says 2010-10-20T13:02:04.000Z
Good Lord I screwed up D:
latest #7
says 2010-10-20T13:02:48.000Z
I went to my big bro's room to get the PSP when I saw this album that had all sorts of pictures of me
says 2010-10-20T13:03:34.000Z
I didn't really notice it but I got REALLY embarrassed at the pictures there,
says 2010-10-20T13:04:43.000Z
When I was younger I wasn't the "best dressed" nor was I a "most photogenic" anyways I just dismissed it as some random project mom does
says 2010-10-20T13:05:36.000Z
Then later my sister was asking "did you find something pretty in big gro's room?" over and over because there was something there that
says 2010-10-20T13:06:51.000Z
Wasn't supposed to be seen.... So I wanted to see it(I'm such a child) then I mentioned that I saw it and voiced my opinion of it being
says 2010-10-20T13:07:45.000Z
stupid... Turns out it was supposed to be a surprise gift for me... And of course my mom is hurt right now...
says 2010-10-20T13:08:42.000Z
I think.................................................................................................................................. D:
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