13 years ago
is looking for new fun things to do!
latest #170
13 years ago
says he should try horseback riding. That's always fun.
13 years ago
has never been on a horse before... he's heard it hurts.
13 years ago
nods. Well, sort of. But it's worth it. And it doesn't hurt too bad.
13 years ago
... thinks it will be worse for men. He's willing to give it a try though.
13 years ago
snorts and waves her hand. It hurts equally, but its nothing horrible. Does he really want to try it?
13 years ago
wants to really try it! He wouldn't say so if he didn't...!
13 years ago
is asking because she has a horse. Well, he;s too big for a new rider...she has another but he's kinda old.
13 years ago
thinks old is good, means it won't go too fast.
13 years ago
nods. Well, Hanyag is his name and it does mean slow. When does Will want to ride?
13 years ago
would like to ride, if that's okay with Miss Hungary.
13 years ago
will go get the horses ready then. Just come over to her house, she'll be fitting the horses so if she doesn't hear a knock just yell.
13 years ago
yells, loudly with a bright smile. He's not sure what to think of Hungary but she seems nice enough.
13 years ago
is nice enough, as long as you don't piss her off. She peeks around Hanyag and wanders top the front. she smiles and waves. "Hello!"
13 years ago
waves back, making his way over. Eyes concentrating on her face he replies with a small stutter, 'G-G-day.'
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow at his stutter then shrugs. "I have the horses ready and it's a nice day. Don't go near the black one. That's Ordog. He's-
13 years ago
a mean one."
13 years ago
nods, 'Oh, thanks there. I'll keep an eye out for him.' He then holds out a jar of Vegemite he'd been holding, 'As a thank you for inviting_
13 years ago
me to your home.'
13 years ago
blinks, then takes it with smile. "Oh! Thank you. I'm actually glad to have a guest. Follow me please." She blushes and walks towards-
13 years ago
the back of the house. It's still weird getting treated as a lady even after all this time.
13 years ago
smiles, 'I'm glad to be a guest.' He follows her around, excitedly looking around. It was rather lush here compared to Australia... but then
13 years ago
most places were. 'You have a nice home.'
13 years ago
nods and wanders over to her porch to set the jar down. She dusts her hands off and looks back. "Hm? Oh yes it can be." She catches-
13 years ago
her foot on a stone and trips, face planting the ground. Great. First visit and she already looks like a fool.
13 years ago
holds a hand up to his mouth to contain his laughter before rushing over to help her, offering a hand. 'Are you alright?' he asks with a_
13 years ago
tilt of his head, eyes full to the brim with amused concern. He finds it rather endearing that's she's clumsy, Canada is clumsy too.
13 years ago
just thanks the stars it hasn't rained recently. Mud would be a horrible addition to this humiliating situation. She blushes and takes his-
13 years ago
hand, attempting to stand back up. "I'm fine. I'm not normally this ditzy."
13 years ago
ensures that she gets up, quick to offer her a damp handkerchief he keeps handy for dealing with animals to deal with any mess. 'It's fine,_
13 years ago
I'm used to it.' He smiles, 'Everyone is allowed their moments.'
13 years ago
gladly takes the handkerchief and wipes her face and hands. She frowns at it, it now having some dirt on it. "I'll wash this and return it.-
13 years ago
" She smiles. "Now, back to the horses." She turns, face on fire as she paces over. Damn stone.
13 years ago
looks around as he follows again, still taking in the sights. 'Are horses expensive?'
13 years ago
scowls at Ordog. He glares back and she rolls her eyes. Damn horse. "they can be, yes. Both of mine are pure bred but I got them-
13 years ago
as a birthday present from my boss." She wanders over to Hanyag and pulls him near, petting his nose. "pet him. He'll let you."
13 years ago
gets right down to petting him, more at home with animals than human's. 'I'm guessing you breed them then... are they studs?'
13 years ago
sighs with relief when Hanyag does nothing but enjoy the petting. "Ordog is. Hanyag isn't. He actually was too energetic to handle."
13 years ago
ahhs, grinning a bit. 'The girls found him too hot to handle eh?' He scratches bhind the horses ear, cooing when it twicthes.
13 years ago
laughs. "You could say that. Hanyag was not always so....slow." She digs around in her apron, finding a piece of sugar. She holds it out.-
13 years ago
"Wanna feed him?"
13 years ago
nods, 'That would be brill.' He takes the sugar with a small thanks, and used to feedings roos holds his hand out flat
13 years ago
with the cube in the middle.
13 years ago
watches as Hanyag gently palms the sugar cube and smiles. "Good boy-hey! You! Don't you do it!" she glares around William at Ordog, who had-
13 years ago
been sneaking up to bite him. He pauses and tries to look innocent. Bastard ripped off of his picket. She should have dug the stake in deep
13 years ago
laughs, 'Whoa there Ordog, let's just chill eh?' He stands on the other side of Hanyag, hoping that will shield him somewhat.
13 years ago
moves quickly in front of William, grabbing his reins and yanking him down so they're eye level. "You brat. Stop acting up or it's to the-
13 years ago
glue factory for you." She glares until he bows his head. She pets his nose. "Good boy." She'll still keep an eye on him though.
13 years ago
watches the antics and laughs lightly, 'A handful... maybe he's just jealous.'
13 years ago
keeps the reins tight in her hand. "Ugh. Well his name means devil so it's not surprising." She feeds him a sugar cube. "He's really-
13 years ago
devoted to me." She smiles back at William. "You know how that goes."
13 years ago
nods, 'Yeah, Bruce is the same way.' He's left him behind today though, thinking Koala's and horses don't make for a good mix.
13 years ago
laughs and pats Hanyag's side. "Well enough talk. Time for you to get on this beast." she walks Ordog to the side so she can help William on
13 years ago
looks at the horse before giving a determined nod. He places the right foot in the stirrup and easily swing his leg over to get on. It was_
13 years ago
kind of like getting on a quad.
13 years ago
flutters around, making sure all the straps are in place and he won't fall. "You can hug with sides of him with your knees if you think-
13 years ago
you're going to fall, just not too hard. Here's how you hold the reins. don't worry about telling him where to go. He'll follow me."
13 years ago
nods, listening to all of her instructions. 'Alrighty. I'll just wait around for you to get ready then.'
13 years ago
swings up on Ordog with ease, and pats his side. She trots over to William and smiles. "Haven't fallen yet. We can take a flat meadow-
13 years ago
trail or a small mountain trail. Both are safe for your level."
13 years ago
blinks, 'Well... the mountain one sounds more exciting.'
13 years ago
nods and swings Ordog around, ignoring his snort of amusement. She signals Hanyag to the side of her so they can ride side by side. "sounds-
13 years ago
like a plan." She laughs, spirits already lifted. she loves riding her horses and just traveling the country side.
13 years ago
smiles, glad the other seemed pleased with his choice. The horse didn't seemed too bothered either.
13 years ago
makes sure Ordog doesn't want to start galloping anytime soon. "So do you have anything like horses in your country?" She brushes her-
13 years ago
hair to the side so she can see.
13 years ago
thinks, 'Well, we have horses? I've just never been interested in them before... they're too easily tamed.'
13 years ago
grabs at Ordog's reins as he turns. "I wouldn't say that around Ordog." They reach the fringe of trees signalling the start of the mountain-
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, 'I guess some make the exception. I doubt he's as vicious as a croc though.'
13 years ago
nudges him into a slow pace, looking over to make sure Hanyag and William are okay. If they're lucky her crazy weather won't randomly-
13 years ago
change like it tends to. "Now crocs are the lizards with the hugs teeth, right?"
13 years ago
... nods, 'I guess you could describe them as that.'
13 years ago
shudders, and ducks a tree branch. "I wouldn't go near one of those if you payed me. They look like they could rip my leg off."
13 years ago
ducks too, following example. 'They can... and will, if you give them the chance and provoke 'em enough.'
13 years ago
sneezes and glares up at the sky. If it rains..."I've also heard you have those giant...jellyfish?" Ordog snorts in boredom at the slow pace
13 years ago
but she's not willing to accomodate him.
13 years ago
nods, 'Yeah. They hurt like a bitch if you stand on 'em.'
13 years ago
takes a deep breath in and hums in contentment. The weather and tempature was absolutley perfect for this. And her companion was nice. "I-
13 years ago
bet. don't you have anything that's not potentially painful or lethal?"
13 years ago
laughs, 'Um... nah, that's what makes life exciting eh?' He looks around at the countryside, 'Dunno what I'd do wthout it.'
13 years ago
13 years ago
scoffs, but to each his own. She can't really say much since it wasn't so long ago she ran around in boy clothes, swinging a sword around.-
13 years ago
"I can see your point." She blinks as a small drop of water hits her face she groans. "You have to be kidding me."
13 years ago
looks up, eyes wide. He has to say he's not used to rain appearing from nowhere. 'Think it's going to be bad?
13 years ago
13 years ago
picks up the pace slightly. If her memory is correct, there should either be a cave or at least a bridge they can huddle under. "It might."
13 years ago
ahhs, startling when his horse follows suit. 'Then we should probably find cover.' He starts slipping off his coat, planning to offer it to_
13 years ago
13 years ago
swears as the weather turns slightly worse. She swears even more when Ogdor shakes his mane, showering her in sweat and water. Boo. "there-
13 years ago
should be a place up ahead. I think it's a cave." She scours ahead, but they're not quite there yet.
13 years ago
throws the coat over her shoulders, 'Well no need to rush and get hurt. We'll get there when we get there.' His horse follows Hungary with_
13 years ago
little work on his part,
13 years ago
blinks at the sudden weight of the jacket, and gives him a small smile. "You didn't have to do that." She blushes and grabs one side with-
13 years ago
one hand to keep it on.
13 years ago
shrugs, giving a small, wuick grin, 'It's manners.'
13 years ago
blushes even more at that grin. Damn girly instincts. She nods, then grins at the object in the not too far distance. "see that cave?"
13 years ago
nods, holding a arm over his eyes to stop the rain getting into them. 'Yeah, no far at all now. '
13 years ago
sighs with relief as they near it. It looks deep enough to give the horses cover. "Thankfully I have some bedrolls packed on the side of-
13 years ago
the sadle we can sit on until it clears up. This happens more then I would like it to."
13 years ago
blinks, so prepared. 'We won't have to sleep out here will we?' He jumps off the horse when they reach the cave, keeping a hold of the reign
13 years ago
has to be. She pulls the bedrolls off the sadles with a huff.
13 years ago
"Sorry it turned out this way." she blushes and fiddles with the drawstring on one. "hopefully it passes."
13 years ago
helps with the bags, 'It's not your fault. Let's just sit it out?'
13 years ago
flops one down, then the other on top of it. "Yeah we can. She brushes her hair out of her face and carefully sits. She sneezes.
13 years ago
offers her a tissue. 'Are you alright?'
13 years ago
blinks up at him and accepts it with a smile. "I think so. Just a little cold." She pulls the jacket closer around her shoulders.
13 years ago
smiles back, 'Ah, well I hope you get better...' And he hopes he doesn't catch it. He leans against the wall, sliding to sit on his bottom.
13 years ago
is pretty sure he won't. She sighs and lays on her stomach, so her head is facing him. "So had fun riding horses before the rain?"
13 years ago
grins, 'Yeah. A new experience so I was expecting it to be...' But he could see himself getting bored of it easily, 'Prefer sports like_
13 years ago
surfing and cricket though... rugger too.,'
13 years ago
rests her head on her arm and tilts her head inquisitively. "Those sound interesting. What's cricket and rugger like?"
13 years ago
thinks of how to explain it easily, 'I guess you could say Cricket is a slower game of baseball and Rugger is well, it's Rugby. Like_
13 years ago
American football only better.'
13 years ago
nods. "Sounds fun. I think I'll stick to riding horses though. It's simpler." She gets up and wanders over to the cave entrance, getting-
13 years ago
hit by a wave of rain. Wonderful now she's soaked.
13 years ago
... snorts and then laughs, 'Are you okay?'
13 years ago
is not amused. She sneezes again and finger combs her hair back. She glowers down at her soaked clothes. "Yeah. Ugh this is great." She-
13 years ago
unties her apron and throws it on the ground.
13 years ago
hopes she isn't going to strip. He offers her his jumper, hoping to stop this. 'Just stay away from the entrance?'
13 years ago
blushes and moves away. She's not going to strip, she just wanted to get that off. She rubs her arms and shivers. She turns her back.
13 years ago
... sighs softly, opting to watch the rain. There was little more he could offer bar his coat and jumper...
13 years ago
coughs and peeks outside. Nope. She moves to walk towards Will and catches her dress on something. She facepalms her hand. "Can you help-
13 years ago
me? I don't know how this could get any worse." She doesnt want to rip the dress in alf.
13 years ago
moves over, trying to untangle her dress. 'It's just not your day today, is it hun?'
13 years ago
tries also to free herself. She laughs, covering her mouth. "It's really not. God now I can't stop lauging for no reason."
13 years ago
... gives her a brief odd look, before releasing the dress. There is a small rip but it should be easy enough to repair. 'I'm sorry.'
13 years ago
brushes it off with a nod. She looks down at the rip and sighs. "Is it still raining?"
13 years ago
looks out, 'It's letting up a tad, I think?'
13 years ago
peeks out. "It's almost down to where we can leave. I hope this doesn't ruin chances for another visist."
13 years ago
smiles, 'It's been exciting, I'd consider it a pleasure to come again.
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles back and freezes at the sound of ripping. she closes her eyes. "That rip just got huge didn't it?"
13 years ago
... doesn't want to look ;n;. \Sounds like it.'
13 years ago
glances down and her face turns maroon. The rip's all the way up her side, threatning to show all. "Um..." She tries to hold the thing-
13 years ago
together with her hands.
13 years ago
... offers his jumper to wrap around her waist and then his t-shirt. 'Dear Lord.'
13 years ago
is speechless and gladly takes the jumper but balks at the shirt. "I can't take that. you'll freeze."
13 years ago
... says, 'I'd rather you be covered.'
13 years ago
is making a call to Will's cell phone. Ring, vibrate, ring, something.
13 years ago
cocks her head. "Is that you?"
13 years ago
nods fleeing to the other side of the cave to answer the call. 'Matthew, I love you.'
13 years ago
extends his phone back blinking, then pulls it back to his ear. "What did you do?"
13 years ago
shrugs the shirt on and flushes. It is so sweet to hear him say that to his boyfriend.
13 years ago
says, rather pointedly. '*I* didn't do anything!' He's unbelievably glad Hungary is covered up now.
13 years ago
is sitting up in his chair now. "What's that supposed to mean...?" he asks, tone somewhat softer than usual.
13 years ago
chews her nail nervously. She wasn't planning on doing anything either. She already knew where they stood. she really wishes the rain would-
13 years ago
stop. that would help a lot.
13 years ago
looks over his shoulder, 'Hnn... I can't say.' He looks outside, ohh wow. The rain has stopped. 'Would you be okay taking the horses back_
13 years ago
yourself, miss?'
13 years ago
just closes his phone despite feeling nervous.
13 years ago
feels bad for putting him in an awkward position. She nods and grabs the rolls, quickly rolling them back up. She picked up the apron-
13 years ago
and coughs. "um your clothes. If you follow me back to my place I can change and give you back yours."
13 years ago
smiles, 'I can pick them up later. I have a ton where that came from. Just stay safe, e-eh?'
13 years ago
nods and grabs the reigns of her horses. She turns and nervously looks at him then away. "I don't mean to nit pick buy how are you going-
13 years ago
to find your way off this trail?"
13 years ago
holds up his phone, 'GPRS. I'll be fine. Concentrate on getting home.''
13 years ago
moves further into the cave to call Matthew again, looking upset. If he's done anything to ruin their relationship ;~;
13 years ago
knows how dangerous it can be getting lost out here. She chews her lip, then stomps her foot. She'll do anything to fix whatever went wrong-
13 years ago
but she has to at least get him to a ranger station.
13 years ago
sighs, 'I'll have to leave once we reach your house.'
13 years ago
crosses her arms. She'll settle for that. She just doesn't want him to get eaten by animals or wander around lost.
13 years ago
starts down the path they came, not at all scared of animals. He's from Australia... he's dealt with worse.
13 years ago
chases after him, tugging the reins to keep up. He may deal with dangerous animals but different countries, different threats. Mountain-
13 years ago
beasts can be sneaky.
13 years ago
has never ever been happier to see Hungarian architecture before when they come across her house. 'Well, thank you for the lovely day.'
13 years ago
doubts honestly it was lovely. She pets Ordog's nose nervously, keeping him back from Will. She keeps thinking she did something to-
13 years ago
offend him. "I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"
13 years ago
shakes his head, 'No. I just. I love Matthew Williams, Canada, more than the eye can see and that situation back there just made me feel_
13 years ago
uncomfortable. The only person I could think of was him.' He nods his head, 'Bye,' and leaves.
13 years ago
feels even worse because she couldn't appologise. Damnit she didn't mean to-ugh. Great. Now she looked like a skanky whore.
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