the karma thing? non, not at all. my karma has been soaring.
Mm! Have you been having trouble with yours? I hope not.
...stupid little plurk. I didn't mean it as the verb.
My last bottle of wine seems to have gone to vinegar. It's terrible. And there's no others!
...I guess that would be a predicament for you.
It is. I'm at a complete loss.
The entire night is ruined. I won't be myself at all.
No, you'll just be...sober.
...I don't think i've ever seen you sober.
it's highly overrated, let me assure you.
oooh. I have a headache just thinking about it.
Ooh don't be so melodramatic.
melodramatic? pas du tout! It's honestly upsetting.
Then drink some grape juice and pretend.
Tell Canada to stop smoking up the bathroom with his "special herb" too, please.
Playing pretend won't help... and merde. is he?
anymore and he'll have to change the leaf on his flag.
But then, so long as he's happy, non?
True. It is fun to watch him with his munchies.
Oh, no! Don't worry, big brother! I could send you some wine if you'd like~
Perhaps a night spent sober will do you some good.
Italy~! It's nice to see someone concerned for my well being.
And how exactly is a sober night supposed to do me any good?
Oh, my apologies. I meant that it will do OTHERS good.
Thinking only of yourself again, Austria. So selfish. But then, if I'm expected to converse with you, wine is needed more than ever.
Want some crackers with that whine
oh. a pun. how clever. :|a
Don't you have a lot of wine
Usually, but everyone goes through a drought on occasion.
but luckily it's been remedied now. it was a close call for a while there.
That's good! I can't imagine you without your wine
It's difficult for me to picture as well, actually. haha!