SueYing wonders
15 years ago
why would she give out her blog address if she's gonna bitch bout everyone in the class
latest #42
jozilla says
15 years ago
erm, give me okay. i wanna read. wont tell anyone! :-)
SueYing says
15 years ago
i give you here??? or msn??
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
gimme gimme! i want toooo
jozilla says
15 years ago
msn lah duhh. you give here then the whole world knows abt it already kan? give alison also. loll.
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
yeah yeah!
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
i'm appearing offline on msn now. hahha
SueYing says
15 years ago
okay. who wants ask me la.
SueYing says
15 years ago
just to make this clear, the "she" is not me. its a girl from my class
joanneng says
15 years ago
ahaha. i want the blog add too! ;-)
beathead says
15 years ago
eh share abit :-D
SueYing says
15 years ago
woah. all kepo. hahaha
joanneng says
15 years ago
ahahah. saje saje..
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
hahaha. gossip maaa.
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
but i read already, not much gossip oso. it' so wordy i gave up reading it.
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
jozilla says
15 years ago
HAHA! same alison! gosh, guess we're just not the 'reading-wordy-stuff' kinda ppl. unlike sying. haha.
joanneng says
15 years ago
yeap. i read also but i am kinda lost. she should include pictures :-)
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
yeahhhh! high five joanne! :-D
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
and it looks to me that 'that girl' has more problems herself than the drama in ur class lah. hahaha
joanneng says
15 years ago
alison :-(highfive)
joanneng says
15 years ago
wooops. its : alison : (highfive)
joanneng says
15 years ago
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
hahaha. =]
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
right back at'cha!
joanneng says
15 years ago
ahahha. hmmm, the girl like in depression onlyyy.
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
exactly. self-conflict betul. should get her some chicken soup for the soul book. HAHA
joanneng says
15 years ago
ahahha. you go get it for her la
SueYing says
15 years ago
i think she wont post pictures la. her msn also no picture
joanneng says
15 years ago
Oo.. so secretive bout herself arh?
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
lol. but in her blog she's not very secretive what. the way she's rambling about. hahahha
AlisonLee says
15 years ago
i feel so evil. oh well, :-Dnot that i know her.
joanneng says
15 years ago
*evil alison* (rofl)
jozilla says
15 years ago
SueYing says
15 years ago
secretive?(LOL)i dont think she's secretive la.if she is she wouldnt boast that she had many guys falling for her and giving her loveletters
joanneng says
15 years ago
owh really? hmmm, i didnt read tht i think. whoa, so now she's a perasan person. haha.
SueYing says
15 years ago
she didnt write in her blog. but she boast to us in person. = =
joanneng says
15 years ago
owh. chehhh
joanneng says
15 years ago
haha. here's an idea, update us bout her boastings lah! *winks*
SueYing says
15 years ago
woah. sangat kepo la you. lmao. too many to post la. lol
joanneng says
15 years ago
ahaha. ke po a bit baru bagus ma. heehee
SueYing says
15 years ago
hahaha..gossips gossips
joanneng says
15 years ago
mmm. yummeh.
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