'm doing something wrong.
... I thought you just set them to the time you want them to go off?
I do, 5am every morning. Sometimes it is 6am.
I have to get some work done before breakfast...
... What time do you sleep?
You need eight hours of sleep to stay healthy.
I know, but there's so much to do in the morning. I think I've gotten accustomed to it.
Maybe you should learn from Spain and take a nap in the afternoon.
Perhaps, it does seem to work for him...sometimes.
The times he sleeps completely through it.
... It's not too bad an idea, if it doesn't happen too often.
I'll try it out the coming weekend, see how that goes.
... If you sleep through all of it, I can't be blamed.
I'll write it down now, it was Hong Kong's idea!
... I'll wake you up if you oversleep.