Watching V for Vendetta, and seeing Parlament explode like that makes me worry that England might of had a minor stroke when he saw it.
latest #13
Hmm. I rather love that movie. Every now and again every country needs a little revolution, non?
Well, yes, but one that destroys a large building like that?
Well, better buildings than population. Though I imagine there are certain ones thare are more... meaningful than others.
well, movie magic anyway. No worse than Independance Day for America, mm?
Perhaps someone should make a movie about blowing up the Eiffel Tower. Then we'd see how you took it.
Ah, but they did, didn't they? That horrid little thing with the puppets.
Oui. Puppets. That destroyed my beautiful Paris trying to thwart poor stereotypes of terrorists.
...So this was one of America's movies, right?
Yes, of course. Who else's?
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