in ur dreamS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all of my dreams mostly came true
deline so love u...
ur dreams about gettin hits from ur classmates just recently came true... but about that... even if dreamt it 10000000 WONT HAPPEN
are u really???
then you're allowed to give a sweet kiss for your lovely sweet agung wkakakaka
NAJISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS is the 'ss' enough!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!! stupid aSS..
Accept reality... little girl...
wew.. wiell have a stupid ass!!!
yeah right.. accept the reality
you can't hide your feelings deline...
what is that "ughhh..."means?? ^^
just a tiny kiss will do that.
i better tdie rather than likin' that disgusti,annoying brat!!! huwww...
make some kiss with deline
wad feeling wil??? i wanna puke feelin???
just gimi some sweet kisses of u^^
my shit is less disgustin than u!!!!!!!!!
do you like that gunks..??
just a blink kiss and.... the marriage are all prepared woo hoooo
but iwth that style u can make some love with deline
i don't even care...not even a little bit!!!
wew.. im wondering bout dat...
i wanna make up right now (nana)
you're a pathetic wife deline... you didn't gave your husband even a single kiss.. so cruel
dont u loves me somuch?? just gimi ur firstkiss
im the one that shouls say that ... WTF!!!!
my first kiss wont be at you...not even in a million year it wont!!!!
gile dari berantem jadi dsuka
don't say engaged..!!!! i dont wanna be friend wid me!!!
sorry...WRONG!!!! i mean... i dont wanna be fren wid HIM!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!
yeah.. some part of my n"ndas" havebeen touched by her lips..
eh ga usah pake bintang2 gitu deh... punya gw tuh...
yeah.. ur d cutes one i've ever met..
my bulu kuduk berdiriiiiiii
if deline already cute with me
n ur d most disgusting person that i will ever met in my life!!!!!!!!!
what things makes ur"bulukuduk "standing??
if u wanna puke... im gonna let my head in the middle of a circle rope.. -_-
deline love gunks so much
oh.. dont do that.. my sweet heart
u ask again.... aof course !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think she swallow too much viagra... *ngakak*
today we all learn about a beautiful thing... that's "LOVE" whuahahahaha
im so frustrated...............
yeah.. viagra is somthing verry beuty.. want to have alil taste of it with me?
my head hurtsss!!!!!!!!!!!!! wew........
im signing out and never signing in...-__-
it have a bananas flafour ^^ dont u likes it?
makan aja sendiri tuh viagra
tp gw dgr" agung suka ama sylvia jg lho
yeah i hear that gossip as well...
candy that will make you "standing"
throughout the day... *ngakak sambil pentokin pala ke monitor*
playboy, laku kaga gimana jadi playboynya? heran seems like gerald search trouble with me...
ktawa mpe blepotan wkakaka
yeah2.. i realize it.. kind of disgusting thing.. but.. i think ull enjoyed it with me ^^
agung memank paling jago dach
abis deline ehh si sylvia
iuuuuuuuuu.....ull be more disgusting than that and ill give my shit to you tomorrow mornin'..!!!!
another gay couple... *ngakak*
but i heard,..... agung homo.... so ... G3124 is the next target of agung..!!!!!hahaha
wew sylvia like agunks too..??
ngga, agung kan suka sm lu syl
agung emank dari dulu uda homo...
wew.. gw kan suka sama delin.. itu buktinya gwgakhomo..
wuahaha... tapi sayangnya delin malu ngasi 1 ciuman aja... pelit dia
sylvia ama agunks udh jadian..??
judulnya delin yg suka lu dodol
deline mw nyosor ajanich..?
kn u gnti target trus...gk usah gt la tw u skna ma gerald... u kn homo sejatu...
golden wedding bahkan... *ngakak*
lohh belom setua itu yeh...
nggak... gw suka sama u dell.. srius.. ^^
paling juga besok terjadi
mampus lu del, kawinin tuh gorila
geliii banged gilllaaaaaaaa
ga akan ada yg percaya sil
no need to deny it geraldddd
org lbh percaya klo lw ama agunks jadian
i know u like him just like he likes you
deline always like agunks
iy.. G3214.. nurutu gw sukanya sama sapa??
tapi sayangnya orgnya udah ngaku suka sama lu del
deline pasti mw ama agunks
dat never gonna HAPPEN i tell u... NEVER!!!!!!
yah.. kalo gitu sylvia ja dech..
Gila, g jadi delin langsung bunuh agung x haha.
im never gonna make off myminds..
deny 2000000000000000000000000000000%%%%
apa deline cinta agunks..??
*ngakak sambil pentokin pala ke tembok*
udh lbh dlm donk deline..??
malu biasa lah... kan banyak yg liat. kalo kepoto nanti repot bisa masuk majalah
but wads the point of killin him... he will still be disgustin... YIKES!!!!!!!
u deny that i loves gerald.. rite??? oh.. u really sweet.. my sweetheart..
best couple of the year yeah
yeah.. bestcouple of the year.. ^^
del, itulah susahnya pacaran ama artis... contohnya kayak agung haha
sweethearttttttttt what the HECKKKKK!!
best couple ever in this galaxy...
yeah thats rite@!!!! WAD D HECK!!!!!!!!!!!1
the sucker in this chat must have mirror
si deline ga kemana-mana koq gung
i don't think that the sucker in this class has his own mirror...
apa dia udh pergi sama agung..??
artis animal planet, gorila cacat
uda lnsng aja tembak dorrr
apa agung pengen tembak si silvia
i dont need to mirror to tell that im so hansome ^^
gw pinjemin sotgan gw dah... bwakakakkaka
rasana pengen jedokin kepala g ke tembok...
benci di mulut di hati lain lagi
wakwkak.manteb gung.sayangnya delin ga buta..!!!hahaha
yeh.. kalo buta gw jg gak bakal buat yang kayak gene.. wkwkw
selera delin rendah bgt sih. ama agung aja mau kalo gmn ama monyet?
fido dari awal ampe akhir koq ngomong kotor terus?? kayak wili donk.. sesekali muji2 gw napa??
sori bang, gw ga muji lo. mending lu ke tht dulu deh, telinga lu bermasalah
ikh.. jaad u will.. miju gw donk skali" lo jg do
napa u?? Speechless?? haha..
kita ngomongin hal" yang sdikit private di sini miss ^^
merek tisu yg "ambil miju ambil lagi, ambil lagi..."
bs dituntut bosnye tuh...
udah sembarangan pake merek orang pake salah ketik lagi...
argh T_T saalah tulis doank masa dipermasalkan sampe sebegituunya??
lagian jg pada seneng kok...
tuh kan... udah nongol satu yang pro sama gw...
y ud.. gw kan orang baek.. kasih lah..
udah kaga bisa mempertahankan argumen ... lgsg ganti topik die...
wah jangan ketularan ama PSnya miss...
hmm.. percaya sama siapakah anda?? saia atau mereka, miss??