14 years ago
found some of Arthur's old clothes. They were so old fashioned! She had been working all day to make them fit her and was now running_
latest #332
14 years ago
around pretending to be a boy. She had all her hair shoved up under a hat. She looked pretty convincing~
14 years ago
((For Monaco))
Cerise has
14 years ago
been out posting "Visit Monaco" flyers. Since most of her income came from tourism, she really tried to advertise a lot. When she sees the
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boy in the old fashioned clothes, she blushed and handed him a flier. He seemed familiar. She realized that he was a nation too though she
14 years ago
didn't immediately know which one he was. >///<
Seychelles is
14 years ago
stopped by a pretty woman. She blinks at the flier but gently takes it and glances down at it. O-Oh! A tourism flier...Ah it seemed like_
14 years ago
a nice place. She could relate to this too! On top of that, she seemed to recognize (faintly) this person as someone who had lived under_
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Francis. "Bonzour!" She greets with a sweet smile, waving the flier around. "You are Monaco, oui?"
14 years ago
blushes worse when the boy knows her name and gives her a jerky nod. "Ah! Mai oui! I'm Monaco and I'm promoting my home.. It'd be very nice
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if you could come visit my country..." She plays with the end of her braid, a nervous habit. "Forgive me but... you are a nation? I-I seem
14 years ago
to have forgotten your name..."
Seychelles thinks
14 years ago
the way she responded was really adorable. Ah! Wait, she got was because she was in disguise! H-Heh. She was convincing, huh? She_
14 years ago
wasn't so sure she liked that thought. She t-totally had breasts. T-They just weren't large. But another part of her was thrilled that she_
Seychelles was
14 years ago
in disguise. She decided she wanted to play around a bit more and winked over at the other. "Oui, but you can call me Victor for now._
14 years ago
I would love to come and visit sometime!"
14 years ago
looked up at him with wide eyes, flustered. She smiled up at him though until the boy winked. Her face went red and she chewed on her lip
14 years ago
nervously. She wasn't really used to that sort of attention. With a voice that wavered in embarrassment, she responds, "I-I'd be honored if
14 years ago
you could come and see my home then V-Victor.. It's very small but it's close to France and Italy and boasts a variety of past times." She
14 years ago
stands up a bit straighter as she talks about her home. She was obviously very proud of it.
Seychelles thinks
14 years ago
her home sounds really nice. She felt isolated in her home sometimes. It was just so far from people. But this girl really was precious._
14 years ago
"It sounds lovely! I had actually been on my way to France, so it would be right on my way. Would you mind sharing the evening with me and_
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giving me a tour?"
14 years ago
looks a bit surprised but she gives a quick nod. "I'd be happy to give you a tour!" Her cheeks color happily, glad she found someone that
14 years ago
wanted to come and see her home. "We have plenty of art museums and ballets! Orchestras too!" She added quietly, "And racing and gambling."
14 years ago
SHe adds them in a rush, always embarrassed to admit she liked those things.
14 years ago
listens to what she has to say, giving her a nod here and there. She pauses when gambling is mentioned. Such a fancy looking woman was into_
14 years ago
gambling? Well, they always did say not to judge a book by it's cover. "Gambling, huh? That sounds exciting." Though, she wasn't much of a_
14 years ago
14 years ago
colors when he immediately latches onto that detail and she fusses with her pink coat. "I-it brings in the tourists... My Princely family
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are advocates of the arts like ballet and music though, so gambling isn't all that occurs in my country..." She smiles at him, still a
14 years ago
little embarrassed but warming up rather quickly to this boy.
14 years ago
can tell that she's embarrassed and grins a bit teasingly. "But of course, this is a fine country. Everything is lovely, even the gambling."
14 years ago
nods a little, proud but trying not to look boastful. She gives him shy smile and adjusts her glasses. "I'm honored to hear you say as much.
14 years ago
I-If you'd like, I can make you dinner tonight and make arrangements for you to stay in the city?"
14 years ago
tried not to look too eager at the mention of food, but her stomach betrayed her and growled greedily. Truthfully, she had been going to_
14 years ago
France's to bum dinner off him since she was tired of eating coconuts. B-But this sounded better! "I-I would love that!" She betrayed_
14 years ago
herself. It was obvious she was happy.
14 years ago
colors again at how eager he sounded-- was that a cute stutter?-- and pauses to put the remaining fliers in her bag. She giggles at the
14 years ago
sound of the growling, and she puts a hand on his arm. "You sound positively famished, dear. I should start on dinner soon."
14 years ago
found herself blushing now at the treatment. Oh, she liked this person. She was nice, and was feeding her! "H-Heheh. W-Well I have been_
14 years ago
travelling for a while, thank you. I appreciate this!"
Cerise gives
14 years ago
him a gentle nod. "It's not a bother for me at all. It's always quite pleasant to have company and hospitality is the best attraction for a
14 years ago
nation so reliant on its tourists, hm?" She smiles and starts to walk. "If you could follow me, monsieur."
14 years ago
begins to trot along side her, quite excited. honey colored eyes glancing every which way. She didn't have much money to spend, but she_
14 years ago
decided that she could use a mini vacation and this nation had intrigued her. "Oui! So far I am impressed!"
14 years ago
blushes happily at the praise and leads her down the narrow streets. Monaco was very small and very densely populated but she loved her home
14 years ago
and the people in it. She finally leads the other nation to her home and moves to hurriedly unlock the door. "I-I'm delighted to share my
14 years ago
home with you.. I'm quite happy you like it..." She tried to hide her proud smile, but failed somewhat
14 years ago
stares up in awe at the beautiful home. H-How nice! She was really beginning to like this country. "It's beautiful, I thank you for being_
14 years ago
so kind to someone passing through~"
14 years ago
glances up at him and blushes shyly. "Oh! No, dear, it's all my pleasure to entertain guests. Especially other nations like yourself." She
14 years ago
looks down at her feet, feeling shy again. "You're quite welcome to use a room in my home, if you'd like. Accommodations can be sometimes
14 years ago
difficult to acquire at the last minute."
14 years ago
's eyes were shining with gratitude now. This girl was just so sweet and lovely and beautiful. She was almost envious. She was nowhere_
14 years ago
near as lady-like. She wanted to be, but...she was really a tomboy. She couldn't even cook for herself. "You are too kind! I will have to_
14 years ago
make it up to you!"
Cerise gives
14 years ago
him a shy smile and leads him inside. There's a chair by the door that she sits in, taking off her boots. She takes off her coat as well,
14 years ago
going through the motions in such a way that shows it's very obviously a routine, a process that she does the same way every time she return
14 years ago
-s home. "The only thing I ask of you is to encourage others to visit my small country."
14 years ago
watches her curiously before following suit. She took off the thick coat and hung it up on the rack, and then her shoes. She offers the_
14 years ago
girl a rather charismatic smile. "I think I can handle that much. My country thrives on tourism too you know. So I know a lot of little_
14 years ago
14 years ago
blushes lightly at that smile and suddenly feels shy again. The boy was really.. pretty. She gently places a hand on his arm. "Thank you for
14 years ago
that then... I hope that you like my cooking...." She can't quite look at him now, embarrassed. >///<
Seychelles was
14 years ago
enjoying this treatment, though she felt a bit bad at decieving her. But pretending to be someone else was fun. She wouldn't keep the_
14 years ago
charade up much longer. But until then...She took her hand and brought it up to kiss. "I am certain that I will like it." Until then, she_
14 years ago
wanted to continue to be the charismatic prince.
14 years ago
squeaks as her hand is so gently kissed and she clung to his hand. "O-Oh heavens..." she murmurs, covering her burning cheeks with her free
14 years ago
hand. She really was rather a romantic at heart and such gallant treatment... "D-do you have...any requests...?" >///<
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Non! As long as it does not involve coconuts, I am quite fine with anything you desire."
14 years ago
worries her lip for a moment and nods. "I shall, ah, figure it out then..." She reluctantly pulls her fingers back. "Follow me..." She
14 years ago
_turned and started down the hall, clutching the hand that had been kissed against her chest >///<
Seychelles is
14 years ago
grinning at her reaction. She was so innocent! "Right, after you~" She said and began to pad along behind her.
14 years ago
continues down the hallway, going a bit faster at the sound of his voice. It was oddly feminine but it was pretty. "A-ah... I have a
14 years ago
library... y-you could read while I cook.."
14 years ago
wasn't sure she would find any reading material she would like here. She preferred to keep busy. "Do you have any odd jobs I can do in_
14 years ago
exchange for letting me stay? I would feel guilty staying for nothing more than promoting a lovely country."
Cerise thinks
14 years ago
about that for a moment, adjusting her glasses. "W-Well there's a shelf that needs to be repaired.. it's too high for me to do it easily...
14 years ago
I-If you could repair it for me..." >///>
14 years ago
grins happily. She could do that! She couldn't cook, but she was handy with her hands. "Oui! Certainly!"
14 years ago
smiles a little and opens a door. "Here we are. The shelf just there, dearie. It would be very helpful..." She motions down the hall. "The
14 years ago
kitchen is down there. Please feel free to join me soon."
14 years ago
glances over at the drawer, before glancing back to the woman. "Got it! I'll have this done in a jiffy! So wait for me, oui?"
14 years ago
blushes and smiles at him, eyes lingering on his face for a moment too long before she turns on her heel. "I shall!" she responds softly
14 years ago
before hurrying off to cook.
14 years ago
takes off her hat once she was gone, finding it had been a little hot with it on. But she gets to work!
14 years ago
bustles around the kitchen in her pink and rather frilly apron, cooking stocafi- a sauce cooked cod that was her particular speciatly. She
14 years ago
hums as she works, feeling quite proud of herself today.
14 years ago
finishes fixing the shelf and makes her way into the kitchen. She had forgotten her hat.
14 years ago
cooks some veggies to go with the cod and turns when she hears the other enter. She pauses and blinks in surprise at her long hair. "Oh! I
14 years ago
didn't realize your hair was so long!" She takes a few steps closer, not quite realizing yet it was a girl. She reached out a hesitant hand,
14 years ago
about to touch her hair. "It's very pretty." She blushes lightly and smiles.
14 years ago
blinks a bit, before her face bursts into a fiery blush. Oh! She had forgotten her hat!! Wait...she...still thought...? "T-Thank you." She_
14 years ago
forced out, fidgetting a bit. She felt silly and not as confident now.
14 years ago
blinks again after a moment, leaning closer to study her face. "Oh! Dear heavens! You're a girl aren't you??" She pulled her hand back and
14 years ago
felt a bit foolish. "I should have realized. You're much too pretty to be a boy..." >///>
14 years ago
blushes DEEPLY. "Hehe...Uh, you caught me! Surprise!" She tried to play it off. She felt silly herself.
14 years ago
blinks in surprise at how red she is and giggles softly behind her hand. "I thought it queer I didn't recognize you before. You're
14 years ago
Seychelles aren't you? The little girl that always tracked sand with you when you were small?"
14 years ago
's eyes light up when she was recognized. Oh! Someone knew her! B-But oh what an embarrassing memory to recall! "O-Oui! That is me. Sorry_
14 years ago
to fool you. I got a little carried away in my game."
14 years ago
giggled again at this and her cheeks heated up. "Oh don't worry on that count. You were quite dashing, dearie. You look quite dapper in
14 years ago
those clothes, I must say."
14 years ago
found herself smiling now. "Was I convincing?"
14 years ago
blushes lightly. "Quite swept off my feet. You made a fine, strapping young gentleman." She glances away, embarrassed.
14 years ago
grins brightly before pulling up a chair. "Do you think Arthur or Francis would recognize me?"
14 years ago
taps her lip and shrugs. "They're both easily distracted in my opinion. Perhaps you could manage it."
14 years ago
smiles happily, seeming to be quite cheery. "I think so too. It would be fun..." She glances back at Monaco. "Really, thank you for letting_
14 years ago
me stay."
14 years ago
blushes lightly as she serves Seychelles a plate, and she smiles. "If you'd like, I have nightgowns that would fit you. It would be nice to
14 years ago
be in something more suited for sleeping right?"
14 years ago
didn't normally sleep in nightgowns, but since this was another person's house, she accepted. "Sure, thank you!" She eyes the food with a_
14 years ago
starved look. "This looks so great!"
14 years ago
looks proud of herself. "I have dessert for you as well." She set her own plate down before gracefully settling into her own chair. "I'm
14 years ago
quite happy for your company.
14 years ago
waits for Monaco to get her plate and join her before she dug in. "I really like it here, and you're really nice. I am sad to say I don't_
14 years ago
know you that well!" She had to fix this.
14 years ago
tilts her head and gives her a warm smile. "I've quite enjoyed having you here. You're quite welcome to visit again of course."
14 years ago
beams brightly at her. "I would love that! It's nice to meet you...erm. Officially. I am Seychelles...but you can call me Victoria~"
14 years ago
smiled at her and she leaned over to give her a kiss on each cheek, the only sort of contact she felt comfortable initiating since the
14 years ago
French bises were so common. She pulls back to eat, blushing lightly and happily. "It's a pleasure Victoria dear."
14 years ago
cheeks tinge pink at the gesture, but returned it. "It's a pleasure, yes. I shall have to visit you more...
14 years ago
14 years ago
sits back and starts too eat, blushing and squirming now. She still thought the other girl was rather fetching in those clothes but the
14 years ago
thought seemed almost lewd so she tried to hide her thoughts and eat. "I-I'm glad I ran into you today... Why were you in disguise, if I may
14 years ago
be so bold as to inquire?"
14 years ago
begins to devour her food the moment Monaco started to eat. She made sure to swallow before speaking. "I found some of Arthur's old clothes_
14 years ago
and I wanted to see if I could get away with fooling Francis."
14 years ago
giggled behind her handkerchief, very prim especially while eating. "Oh is that the goal? I dare say you could pull a fancy trick on him
14 years ago
like that." She blushed a little. "Seems almost a shame to hide your girlish figure. I wonder what you'd look like in make up..." She looked
14 years ago
a bit embarrassed and amended. "Not that you actually *need* it. Make up is just something I'm interested it..." >///<
14 years ago
flushes a bit at her words. "Though the true goal was to get him to cook for me..." She wasn't sure how to react to the make up. "M-Make up_
14 years ago
?" She had never used it before. "W-Well if you want to try you can.."
14 years ago
glances up and laughs. "Oh that was the aim? You managed to get a meal all the same." She leans closer to her and takes her chin in hand. "I
14 years ago
shall have to find some thing in the right color... Your skin is already such a lovely tone it's just a matter of finding something to
14 years ago
enhance the natural beauty of it."
Seychelles was
14 years ago
indeed happy that she had gotten a good meal. She was so terrible at cooking... "Ah!" She was a bit surprised when her chin was grabbed, _
14 years ago
feeling a little embarassed now that she was being examined so closely. She wasn't used to being complimented. "T-Thank you."
14 years ago
suddenly realizes how rude she must seem and releases her, sitting back. "F-forgive my forwardness. I just had the vision of a sort of girls
14 years ago
day out, if you will. I'm sure that you'd be quite fetching in something more suited to your form." She thinks she must sound embarrassingly
14 years ago
girly and perhaps even pretentious and she looks away.
Seychelles is
14 years ago
used to a more simple way of living. She thinks this could be fun though. It was unusual! "Oh no! It is fine! Do what you will!" She grins._
14 years ago
"I am just not used to this sort of thing is all."
14 years ago
glances up and continues to eat for another moment. "I have recently been more interested in cosmetics and that sort of thing." She smiles
14 years ago
and shrugs. "You'd have to do nothing that you wouldn't enjoy of course."
14 years ago
pokes at her food before speaking. "I'm sort of a tomboy, if that was not obvious. So...I would like to try it."
14 years ago
smiles a little. "I rather admire your spirit. There's nothing wrong with being a tomboy at all dearie." She looks down at her food again
14 years ago
and hums happily. "I'd be sure to make it enjoyable for you."
Seychelles wonders
14 years ago
what she means, but decides to trust her. "You have me sold~!"
14 years ago
smiles proudly as she finishes off her own meal. "Oh! Good then." She toys with the end of her braid again.
14 years ago
finishes off the rest of her food with a happy hum. "So shall we go out in the morning?"
14 years ago
nods and taps her lip. "Yes! That's the best time for shopping I think." She rose to clear the table.
14 years ago
rose up too and began to help. She wanted to feel useful! "Agreed! I am really happy..." She blushed a bit. "U-Um! Thanks!"
14 years ago
smiled at the help and realized that she ate with her apron still on. This made her feel a bit silly but she was quite soon distracted by
14 years ago
the color in Seychelles cheek. Even though she knew that she was a girl now, she still found the girl terribly pretty. "No need for thanks.
14 years ago
I've quite enjoyed our meeting..."
14 years ago
had a happy bounce in her step as she moved over to help wash dishes. "Me too! It's always nice to meet new people...I have been looking_
14 years ago
for more friends, so this was really great..."
14 years ago
washed the dishes by hand, letting Seychelles fall in next to her and rinse. "O-oh, I hope that we can become fast friends then... You're
14 years ago
very much different than a lot of people I know... It's refreshing."
14 years ago
grinned a bit, rinsing the dishes as they came. "Ah, me? I'm nothing but a country girl. I don't leave my island much..."
Cerise thinks
14 years ago
about this for a moment. "There's nothing wrong with that though. Your country must be beautiful." she smiles.
14 years ago
eyes shine. She loved her island! She just wished it was closer to people she cared about. "It is! I love walking on the's_
14 years ago
always pleasantly warm~"
14 years ago
smiles a little at this and taps her lip. "I've never been to your home, though I remember Francis talking about it. I'd like to see it one
14 years ago
Seychelles loves
14 years ago
the sound of this idea. "You are welcome any time! I think you would like's very tropical!"
14 years ago
touches a hand to her pale cheeks. "I'll have to bring sun block," she says fretfully. "I'd hate to burn..." ><
14 years ago
laughs a little and nods. "I'll stock up on lots for you if you alert me of your coming." She really didn't need it, but it never hurt to_
14 years ago
have some for guests.
14 years ago
smiles a little at this. "Oh that would be just lovely, thank you." she replies as she hands her the finally dish. She wipes her hands dry
14 years ago
on the bottom of her apron before moving to hang it up.
14 years ago
dries her own hands, before stretching and yawning. "The least I can do for everything you've done~"
14 years ago
blushes a little. "I truly haven't done much out of the way at all...Really..."
14 years ago
smiles happily, taking her hands and holding them warmly. "You've been really kind! That's enough for me!"
14 years ago
blushes darker at the hands holding hers but clings back, liking the warm touch. "O-oh n-no.. Really, this is the least I could do for so
14 years ago
gallant a gentleman." She's trying to tease a little but gets embarrassed at herself and glances away.
14 years ago
expression perked up and she laughed, bringing the hands back up to kiss. "It was my pleasure to meet such a lovely Lady!"
14 years ago
blushes darkly at this and worries her lip at this, eyes closing in her embarrassment, unable to watch as those lips gently touch her
14 years ago
knuckles. "O-oh I-I'm not... I mean..." She's too flustered now to concentrate on her words. >///<
14 years ago
giggles a bit, realizing that she was easily flustered. "It was still a pleasure. I enjoyed being here very much tonight."
14 years ago
peeks at her. "Oh t-that's good. L-let's go get you a bath drawn and some night things to change i-into shall we?" She's very badly trying
14 years ago
to change the subject, embarrassed.
14 years ago
can tell and simply nods her head. "Thank you, that sounds lovely!"
14 years ago
blushes and bustles past her quickly, trying to get her silly blush to fade. She moves down the hallway, tugging fretfully at the bow in her
14 years ago
14 years ago
chuckles a bit at how she was reacting and follows along. She wondered if she could fluster her more...Hmmm.
14 years ago
leads the girl into her bedroom to get her a change of clothes, happy that the rummaging kept her distracted. The nightgown is a frilly
14 years ago
girlish thing, and she's almost embarrassed to hand it to the other girl. >//>
14 years ago
takes the gown, eyes shining. Wow! She could really wear this? It looked expensive! "Wow, thank you! It's pretty!"
14 years ago
smiles in relief and nods. "If you'd like to change, my private bathroom is just through there." She motions to the door. "You'll have
14 years ago
privacy..." She sits down at her vanity to pull the ribbon out and brush her hair.
Seychelles thinks
14 years ago
for a moment, grinning widely as she thought of a way to fluster her. "I will take a bath if that's okay. Would you help me wash my back?"
14 years ago
startles a little and looks up at her, blue eyes a bit wide. "I-Is that the custom at your home...?" she asks, not wanting to insult her.
14 years ago
covers her mouth to laugh a little. "Not exactly, but it happens occassionally between friends."
14 years ago
blushes a little. "O-Oh... um. If you'd like I could d-do that for you..." She squirms a little and toys with her hair.
14 years ago
claps delightedly and moves towards the bathroom. "Why thank you!" This would be fun.
14 years ago
stands and walks after her, blushing darkly. "...y-you're welcome..." she was terribly red already and nothing untoward as even happening
14 years ago
14 years ago
stepped into the bathroom, marvelling at how large it was. Ah, her house was so quaint compared! She would enjoy this bath. She moves over_
14 years ago
to start the water, humming lightly.
14 years ago
stands awkwardly by the door, rolling up her sleeves so that she won't get then wet. >///>
14 years ago
keeps her back to her as she takes off the clothes and slips into the bubbly water. "Oooh, this is really nice after a day of travel!"
14 years ago
tries not to watch as she strips her clothes off, though she does catch a tantalizing look at her smooth skin before she hides her eyes. "Oh
14 years ago
I-I'm glad you f-feel better then...?"
14 years ago
dips down into the water so that her hair was wet before glancing back at the other with bubbles all over her hair. "Yes, thank you~"
14 years ago
glances over at her for a brief moment, turns a darker shade of red, and looks away again. "Y-yes... j-just tell me if you need anything..."
14 years ago
grins at her. "Weren't you going to help me with my back?"
Cerise gives
14 years ago
a nod, takes a few steps closer, and pauses. "Would you like that now then...?" she wrings her hands, face red.
13 years ago
nods~ "Sure, let's get that over with!"
13 years ago
comes over with a hint of reluctance but kneels down. She takes the soap and a rag and begins to gently wash her skin. Her face is vividly
13 years ago
red and she's not even going to attempt to speak.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
trying not to giggle at how red she was. It was adorable. "So do you gamble much?"
13 years ago
chews on her lip for a moment, fingers pausing on her shoulder blades. "O-o-oh... maybe a little more than I ought but u-uhm..." Gambling.
13 years ago
One of the few other of her pasttimes that embarrasses her to admit to >///>
Seychelles is
13 years ago
still smiling and gives a small 'Hm.' "Well it looks interesting. Will you take me with you one day?"
13 years ago
fumbles and almost drops the soap. "I-If you'd like... I'd c-certainly do that..."
13 years ago
can't help the snickers. "Of course. Though I might have to call it quits early when I start losing."
13 years ago
smiles at this, giving into a bit of temptation and touching the girl's lovely hair. "Oh, w-well I'm rather adept. I could help you."
13 years ago
shivered a little when her hair was touched. Ah, that felt so nice. "That would be a lot of help, thanks."
13 years ago
blinks when she shivers and smiles a little, fingers moving back do her skin. She was trying not to look at the bare skin, though obviously
13 years ago
she couldn't not look at this range. "A-ah, no problem, dearie. L-lean forward a bit..."
13 years ago
follows the orders and leans forward some, pulling her hair out of the way. "I know it sounds silly, me thanking you so much. But really,_
13 years ago
this is very nice of you."
13 years ago
flushes lightly at the thanking and scrubs her skin gently. She's smiling now, proud, "Oh, d-don't thank me. I've enjoyed your company." She
13 years ago
pauses for a moment. "Y-your skin is very pretty, i-if it is alright for me to say as much dearie."
13 years ago
blinks at the compliment, a faint blush rising to her cheeks. She would just explain it as being the heat's fault. "Perfectly fine! But you_
13 years ago
have really gorgeous skin too..."
13 years ago
blushes at this and shakes her head, a hand coming up to touch her cheek. "Oh... perhaps. I-I like yours better though." >///<
13 years ago
can't help but think she is cute. She got flustered so easily! "Mm, let's call it a draw~"
13 years ago
nods a little and slides her hands down Seychelles' back to make sure she'd rinsed her skin clean. She fidgets a little chews her lip. "A
13 years ago
d-draw it is then..."
Seychelles is
13 years ago
happy, but all good things have to come to an end. She yawns and stretches a little. "Where is the towels?"
13 years ago
stands, averting her eyes when she realizes that she's watching the girl stretch. "I'll get you one..." She murmurs, moving to
13 years ago
get a towel from the linen closet and bring it back to her.
13 years ago
stands up, seemingly not embarrassed at all and reaches for the towel.
13 years ago
gets an eyeful of the girl's body before she moves forward, staring in surprise before wrapping the towel around her. Her face is on fire
13 years ago
now and she takes several steps back to try and catch her composure again. Seychelles really was a very beautiful girl. "A-ah... if you'd
13 years ago
like I-I can brush your hair for you...When you're done drying off I mean...
13 years ago
13 years ago
blinks when the plush towel is wrapped around her, smiling brightly as she snuggled into it. She steps out of the bath, snuggled up to the_
13 years ago
towel. "Oh? That sounds nice~ I could return the favor~:
13 years ago
13 years ago
continues to stare at her, cheeks smoldering, and tugs at the end of her braid. "I-If you'd like. I-I'll let you get dressed then..." She
13 years ago
turns on her heel and hurries from the room, feeling somehow vulgar for staring >///>
13 years ago
grins wide once she was gone. She should feel guilty for purposely flustering her, but she really didn't. She...enjoyed the attention. She_
13 years ago
decides to hurry and dress so she could return to her side.
13 years ago
dithers near the vanity, wiggling quickly out of her clothes to try and get changed into her own nightgown before the other girl came back
13 years ago
out. >///>
13 years ago
pulls the door open and enters in the middle of Monaco changing. Her hands slapped over her eyes. OH DEAR.
13 years ago
cries out in distress when she realizes that Seychelles has entered and she jerks the nightgown down, but stumbles over her vanity stool and
13 years ago
falls onto the carpet.
13 years ago
hears the cry and the 'thump!' and quickly uncovered her eyes to see what happened. Worry over came her and she ran to the other girl's_
13 years ago
side! "A-are you all right!?"
13 years ago
flushes at the attention and tries to straighten her skirt which his twisted somewhat around her thighs now. She brings up a hand to steady
13 years ago
herself on Seychelles arm as she tried to stand back up and regain her dignity. "I-I'm fine. Just a bit of a tumble."
13 years ago
's eyes are wide. That looked like it had hurt! "Are you certain?" She asks, helping the other up. She was in a little shock. S-She had_
13 years ago
seen her panties. >//<
13 years ago
nods her head quickly, getting her nightgown straight. She clings to Seychelles with one hand while she adjusts her glasses with the other,
13 years ago
"I'm q-quite alright dearie. D-don't m-mind me..." >///<
13 years ago
helps her over to the bed, worried she might've bruised herself. "I didn't know, I apologize."
13 years ago
blushes worse and shakes her head. "I-I should've warned you I was changing, dearie. Do not fret too much." She lightly kisses her cheek to
13 years ago
show her thanks for helping her to the bed.
13 years ago
smiles at the kiss before stepping back to show off her own night gown. "What do you think?" She figured changing the subject off the_
13 years ago
tumble would make her feel better.
13 years ago
covers her mouth daintily with her hand and giggles a bit as she twirls, loving how the light material looked on her dark skin. "I-It's
13 years ago
lovely on you."
13 years ago
grins and leans forward happily. "Thank you for letting me wear it. I don't get to wear anything this pretty often~"
13 years ago
blushes when she leans closer again and shakes her head. "Y-Your welcome dearie. W-would you like me to brush your hair for you?"
13 years ago
seemed to have forgotten about that, it was clear in her expression. "Oh! Oui! Please!"
13 years ago
flushes lightly and stands again, feeling perfectly fine now that her heart wasn't about to pound out of her chest. She motions for her to
13 years ago
sit on the vanity stool. "If you would sit please..."
13 years ago
practically pranced over to the chair and plopped down, awaiting the princess treatment.
13 years ago
smiles affectionately at the way she prances and she comes to stand behind her, picking up her brush and pulling it through her hair. She
13 years ago
gently works the tangles out of it, smiling a little to herself at being able to play with the girl's lovely hair.
13 years ago
hums in delight at this. It felt nice to have someone brush her hair like this. "This brings back memories..." Though she personally liked_
13 years ago
this new memory more.
13 years ago
smiles a little at this. "Oh, memories? I think it's always agreeable to have one's hair brushed."
13 years ago
smiles cheerfully at that. "Yeah, it's nice espcecially when you have long hair like we do~"
13 years ago
nods to this and has most of the tangles out of her hair now but isn't quite ready to stop. "I agree! Should I braid it for you...?"
Seychelles is
13 years ago
okay with this treatment. "If you would like to then, thanks~"
13 years ago
smiles and blushes lightly as she puts the brush down to pull her fingers through Seychelles' hair. "I'd like that, yes..." She starts to
13 years ago
braid it gently, face heating up just a little more as she admires her hair. >//<
13 years ago
watches her from the mirror, smiling widely at the blush she can tell is on the other woman's face. "You are very..." What was the word?
13 years ago
glances up and meets her gaze in the mirror, flushing darker at her smile. "I-I'm very what dearie...?"
Seychelles thinks
13 years ago
for a moment longer before speaking. "Girly. It's very cute."
13 years ago
bites her lip for a moment, as she reaches over Sey's shoulder for a ribbon to tie at the bottom of her hair. "O-oh... W-well cute is
13 years ago
a-acceptable... as long as it isn't odd."
13 years ago
would shake her head if she hadn't been braiding it. "It's not odd at all! It's refreshing actually."
13 years ago
blushes worse as she ties the ribbon into her hair to hold the braid. "O-oh... th-thank you then..." >///<
13 years ago
stands up once her hair was done, motioning for Monaco to sit now.
13 years ago
sits down, fidgeting a bit and feeling self-conscious. She looks down at her hands which she folds primly on her lap.
13 years ago
starts to unbraid Monaco's hair, humming a small tune as she did so. She had such silky hair! >w<
13 years ago
blushes when she feels the hair being worked loose, glancing up to watch Seychelles in the mirror. SHe smiles at the soft tune, looking down
13 years ago
at her fingers again and relaxed, letting herself enjoy the experience.
13 years ago
starts to brush her hair once it was loose, admiring it happily. "Your hair is so tame. I bet you can do lot's with it."
Cerise thinks
13 years ago
about that and laces her fingers together. ".. oh, perhaps... I usually just braid it though. I haven't tried a great array of hairstyles."
Seychelles thinks
13 years ago
about different ways to do her hair, and keeps trying different things now. "A-Ah! It would really do this. How lucky!"
13 years ago
flushes, even the back of her neck a bit red from where she could feel the other girl's fingers brush her skin as she tried different things
13 years ago
with her hair. "A-ah... that looks nice actually... " >///<
13 years ago
lets her hair fall back down with a small giggle and returns to brushing it. "I think anything would suit you though."
13 years ago
looks down at her fingers. "I wish it would look more regal... I'd like to look like a grand duchess... but something's not quite right for
13 years ago
it too look properly...."
13 years ago
blinks at that. Ahhh, she wanted to be like a princess. ;w; "I could try and help, though I am not that good at doing hair."
13 years ago
glances up at her. "Oh, would you be so kind...? I'm not sure.. how to make it more regal myself..." She thinks she always tends to look too
13 years ago
girlish... ><
Seychelles will
13 years ago
try and do something tomorrow. She has some ideas. "I would love to try~" Experiment rather.
Cerise gives
13 years ago
a shy smile. "that sounds really nice..." She fidgets in her seat, looking rather happy.
13 years ago
sets the brush down, happy that she made Monaco happy. "All done!"
13 years ago
finally stands and touches her shoulder. "Would you like me to show you to the extra bedroom now? You would probably like your privacy now
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods a little, stretching. "Oui, that would be nice thank you."
13 years ago
leads her to the extra bedroom, a bit down the hall. "Here you are dearie. I hope it suits your taste."
Seychelles is
13 years ago
amazed, yet again. Everything was so lovely and beautiful. ;w; "T-Thank you! I love it, I am excited!"
13 years ago
smiles at this and touches her shoulder. "If you need anything of course, you can come to my room and I'll assist you."
13 years ago
smiles at that and nods happily. "Thank you very much, I shall keep that in mind. I think I shall be comfortable though."
13 years ago
lightly kisses her cheek, face heating up as she steps back. "Sleep well, sweetie.."
13 years ago
tugs her hand up and kisses it again since she kept running away before she could return the cheek kisses. "Oui, sweet dreams to you~"
13 years ago
blushes bright at the kiss to her hand, thinking it almost more embarrassing than having her cheek kissed because of the romantic import to
13 years ago
the gesture. "O-oh thank you dearie..." she mumbles before turning and hurrying back toward her room. ><
13 years ago
chuckles and shuts the door, before plopping in her bed. It was a bit cold in here..
13 years ago
slides into her own bed, cheeks still warm from embarrassment. She's rather happy though.
13 years ago
ends up slipping into Monaco's bed in the middle of the night. She hoped she didn't mind, but she was freezing.
13 years ago
stirs when the girl slides into bed with her and blushes a little. She also realizes how cold the poor dear is and pulls her close, rubbing
13 years ago
at her arms to warm her up.
13 years ago
blushes at this but snuggles up to her, enjoying the warmth she was providing.
13 years ago
smiles sleepily and kisses her hair, not quite awake. "'re soft..." she murmurs gently.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
bright red at this. She hoped that in the morning, the other girl wouldn't be unhappy. But never the less, she snuggled a bit closer and_
13 years ago
closed her eyes. It was nice having someone to sleep next to. "Good night..." She says softly.
13 years ago
smiles and murmurs, "Bonne nuit, ma chérie." before settling against her and falling back asleep. She wouldn't be angry but she's probably
13 years ago
be terribly embarrassed.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
content with her position and easily finds herself falling asleep now that she was warm.
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