I seem to have misplaced my glasses cleaner.
latest #22
use ronald's boxers to wipe them down. i'm sure he's not using them or anything
That would be a good plan, but I'm not sure what kind of germs are growing there.
Nor am I sure of the last time Ronald washed his clothes...
..that's kind of gross, actually..
but briefs are for GIRLY men..
They have little skulls on them, Ronald. I assumed they were yours. Not that I *touched* them, god forbid.
... Oh. Haha. I'll... get those back to their owner.
Do they belong to your boyfriend, Ronald?
Here's a handkerchief for those glasses.
Thank you, Ronald. Such a kind boy you are.
/Takes his megane off. Cleans them. Examines. Squints. Cleans some more. Holds up to the light. Damn spot--cleans again.
/Squints one more time...all right, fine. Slips them back on. Smiles.
There we are. All better.
/and those skull boxers are mysteriously gone
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