Anyways I've been watching the "I Nub You" episode and...
anyone ever wondered why Handy continues to be, well... handless despite the fact that the entire world seems to "reset" after each episode,
injuries and all? I mean I know that's Handy's *thing* but jeez he just gets the short end of the stick.
unless he was born like that. ... or loses his hands every day. Actually now that I think about it he was probably born like that. >:
But then they wouldn't be bandaged all the time!
cause Petunia loses her hands/arms/whatever but is fine for the rest of the episodes of course. God HTF why so confusing.
*yes realizes that she should not be over analyzing a flash cartoon where fluffy animals are killed in every episode*
I still want a Splendont like burning though. Give Splendid something to do besides being a thorn in Flippy's side.
And I kind of want a Lumpy, why.
oh yeah cause of pictures like this.
*why do you have to make everything sexy Japan*
goddamnit I love the human versions of HTF AHHHHHHHHHHHH
I've been wondering for a while... do you even *watch* HTF Katie? Cause if you do I'm surprised.
I know. Shocking isn't it but
HTF makes me absolutely crease up
I used to watch it a lot when I was in CofE school. Few years ago. And LOL the human versions win.
oooh. Yeah I keep hearing how you like HTF and I'm like, ... Katie does? Katie who whines at guro Katie?
it being used in a sexual content is weird to me <__>
Well~ The fact that guro is prevalent in canon just means that I can use it in sexual situations more often with HTF fandom heheh~
... ffffffft hello Chrissy.
whenever people "roll" I think of Rolling Girl. /slightly unrelated
I love that retarded moose
and I find gijinka!Lumpy adorable kay.
then again..I like about all of the HTF guys
/4th grade memories fuck yeah
Nutty is also adorable. We already have a Nutty though... if she'd play with us. B\
girl!Fliqpy can
*still* kick your ass.
Handy/Mole is the cutest yet worst pairing ever.
Handy is... obviously handless.
and Mole is blind. most likely mute. and probably has hearing problems.
tinfoil_hatter: Wow, I only JUST saw your message on this plurk. e_e; I didn't mean to ignore you sorry. Plurk bugs.